A new Princess

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

It has been a few months now, Jasper's mate had to be turned when she was shot and was losing too much blood

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It has been a few months now, Jasper's mate had to be turned when she was shot and was losing too much blood. Amara was able to stop the bleeding but only long enough for the venom to take effect. Rosalie and Emmett found that they liked living with the Volturi, and how they were like a real family when outsiders weren't around. Edward and Ashlynn joined us. Edward is still thinking about whether they want to join or not. Damon is growing like crazy. Amara is due any day now with our little girl.

Bella has been trying to contact me and Edward on a daily basis. Texting, calling, leaving voice messages. Stating that she is sorry and she wants to talk with us face to face. I laugh them off as Edward just growls and deletes them. I decided that I would go and that Madison would come with me. She said she wanted to meet the little girl that was after her grandchildren. I thought it was a good idea since Alice would more than likely be there with her.

We were meeting up with them in New York. Aro sent us with a few guards as backup. Which was good because not only was it Bella and Alice but Carlisle and Esme were there as well. We walked up to them as the other guards stayed in the shadows.

"Tyler, you came!" Bella says all smiles as she looks around.

"Edward isn't coming! But I did bring Madison, Amara's mother!" I say looking over at Carlisle and Esme. "I thought she had a right to see the people who took her daughter away from her." I say as Carlisle and Esme look scared.

"We are sorry!" Esme says as Madison scoffs at her.

"No you are not. But you will be!" Madison says with a sweet smile. I laugh as Carlisle and Esme step back. "Don't bother running." Madison says producing a fireball.

"We know Amara is having a girl. Just hand her over to us and we will be on our way." Alice says, making me and Madison laugh.

"That will never happen!" Madison says with a growl. "You will never come anywhere near my granddaughter." Madison hisses out. I nod my head in agreement. Alice looks scared as she backs up. Bella glares at Madison.

"Why didn't Edward come with you?" Bella asks as Madison and I laugh at her.

"He is with his mate in Italy. And he asked me to tell you to leave him alone and that he doesn't want to be with you or talk to you anymore." I say, making Bella scoff at me and roll her eyes.

"Where is Jasper?" Alice asks, making me smile at her.

"With his newly turned mate. His true mate!" Madison says as she walks behind Bella and the rest of the olympic coven. Alice looks confused.

"I heard she died!" Alice says with a smug smirk.

"Amara was able to stop the bleeding long enough for his venom to take effect." Madison says as I smile as Alice pouts. "I find it funny that all four of you think you are entitled to things that were never yours in the first place." Madison says as Bella scoffs at her. "Take Bella here. She thinks that she is better than Tyler. But I see nothing special about her. She also thinks that Edward is her's but he has a mate. I mean Alice is to blame for that. Giving her false hope that they would actually be together." Madison says with a smile as she faces Bella.

"Please! I am better than him." Bella says as Madison laughs.

"How so?" Madison asks as Bella just looks at her confused. "How are you Better than him? And Please don't say because my mother told me so or my mother picked me over him. Because that doesn't make you better, it just makes your mother a poor excuse of a mother." Madison says with a smile as Bella opens and closes her mouth.

"Got nothing to say, do ya Bella!" I say with a smile as Bella glares at me.

Three days after Tyler and my mom got back from New York I gave birth to the newest little princess Venessa Marie

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Three days after Tyler and my mom got back from New York I gave birth to the newest little princess Venessa Marie. She is just the prettiest little thing. Damon is not sure what to think about his baby sister. He doesn't like it when she cries. Tyler and I find it funny that when she does he runs out of the room screaming he didn't do it.

It has now been just over two weeks since Venessa was born. We were asked to come to the throne room with both of our children. I was not happy when we walked in and saw The Olympic coven and Bella. Bella looked at our daughter like she was a monster. I growled as did Tyler and my mom. Damon ran and sat on Caius' lap as I walked behind Aro. Tyler joined my Father and Emmett along with the other guard members.

"Now how can we help you?" Aro asks not taking his eyes off of the four in front of him.

"We want the baby's blood!" Esme says in a flat tone.

"And you all call us monsters!" Caius says as he moves Damon to sit in his chair. Jane walks up and stands in front of Damon. "That will not be happening." Caius says with a hiss.

"I agree with Caius. We will not be letting you have anything from Amara or the children." Marcus says from his throne.

"She could be the answer to us being able to have children of our own." Carlisle says, making Aro shake his head.

"You don't get it." Aro says. "You stole Amara from her real family. Luckily there were two that truly cared for her. But you never asked if she wanted to help you." Aro says, still shaking his head. "We have talked with Amara and Tyler and once the princess is old enough to understand and willing to give her blood then we will see if it is possible for that to happen. But until then you will not be getting any closer to Amara and the children." Aro says making Carlisle and Esme upset.

"So she is willing to help you but not us." Esme says with a scoff.

"That's the thing... We asked her if she was willing to try and see what would happen. It was her request to wait until the princess was older and could understand what was being asked of her." Caius says. "Now we all think that is a reasonable request. Giving her the right to choose what happens with her body." Caius says with a smile Bella takes a step back.

"Now why is the human here?" Aro asks as Bella looks scared for her life. Carlisle and Esme look at each other and then back at Aro. Just as Jasper and his mate walk in.

"Sorry we are late, we had a little bit of a scene to clean up." Jasper said as he walked over to me and his mate walked over to Alec and Jane.

"You haven't missed much Major!" Aro says, giving him a small smile.

"Jasper, we need to talk!" Alice says, giving Jasper a sweet smile.

"We have nothing to talk about. I have my real mate and there is nothing you can say to fix what you all did to the rest of us." Jasper says before kissing Venessa's head.

"No but if you would let us explain why we did it then maybe you would understand." Bella says earning growls from everyone in the Volturi coven.

"OK! Bella, please tell us!" Tyler says moving in front of Bella. I smile as I know he really wants to know why she has always had it out for him. Bella looks at him confused before she looks at Alice. "Come on Bella, please explain why you did what you did! I am asking you to explain your part in all of this." Tyler says, getting annoyed with his twin sister.

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