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Laying in bed with Tyler's body wrapped around me

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Laying in bed with Tyler's body wrapped around me. I know we need to get up and get ready for graduation but I don't want to move and even though I know he is not sleeping I know he's not ready to get up just yet. I feel his hand start to rub my belly, letting me know that he knows I am awake. I sigh and roll over to face him, looking into his golden eyes and smiling at him when I feel our baby kick for the first time.

"WOW!" I say giggling as our baby kicks again. I grab Tyler's hand and place it back on my stomach for him to feel our unborn child. Once the baby kicks again Tyler is smiling from ear to ear. He slowly moves down to my stomach and places a kiss on it.

"I love you my little one." He said, placing another kiss on my belly. "I love you my Queen!" He says move back up and kisses me.

"As I love you my king." I say against his lips.

"Amara... Tyler, it is time to get out of bed." Mom yells through the door. We both sigh as we know we now have to.

"Shower with me?" Tyler asks as he gets out of bed. Biting my lip as I look at him in all his naked glory. I hear Tyler chuckle at me. Looking up at him with lust in my eye. "Just shower... If we are late your mom will kill us." Tyler says as I groan, knowing that he is right. I sometimes wish me and Tyler still lived at the house in Forks.

Arriving at the school for the graduation ceremony, when I see my dad and Bella walking over to me

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Arriving at the school for the graduation ceremony, when I see my dad and Bella walking over to me. Amara had to use the bathroom so Rosalie and Ashlynn went with her. "Tyler, I am so proud of you!" My father says pulling me into a hug.

"Thanks dad!" I say glaring at Bella. I hear my dad sigh as he looks between us.

"Can we not today? It is a happy day." Dad says as he looks at me and Bella.

"Dad as much as I love you... I hate her." I say walking away from them both.

"I don't understand what I did to make him hate me so much?" I hear Bella say acting like she is sad.

"Well it doesn't help that you keep stalking and harassing his girlfriend on a daily basis." I hear my dad say walking away from her. I turn to look at Bella and she is standing there like a fish. Her mouth opened and closed, nothing but air coming out. I watch as she puts her head down and walks into the gym. I walk into the gym with Amara tucked under my arm. Getting in line so we could be seated and start the ceremony. To my annoyance Bella comes and stands next to me.

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