The Battle

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

After Amara left the Kitchen, I turned to Bella and glared at her

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After Amara left the Kitchen, I turned to Bella and glared at her. How I hate her for all she has done not only to me and my mate but to our families as well. I was pissed that my mate and child were in danger all because of her and her need to be everyone's number one. "When this is over with, I never want to see you again. You stay away from me, my mate and our family." I say with so much anger in my voice. She looks at me shocked that I am pushing her away once and for all.

"Tyler the Volturi want me dead or turned. I don't want to die without being bitten first. I deserve to be just like you. Since we are twins." She says looking at me like she is going to cry.

"I also want you dead! And I could care less if we are twins. I have no love for you. You are nothing to me. You are not my family!" I say, making her flinch back from me. "After everything you have done to me, Amara and this family, not to mention the pack... You don't deserve to be one of us you never have. All you are is trouble." I say as she looks at me scared. Good she should be. Amara walks back in with Ashlynn; they both smile at me and don't pay any attention to Bella. Earning a glare from her.

"It's time to go!" Ashlynn says now glaring at Bella. I hear Bella scoff as she stands up from the table and walks past us.

Once we are at the field Bella puts her scent around so it will draw the newborns right to us. It was about the only thing she was good for. Amara is already where she needs to be with Edward, Ash and Seth. I watch as Jake picks her up and carries her away from us. I see the pack covering her scent so the newborns won't follow it. As they didn't want anyone else to be caught in this mess. So now we wait. We wait for an army that is wanting Bella dead. I should let them have her. But I can't do that to my father. No matter how much I hated her. It would be hard enough on him when I leave and take his grandchild away from him. I also knew they wouldn't stop at Bella. All of Forks and La Push would be in danger.

I sit with Seth and give him some of the snacks I have brought with me

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I sit with Seth and give him some of the snacks I have brought with me. From what Edward said, Sam, Paul and Jared made it very clear that he was here as backup and to protect me in case the newborns got past them. After a little while Jake and Bella show up. Both me and Seth rolled our eyes at them as I tried to throw grapes into his mouth. I can see a change in Jake. I'm just not sure what it is just yet. He didn't look happy. He looked regretful. But what about?

"So who is protecting Bella?" He asks, looking at all of us. I giggle as no one is answering him.

"Edward and Amara are protecting me!" She says with a glare at me and Edward. Jake releases a small growl. I look at him funny. But he wasn't growling at Edward, it was at Bella.

"Sorry Bella, I have more important people to protect." I said with a sweet smile. Bella looks at me shocked. Jake gives me a small but sad smile. As I had made it clear to them that I would not be protecting her over my family and the pack. They were the ones that deserved my protection, not her.

"And who is more important than me?" She asks, looking at me confused and hurt. We all roll our eyes at her.

"The pack and my family are! They are the ones after all putting their lives on the line for some stupid whore!" I say with a cold voice. This bitch thinks she is more important than the people that are fighting for her. She looks at me hurt as I give her a smug smirk.

"Seth is here so we are connected to the pack and I am here so Amara knows who needs help. Ashlynn is here to make sure Amara is unharmed." Edward tells both her and Jake. Jake nods his head and walks over to me. He was about to say something but was stopped by Bella.

"So no one is here to make sure nothing happens to me?" She yells at us and I start to laugh as Jake rolls his eyes at her.

"Bella, what more do you want? You have Jake and the pack fighting to save your life as well as my family. I personally don't think you deserve any of this. If you hadn't focused yourself on to my family none of this would have happened. But your need to be better than Tyler got the better of you." I say looking at her confused. "And by the way you will never be better than your brother." I hissed at her, making her glare at me.

"What more do I want? I will tell you what I want. For you, Tyler, your bastard of a child and this bitch to be gone and for Edward to treat me like his mate. That I know I am. For the Cullen's to treat me like the queen I am and for the pack to bow down to me because I am better than them." She yells out at all of us stopping at Jake who is looking at her in disgust and anger. "Jake, that's not what I meant to say." She says walking over to Jake as he steps back from her. Seth growled and I knew the pack all heard what she had just said.

"No! I think that is what you meant to say and I think that is how you really feel. I just wish I had seen you for who you truly are." Jake says, walking away from her. I smile as he is finally seeing her for what she really is. Nothing!

"When true colors show you lose everything you think belongs to you and everyone sees you for who you truly are." I say to her as she just glares at me. "Jake, you should go. The battle will be starting soon." I tell him as he nods his head at me and turns to walk away. Bella ran after him trying to apologize to him. After a few minutes Bella returns and sits by herself.

"The battle has started!" Edward says looking over at me. I hold my breath hoping that I will not be needed. "Amara, get ready you may be needed." Edward says, looking at me. "Quil needs you now!" He says and in a flash I am at Quil's side.

"Hello boys! Bye boys!" I say placing my arms around Quil and moving him away from them. Tyler comes up to me and kisses me before I go back to Ash and Edward. I stand next to Ash as Bella walks up to me with what I can only guess is a sweet smile. But for her it looks evil. I place my hands over my growing stomach to protect my baby.

"Bella, you need to back up, now!" Ashlynn says moving in front of me. She is wearing a look that could kill Bella. I know that if it comes to it Ashlynn will do just that.

"I am not going to hurt her! I just wanted to talk." Bella says, sending a glare to Ashlynn. Ashlynn scoffs at her.

"Like you didn't kill your brother and... the sky is purple and it rains blood!" She says with a hiss. Bella backs away from us and sits next to Seth who moves away from her slowly. Edward walks over to us and puts an arm around Ash pulling her closer to him. I smile at the two mates. I watch as Edward sighs and looks over to our left.

"Victoria is here and she is not alone." He says as Ashlynn pulls me behind her. Ashlynn pulls me into her arms as Bella runs and tries to hide behind us. But is quickly pushed away. I looked around trying to figure out which way they were coming. It didn't help that we were in the middle of the woods. But I couldn't figure it out. It was like they were coming from every direction. Ashylnn shhed me as I started to breathe a little faster. Edward wrapped his arm around me trying to get me to calm down. It worked a little before Edward and Ashlynn tried to block me from View.

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