Summer Time

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

It has been five and a half weeks since prom, Bella has been over everyday to be with Edward or so she says

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It has been five and a half weeks since prom, Bella has been over everyday to be with Edward or so she says. I have stopped talking to him and refuse to be in the same room as him even when she is not here. Mom and dad have graduated from high school again. They are on a mini honeymoon right now. But I wish they were home with me.

I feel like Alice is giving her a chance at being part of our family, and I don't like it. I am currently watching a movie in the living room by myself when they walk in. As soon as they sit down I move to get up and grab my move to go upstairs and away from them.

"You don't have to leave... We just wanted to watch the movie with you." Edward says in a really nice tone. God, how I wish Tyler was here instead of at football camp. I turn to them with a glare.

"Now! Why would I want to watch a movie with a bitch that I can't stand and you the dumbass that is letting her ruin our family?" I ask with venom in my voice. Bella looks down at her hands and Edward just sighs at me.

"Amara... Please..." Edward says, looking at me with sadness in his eyes. I sigh and leave the living room and head upstairs to my room. Getting into my room and starting the movie over and laying in my bed. Three more days and Tyler will be home and here with me. I can make it three more days. I think to myself, hoping that I can make it three more days. Mom and dad don't come back for another week.

"Amara?" I hear through my bedroom door. Ever since Bella's been over I have been locking my door whenever I am in it or not. I don't need her going through my things. Stupid Edward had to go against his word and keep talking to her, like she is his mate or something. I stand up and open my door.

"What do you want Bella?" I say with annoyance in my voice.

"I wanted to say... That I am sorry for how I have acted, with trying to break up you and my brother. And I want to see if maybe you would want to hang out with me sometime... Maybe even do a double date?" Bella says/asks with a small smile. I look at her in disbelief.

"I don't know what game you are trying to play... But I don't like you... I will never like you... You are nothing but trouble and should not be here. But Edward can't seem to stay away from you. Though I don't know what he sees in you... I mean there is nothing special about you, like at all." I say with nothing but truth to my words. I can see tears in her eyes. "And another thing you can never fix the damage that you caused." I say as Edward walks up the stairs to us.

"Amara... Please understand that I care for Bella and want to be with her." Edward states as I scoff at him.

"How can you care for someone that forces herself on to you and your family? How can you care for someone that has caused your family pain?" I ask at him in disbelief. Edward looks at me and sighs. I close and lock my door again and go back to my movie. Three more days.

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