The Lost Sister!

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"Ashlynn?" I say looking at my little sister

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"Ashlynn?" I say looking at my little sister. I was shocked as was Emmett.

"Hello Rosalie!" Ashlynn says with a smile. "I thought they were lying to me." She says in shock as she takes in me and my family.

"How are you still alive?" I ask, looking at my baby sister. I move in front of my family but Emmett stops me from getting any closer to her.

"I was turned five years after you disappeared. I have traveled the world looking for you. Hoping that you were still alive. I was in Alaska when I met a vegetarian family, like myself and when I told them my last name they asked if I knew Rosalie Hale. I was shocked to hear that you may be alive." Ashlynn says, taking a step closer to me. "They told me to look in Washington." She says as we stand face to face. I pulled her into a hug. And if I could cry I would.

"Mom?" Amara says from behind Tyler. I hold out my hand for her. Amara looks at me and then at Ashlynn before taking my hand Tyler moving with her. Ashlynn looks at my daughter confused.

"Mom?" Ashlynn repeats looking at me confused.

"Amara... I would like you to meet your aunt Ashlynn... Or as you would know her as..." I say as Amara finishes my sentence.

"Ash!" Amara says, looking at my sister with caution. "It's a pleasure to meet you!" Amara says as Tyler holds her close to him. I could tell he wasn't too sure about my sister being around his pregnant mate.

"You have a daughter?" Ashlynn looks at me confused. I nod my head at her.

"Let me introduce you to everyone and then we can talk." I say as she nods her head. "This is my mate Emmett, our daughter Amara and her mate Tyler." I say pointing out the most important people to me first. "This is Carlisle, our family's coven leader, his mate and our mother figure Esme." I say as Esme walks up to Ashlyn and hugs her.

"Welcome Ashlynn." Esme says as she pulls away from her. I smile as does Amara.

"Then there is Alice and her mate Jasper, and Edward is around here somewhere." I say looking around the room.

"Yeah with a stick up his ass more than likely." Amara says as Tyler and Emmett laugh. Ashlynn smiles at her as I shake my head at my little girl.

"Well I am Ashlynn Hale. It is a pleasure to meet all of you." Ashlyn says with a small sad smile.

"Why don't you go talk and we will all go hunting." Carlisle says as I nod in thanks.

"Amara, you stay here with me." I say looking over at my daughter. I hear her sigh as she walks back over to me. Emmett comes over and kisses her head before giving me a kiss, as Tyler walks over to her.

"I'll bring you back some babe!" Tyler says with a wink and a kiss before running after our family. Amara sighs again before sitting on the couch with me and Ashlynn.

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