The Pack

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

After we talked with Charlie a little while longer, Tyler called the pack to set up a meeting with them

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After we talked with Charlie a little while longer, Tyler called the pack to set up a meeting with them. To let them know what was going on. I was a little nervous about going there with Damon but Tyler said that they would need to see him. As we walked to the meeting spot I held Damon close as I could to me. I smiled at Paul and Jared as we got closer.

"Tyler, it is good to see you!" Sam said as we came up to the treaty line. He looks over to me and smiles. "Amara, always happy to see you!" He says, making me laugh. "Is this your..?" Sam asks nothing knowing what we had.

"Our son... Yes!" Tyler says, taking Damon out of my arms and showing the pack. Paul walks over and takes him from Tyler.

"Uncle Paul is going to show you how to pick up chicks and how to be a stud!" Paul says, making me shake my head and laugh.

"Please... Do that with your own kid when you have one! Not with anyone else's. " Jared says as Tyler laughs at his two best friends.

"So how have you been?" Sam asks as we both sigh and look at him.

"Things were good once we left here. Amara met her mother. And her Godparents. But then they made the trip to Italy." I say as Tyler growls under his breath.

"What do you mean?" Jared asks, looking at us confused. Tyler hands over the book that they kept all their notes about Amara and how their tests were going. Sam looks through a few pages and then backup at us.

"They kidnapped Amara so they could use her blood so they could get pregnant?" He asks, looking pissed.

"Yes! They had it all planned out years before my mother and father even met." I say as most of the pack growls. Jake looks over at us in anger.

"And why should we care?" Jake asks with a growl. Tyler stands in front of me and Jared and Leah stand in front of Paul and Damon.

"Look Jake... I get that you are in love with Bella. But taking an innocent child from her family is wrong and you know it. How would you feel if it was your child?" Tyler says/asks as Jake looks at him confused. "And I mean really think about it." Tyler says as I shake my head at Jake.

"That is just too painful to think about." Jared says as he shakes his head. Jake looks down at the ground and sighs.

"But we wanted to let you know that me and Amara will be doing a little wedding here in a few weeks and we wanted all of you to come." Tyler says as Paul and Jared smile at us.

"Hell yeah!" Most of the pack says at once. Sam just smiles at us.

"Looks like we will all be there." Sam says with a chuckle. "I have to ask, did you try human blood?" He asks as both me and Tyler sigh.

"I did... One time. It was the worst thing I have ever tasted." Tyler says as he shakes his head at Sam.

"The coven we are with, they do drink from humans. But with us we are allowed to hunt in the woods nearby. But we also have an agreement with a slaughterhouse to give us the blood from the animals they kill." I say as Sam nods his head.

"That way we don't impact the area or the animals too much." Tyler says as I smile at him.

"That is smart!" Paul says as Jared nods his head.

"You should also know that Emmett, Rosalie, Ashlynn, Jasper and Edward were not part of the kidnapping or tests that I had to go through. And they are no longer a part of the Cullen coven. Jasper is staying in Italy for the time being. Rosalie, Emmett, Ashlynn and Edward are here to get their belongings. I am not sure if they will be staying for our wedding or not." I say as Sam looks confused.

"So that leaves the leader and his wife and the other girl. Right?" Sam asks as Tyler nods his head. "What about Bella?" Sam asks as Jake's head shoots up and he looks at all of us.

"She was in on it but we aren't sure how much." I say as Sam shakes his head.

"What do you mean she was in on it?" Jake asks, looking concerned.

"She was meant to distract Edward. Since he can't read her mind. But she fell in love with him and now is gone bat shit crazy!" I say with a smile.

"The Volturi call it 'amore impazzito' Love crazed. It has only happened a few times as far as the Volturi know.

"Bella and the vampire that took Amara." Tyler tells them as I nod my head.

"What happened to her?" Jake asks, as he comes closer to us.

"She was killed by Amara's father. After she kidnapped Amara and left her in the woods." Tyler says as Jake sighs and shakes his head

"Will that happen to Bella?" Jake asks as I start to think about it.

"The kings want her dead as it is!" I say, making Jake growl at me. Tyler steps in front of me and growls back at him.

"Believe it or not Jake, she is a danger to the pack as well as us vampires

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"Believe it or not Jake, she is a danger to the pack as well as us vampires. And any other supernatural being there may be out there." I say as Sam nods his head.

"Where is she now? I need to talk to her. Make sure she is ok!" Jake says all whining. I chuckle at him.

"Dad kicked her out once he learned that she was trying to take our son from us. She wants to do the same thing the Cullen's did to Amara." I say as Jake looks at me shocked. "So as of right now she is homeless." I say with a laugh. Jake still looks at me shocked. "She will more than likely go to the Cullen house! Hoping that Edward will be there for her to bitch about how I ruined her life." I say without a real care about her. Jake takes off to go find her.

"It is sad that his head is so far up her ass." Amara says as we all laugh. It's sad but true.

"Bella is crazy about Edward and Jake is crazy about Bella!" Seth says as we all nod our head in agreement.

"Yep! This is going to end badly!" I say, rubbing my face with my hands.

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