New vampire... New Game

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

The next morning Jasper, Edward, Emmett and I meet up with Jared, Paul, Sam and Jake at my dad's house

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The next morning Jasper, Edward, Emmett and I meet up with Jared, Paul, Sam and Jake at my dad's house. I walked over to Jared and Paul and greeted them before I moved over to Sam.

"Sam!" I say shaking his hand.

"Tyler! How are you and Amara doing?" Sam asks, looking from me to Emmett. Sam, Jared and Paul both know about Amara being pregnant with my human child. At first they were worried about what that could mean for the tribe but once Emmett and Rosalie told them that she was carrying my human child they backed off. Paul has even come over for an ultrasound to see the baby. He was excited to be an uncle.

"We are doing good. Everything has been great, I mean the mornings suck." I say as Paul slaps me on my back as Sam laughs but nods his head at me.

"Can we get to the reason we are all here." Jake says with annoyance in his voice. "It's for Bella not to talk about Tyler and his whore!" Jake says right before Emmett has him lifted into the air by his throat.

"You want to call my daughter that again?" Emmett says as Sam laughs but shakes his head at Emmett. Jasper put his hand on Emmett's shoulder letting him know to let him go. Emmett slowly puts Jake down. Jared walks up and slaps Jake in the back of the head.

"Don't worry Emmett, Paul and I will make him pay for that one." Jared says with a growl at Jake.

"Hey Jake, remember what I said about you talking about Amara. It still stands. I will kick your ass." I say giving him a smug smirk.

"Can we get this over with... I would like to get back to my mate." Edward says, looking annoyed with having to be here.

"I brought Bella home last night when we walked inside I could smell it. Whoever it was was in Bella's room the most. We don't know for sure if anything was taken." Jake says glaring at Edward.

"Did you try to track them?" Jasper asks as Jake shakes his head no at him.

"Bella didn't want me to leave her." Jake says with a smug smirk as Bella comes outside and stands by Jake.

"But she left you to come over to our house and be a raging bitch like she is the fucking queen of the world when she is nothing but a fucking whore." I said, shaking my head at Jake. Bella gasps at me as she looks shocked that I would be so mean to her.

"Yeah... She told me about your little abomination that you are going to be having." Jake says, looking at me smug as he throws an arm around Bella's shoulders.

"Call our child an abomination one more time and see what will happen to you!" I say taking a step closer to Jake. Jasper moves to stand in front of me. Bella gives me a smug smile.

"You can't do anything without starting a war between the pack and the Cullen's." Bella says as I give her a smug smile this time.

"Is that so..." I say looking at how confused she looks. "So if we decide that we no longer want to protect you from Victoria." I say as she looks at us shocked and angry.

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