It all makes sense!

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It has been a week since Edward and Ashlynn came here to get us to go back to their coven

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It has been a week since Edward and Ashlynn came here to get us to go back to their coven. A week since Damon was born. According to Carlisle notes Damon is growing at the same rate that I did when I was his age. I smile as Damon has everyone wrapped around his little fingers. More so Caius than anyone else and that includes my mother and father. Caius can't seem to say no to him and the wifes absolutely adore him. I watch as Tyler and my father play in the garden with Damon.

"He is too cute for his own good." My mother says coming up behind me. I nod my head and smile at her.

"He will definitely be trouble, when it comes to the ladies!" I say as my mom snorts out a laugh.

"Do you know how me and your father met?" She asks as I shake my head. "I was here visiting family and your father was on a date with one of the girls from here. Your father was very much the player before we met." She says with a shake of her head. "I had decided to take a walk and bumped into him. I apologized to him and to her. Never knowing what had happened. Demitri stared at me the whole time with wide eyes. The girl looked like she was ready to kill me. I walked back to my grandparents house not knowing that he was following me the whole time." She says as I smile at her.

"The girl was Elena wasn't she?" I ask with a hint of anger as she nods her head at me.

"Yes it was! I didn't know the danger I was in until it was almost too late." She says with a sigh. "Elena was turned only a few years before me and your father met. She had seen him one day and fell madly in love with him. She had found out about him being a vampire. When he refused to turn her, she ran and found a vampire that would change her." My mother says with a sigh. "She came back and asked to join the Volturi. She thought that since she was a vampire that your father would fall in love with her and would be with her. She soon found out that your father didn't sealted for just one girl at that time. But she was at his beck and call. Whenever he wanted or needed her." She says with a laugh as we start to walk.

"When I bumped into him he whispered mate! Now I couldn't hear it but she did. Making her furries, as she knew that I would soon be the only girl Demitri would show any attention to. I would be the only girl to share his bed. I would be the only girl he would ever want to be with." She says as we enter her and my father's room.

"Everything you are saying sounds like Bella." I say as my mom nods her head.

"Does it?" She asks, looking over at me with a concerned look.

"Yes! The moment she laid eyes on Edward it was like something flipped in her brain and she had to have him. Even after he found his mate. She would act like they were still together." I say as she looks at me concerned.

"That is not good! We need to talk to the master!" She says grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the room. She rushes me to the throne room. "I am sorry, masters!" She says as we both bow our heads to them.

"It is alright! What seems to be the problem?" Aro asks, looking at us concerned.

"Master Aro, do you remember telling me about Elena and how she was with Demitri?" She asks as I look confused.

"Yes of course I do!" He says now looking confused. I hold out my hand to him.

"Look only at how Bella acts with Edward!" Mom says as Aro takes my hand. After a few minutes Tyler, Damon and my father come inside.

"I see what you mean? Marcus, did we ever find out who created Elena?" Aro asks as my father and husband come and stand by me.

"No we did not. All she would say is that he was a friend and that he wanted a different life." Marcus says with a sigh and a wave of his hand.

"A different life?" I say as to what that meant. A different life, a human life. "It was Carlisle!" I said in a whisper, but everyone heard me.

"Amara?" Aro says as he stands in front of me.

"Vampires are meant to feed off of humans and if her creator wanted a different life that would mean a human life with a family and children." I say as everyone looks at me shocked. "I mean think about it. They were told that I was taken from here. From my mother and father. Yet they still kept me. Because I would grow and change. Making them seem more normal and more like a real family." I say as Caius stands up and walks over to us.

"But why turn Elena?" Caius asks, looking confused.

"To kidnap me!" I say as I hear a gasp come from Jane and Heidi. "I was left not far from where the Cullen's lived at the time. And the only one to put up a fight about me staying there was Edward." I say looking around at everyone.

"Do you think the whole coven was in on it?" Caius asks, looking more than mad.

"I don't think Rosalie or Emmett know what was going on." Tyler says as he pats Demon on his back. "When they told me about the day they found her. They truly thought it was a blessing when they found her. They both wanted a child, but being vampires they knew that that would never happen for them. And when you told them about calling them and telling them about Amara's kidnapping they looked shocked. Like they had no idea what you were talking about." He says as I take Damon from him.

"He is right! They truly looked surprised at that bit of information." Alec says looking over at us.

"But why leave out those two?" Felix asks, looking over to the master.

"Because Rosalie would never take a child that still had a mother and a father that loved them. That's why the note said that he wanted me dead. Rosalie and Emmett would never willingly give me back to a father that wanted me dead." I say with a scoff. "They planned this all out for years." I say as I pace the throne room.

"We can not let this stand; they have committed more than one crime. That coven needs to be destroyed! And anyone that stands with them." Cauis yelled as he stood from his throne.

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