Baseball ⚾️

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

It has been a week since my sister came to the Cullen's house

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It has been a week since my sister came to the Cullen's house. She has kept her distance from me and Amara. She has stopped trying to talk to Amara, which I am thankful for. It's Friday night and I am laying on mine and Amara's bed. Yep that's right I have moved in with Amara. I had a huge fight with Bella after we left the Cullens house last Saturday. I told my dad that I could not live in the house with her anymore. So I packed up my stuff and moved in with Amara and her family. Edward was pissed as now Bella had no one to talk to beside him.

"Hey babe!?" Amara calls out to me. I wasn't sure where she was in the house.

"In our room!" I yell back at her as she appears in front of me with a smile on her face. I smile at her, I love when she uses her magic around me. It reminds me just how special she really is.

"Tomorrow Baseball vampire style! Are you in?" Amara asks, giving me a wicked smile and I nod my head yes. Even though I couldn't really play. I still loved watching them.

"OH! Yes I am!" I say walking up to her and kissing her. Before we could go any farther we heard a scream come from down stairs. Amara giggles and looks at the door, like she is waiting for something.

"Amara Rosalie McCarthy!" Esme yells from down stairs. Amara giggles at her grandma. "You get your butt down here and clean up these flowers... Now!" Esme yells once again. Amara ran out of the room and down the stairs to clean up the flowers. I follow behind her as Alice is picking up some of the flowers. "Alice, stop picking them up... She needs to clean her own mess." Esme says as she taps her foot at Amara. I shook my head as Amara started to clean up her mess.

"But now I don't need to go out to the garden and cut your flowers. It is a win win. Don't you think so?" Alice says with a wink at Amara. Amara giggles at her and kisses Esme's check when Rosalie and Emmett come walking in. Rosalie looks at the floor and then to Amara.

"Amara Rosalie McCarthy?" Rosalie says, looking at her daughter with an eyebrow raised. "I thought we talked about using your powers in the house?" She says looking at Amara who has a sheepish smile. Emmett just laughs at his daughter and shakes his head.

"Sorry mommy!" Amara says picking up more of the flowers. I couldn't help but laugh at her and how no one can stay mad at her for long. Alice walks in with more vases for the flowers.

 Alice walks in with more vases for the flowers

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