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Jake had told Tyler that Bella was up to something

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Jake had told Tyler that Bella was up to something. She had been calling him no stop about helping her get something that we had that belonged to her. Of course it had to do with our son. I packed all of our belongings and told Tyler to take Damon and I would meet up with him at the plane. He didn't want to go. When I told him it was the only way to keep our son safe. He still didn't want to go but he knew that I could take care of myself. But if he found out I was doing this while I was pregnant again... I know I will be in trouble but I have to do this. For my son!

I went to the clearing and waited for them. I didn't have to wait long before Carlisle, Esme, Alice and Bella showed up. I smiled at them. "Funny isn't it... The Olympic Coven used to be right up there with the Volturi coven in power and respect. But now they are untrustworthy and have lost 80% of the coven." I say as Carlisle sighs and shakes his head at me.

"We are sorry Amara. We just wanted a child of our own." Carlisle says. I cock my head to the side and then laugh.

"So that should make it ok? Everything you have done. All the people you have hurt." I ask as both Carlisle and Esme shake their heads at me. I look at Alice and Bella and scoff. "Then there are you two!" I say with another scoff. "Tyler has already left with our son and once I am done here we will be back in Italy and you will never come near him again. The Volturi are making sure of that." I say as they both look at me shocked.

"Amara you can't do that... I have seen Bella and Edward raising your son." Alice says as I giggle at her.

"And where is Edward?" I ask looking around for him. "That's right... He is with his real mate, not the fake whore you want him to be with! And I will do what I have to to keep my son safe and away from her." I say with a laugh and a smile. Bella looks pissed as Alice looks at me shocked.

"Edward is my mate, not her's! He is mine!" Bella screams at me as I continue to laugh.

"No! He is not. Did you know that they got married a week before me and Tyler did?" I ask as they all look shocked. "Yeah! I didn't think so. So you see Bella, Alice is only telling you what you want to hear. Not what is really going to happen. Like the fact that you will never be with Edward and our son will be raised by us, not you." I say with a smile as Alice growls at me.

"No she wouldn't do that! Alice would never lie to me." Bella says, shaking her head as she paces back and forth.

"Keep telling yourself that. But as you can see she already has and she will continue to do so." I say as I start to turn away from them. "OH! Before I go... I know I am pregnant and after this you will never see me, my mate or our children." I say and then disappear from them. 

I was pissed that she could act like she is better than me when everyone knows she is not

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I was pissed that she could act like she is better than me when everyone knows she is not. I screamed as she disappeared and I knew that Tyler was far enough away that we wouldn't be able to get to her and the brat she is carrying. "What do we do now?" I ask as Carlisle and Esme walk away from us. I roll my eyes at them and how they are having second thoughts about all of this.

"We wait and see if she has a daughter or another son. And then we plan." Alice says as She watches Carlisle and Esme leave.

"Have you been lying to me?" I ask. Everyone keeps saying that she is lying to me.

"Yes! I have never seen you and Edward raising Amara and Tyler's son. You and Edward will never be together." She says as I look at her wide eyed.

"But you said you saw me and him together and happy! With their child!" I say as she sighs and shakes her head.

"I said what I needed to, to get you to do what I needed. It's as simple as that." She says as I was still in shock. "Jasper found his true mate and I want him back. If I can have his child before she is turned then he will have to be with me and not her. He would never leave the mother of his child to raise it by themself." Alice says as that gave me an idea to get Edward away from that whore he calls a mate. Now I just need to get close to him when she isn't around him. I need to really plan how to do this. Edward has made it clear he doesn't want me.

I smiled as I saw Amara walk off the plane and over to us when we got there

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I smiled as I saw Amara walk off the plane and over to us when we got there. I kiss her and hold her in my arms. I listened to Amara's heart beat when I heard another heartbeat and thought it was Damon's but it was coming from Amara. Does she know that she is pregnant? I move so we are face to face with each other.

"Are you?" I ask and when she looks down, I know she knew she was pregnant before she went to confront the rest of the Cullen's clan. I growl as she not only puts herself in danger but our unborn child.

"It had to be done. They need to know that we will not let them win." She says as I shake my head at her.

"Amara, they could have hurt you and our baby." I yell at her. She looks down again and I sigh. "I don't want anything happening to you and our children." I say pulling her closer to me. "You mean everything to me." I say as I kiss her all over her face.

"Come let's go home!" She says as she grabs my hand and pulls me over to the trunk. We grab all of our things and get Damon out and into the plane. When we are in the air and away from Forks I sigh as I know that we will be in Italy before they can try to hurt Amara and our unborn child.

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