Prom Problems!

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It has been a few days snice Bella called me

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It has been a few days snice Bella called me. She has stopped talking to me at school. She has also stopped trying to get close to Amara. Edward acts like she is not even there. Prom is in a week and I can't wait to take Amara. I am on my way to spend time with my dad. Even though I don't like it, Bella will be there with us. He wanted a day with his kids. Or so he said.

Arriving at the house to see Bella looking out the window. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her. Walking into the house to see dad sitting in his normal spot. "Hey dad!" I say walking into the living room and sitting down.

"Hey Ty!" He says but the tone he has puts me on edge.

"Dad? What's up?" I ask, looking at him funny. He sighs and looks from me to Bella.

"I think you should move back home!" He says and I look at him confused.

"Why?" I ask, looking from him to Bella and glaring at her. "You know why I need to move and that still hasn't changed." I yell at them. I am now really pissed.

"Ty! With what happened between Bella and Edward..." He starts to say as I look at him confused. "With Edward breaking up with Bella..." He says as I still look at him confused.

"Wait... What? Bella and Edward weren't even dating... He wanted to be friends and she forced herself on him at the baseball game." I say looking at my father, who now looks confused. "He didn't want to hurt her but told her that he doesn't like her like that at the baseball game and she flipped out on him." I say glaring at Bella who looks shocked that I would lie to my father.

"Bella?" Charlie says, looking at her questionable. Bella looks shocked and guilty at the same time.

"But if you really want me to move back in here... Then I will but nothing will change with me and Amara. I love her dad and Bella is not going to get in the way of us anymore." I say looking at my father and then glaring at Bella. My father nods his head and sighs as he looks over at Bella. Bella is just standing there looking pissed off. I walk to my room and sit down on my bed. I don't want to move back home. I love living with Amara. Waking up to her every morning and falling asleep with her in my arms at night has been the best. Laying back on my bed and trying to figure out how to fix this mess, when Bella comes into my room. I groan and glare at her.

"You lied to Charlie!" She yells and I look at her funny. I knew Dad wouldn't be far and I wasn't going to let her get her way. Not when she has caused so much damage as is.

"Bella I didn't lie! That is what and how I saw it! You forced yourself on Edward and his family. You think you are the only one that matters to them. But you're not, you're nothing to them. Amara is more important than you and always will be. And I am important to Amara. Being her boyfriend and all!" I say in a low voice.

"I want to talk to Edward now. Take me to him!" She yells out at me as dad comes into the room.

"No can do! Edward, Emmett, Jasper and Carlisle went on a hike. I was supposed to go with them but when dad called Carlisle thought it would be better to spend time with dad instead." I say like it is nothing to lie to my family. I mean I have been lying to him for almost a year now.

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