My Missing Piece 🧩

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

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It is the weekend I get to be with Amara. I am waiting for the bell to ring so I can get out of here and away from Bella. She has been keeping an eye on me now that she knows that Amara and I never broke up. I keep my door lock so she can't walk in when she hears me on the phone. I chuckled as I noticed her looking back at me. Charlie and Bella both think I am staying at Paul's house this weekend, but they have a new pack member and are busy helping him. I did tell Paul that Amara was coming to town and that I would be with her and that I said I was staying with him. All he said was that I would be covered if anyone asked for me or came looking for me.

As soon as the bell rang I was out of my seat and out the door. I could hear my sister calling my name but I kept walking. Mike and a few others tried to stop me but I brushed them off. Stating that I had plans and needed to get there. I knew this was because Mike liked my sister and was still trying to get with her. Once I reached the house Amara had bought I let out a sigh in relief that she was or would be here soon. I get out of my car and walk up to the house as the front door opens up. And there she is... my beautiful girlfriend. I dropped my bags and kissed her as hard and as deep as I could.

"God... How I have missed you!" I say backing her up into the house. Feeling like I was whole again. Like my heart was now whole. I hear her sigh as I hold her close to me. Knowing she feels the same way I do. Like we were whole because of each other. I knew it to be true as I have never felt this way about any of the other girls I was with.

"I have good news!" She says with that sweet smile I love so much.

"What is it?" I ask, hoping that she will come back home to me. But knew deep down that may not be the case.

"I'm home! For good!" She says as she bites her bottom lip. I looked at her with wide eyes looking into her to see if she was messing with me. I knew my heart wouldn't be able to take it if she was messing with me.

"Please don't mess with me, Amara. My heart can't take it." I say with sadness as I look at her.

"No! Tyler. I am coming home and will be back at school on Monday." She says looking at me confused. "Do you not want me to..." She starts to say but I cut her off by kissing her. She was coming back to me.

"Are you coming home to me?" I ask pulling away from her. She nods her head at me. "Thank god! I thought I was going to have to tie you to the bed and keep you here." I say resting my forehead on hers. She giggles at me as strokes my face with her thumb.

"I love you Tyler!" She says as I let out a sigh.

"I love you too babe! Will you be living here or at the house?" I ask, wanting to make sure I know where to go from now on.

"Here! Mom and dad thought it would be better to live in town since I will be by myself." She says with a small sad smile. I knew she would miss her parents but I was still happy that she would be here with me.

"You won't be by yourself baby!" I say holding her close, she looks up at me. "Because I will be here with you! That is if you want me to?" I say/ask looking down at her.

"Of course I want you here. I will always want you with me!" She says pulling me into another kiss. I groaned as I thought of all the sex we were going to have now that she was home.

"Good... Cause now that you are home there is no getting rid of me." I say pushing her up against the wall and kissing her. I hear her moan as I cup her ass. I smile as we are kissing. I love the sounds she makes for me. "Ok, what first... Move me in or take your fine ass upstairs and have my way with you?" I ask as I start to kiss her neck. I knew what I wanted to do as she moaned again.

"I think we need to move you in first or you won't be moving in until Monday!" she says with a giggle. I sigh knowing that she is right once I get her naked she will be like that for a few days. I nod my head at her before I grab my phone and call my dad. I am not sure what he is going to say, but then again I don't care. I wasn't going to leave her any time soon. 

I sit with Tyler as he talks with his dad

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I sit with Tyler as he talks with his dad. I guess Charlie wasn't surprised that we stayed together or that I kept coming back to see him. He was fine with Tyler moving in with me as long as his grades weren't affected by us living together. Bella was off with some guy named Jake so it was the perfect time to get as much of Tyler's things out of the house. We got everything out in two car loads since he never really unpacked for living at my family's home.

Once we got back to our house I helped him hang up his clothes and put all his things away as we waited for pizza that Tyler ordered. When it arrived I was shocked that he ordered 7 pizzas. I looked at him confused until I heard them. I turned to see Paul, Jared and another boy. I smile as I am tackled by Paul in a bear hug. That caused us to fall to the floor.

"I have missed you!" He yells laughing as he hugs me.

"Lahote!" I hear Tyler yell from the kitchen as he glares at us.

"Ok my turn!" I hear Jared say from above us. Paul gets up, Jared helps me up and hugs me. "We are very happy you are home." He says, throwing his arm around my shoulders. I look to the unknown boy and then to Jared and Paul.

"Amara, this is Embry, our newest pack member." Paul says, patting Embry on the back.

"Nice to meet you." Embry says, looking at me. "Hey Ty!" He says with a smile.

"OH! Shit Embry, you cut your hair!" Tyler says with a laugh. "Looks good!" He says with a smile as he pats him on the shoulder. We all walked into the living room and set down to eat.

"So Amara are you back... For good?" Jared asks looking from me to Tyler who has the biggest smile.

"Yeah! I am back for good. After Edward admitted that he lied to not only me but to my family, they thought it was best for me to come back to Tyler." I say looking at Tyler who is still smiling at me.

"What a dick! Screw him and that stupid cunt." Paul says with a mouth full of food. We all laugh at him. "Sam and Emily wanted to come... But when they realized that they would have the house to themselves they had to pass." Paul says as he raises his eyebrows up and down. I shake my head at him.

"So I don't want to be rude or anything but aren't you a Cullen?" Embry asks, looking from me to Jared and Paul.

"She is but..." Jared says as Paul cuts him off.

"She is different from all of them. She is not a threat to the pack or to people... except for maybe Bella and this Edward dick." Paul says with a shrug of his shoulders. Embry looks back at me confused.

"I am half vampire and half witch/human. I have never fed off of a human or tasted human blood. I don't have venom so I can't turn anyone into a vampire. And according to Sam, Paul and Jared I don't smell like my family. I smell more human from what they have said." I say, giving Embry a rundown of what he needs to know.

"She also doesn't judge..." Paul says looking at Embry who looks at him confused. "She doesn't care that we turn into giant wolves or that I sleep around. She looks at the person inside the real person." Paul says, looking at Embry. Embry nods his head in understanding.

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