Amara meets the guard

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As soon as the pack is out of sight I see four figures emerge from the trees

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As soon as the pack is out of sight I see four figures emerge from the trees. I pull Amara closer to me. Wanting nothing more than to protect her and our baby. Once they remove their hoods I see it is one female and 3 male vampires. All with blood red eyes. One of them only looks at Amara with a shocked look and then a longing look in his eyes. I growl and step in front of her blocking her from his view. Making him growl at me. I don't like the way he is looking at my mate.

"Impressive. I have never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact." The blond female says looking over all of us but stops on Amara. She looks shocked and then looks at the other blond vampire as he nods his head at her. Edward looked annoyed like he couldn't hear their thoughts.

"We were lucky!" Carlisle says looking at the Volturi guard and then to me and Amara. I was confused as to why everyone kept looking over at us.

"I doubt that!" She says. "But then again you had Amara on your side." She says looking over to my mate again. Making me and Emmett growl at her. What does she mean by that? Amara wasn't even in the fight. I would have never let her fight even if she wasn't pregnant. I was never going to let her go up against a bunch of newborns.

"It appears we missed an entertaining fight! I would have loved to see Amara fight as well as the rest of you." The smaller dark haired vampire says, cocking his head to one side as he looks at me and Amara. I growled at him, making him put his hands up. Why do they care so much about my mate? How do they even know about her and her powers? I was told that Carlisle lied to Bella about them knowing about her and the baby. That he only said that to shut her up and make her think that she would be stupid to go to them.

"Yes, it's not offended, we're rendered unnecessary." The blond female says looking over to the blonde male who hasn't taken his eyes off of Amara. Why does he keep looking at my mate? What does he want with her?

"If you had arrived a half an hour earlier, you would have fulfilled your purpose!" Edward says, making the tallest vampire growl at him before he looks at Amara and smiles at her. It was creepy how they were acting. Like they didn't want to scare my mate but wanted to still show that they had the power over our coven.

"Edward! That is enough. Let's not forget this is happening because of you!" Carlisle says in warning. I have a feeling that they are hiding something from myself and Amara. Edward huffed and wrapped his arms around Ashlynn.

"It looks like you have missed one?" The blonde female says referring to the newborn that didn't want to fight. I growl not wanting the newborn anywhere near my mate and unborn child. "Why are you here?" She asks as the newborn screams out in pain. I had heard of her power as Alice had told us all that had happened while they were in Italy. "Who sent you?" She says as the newborn cries out in pain. The newborn said something but I was too focused on the other vampires.

"She will tell you whatever you want to know. You don't have to do that!" Esme says with fear in her eyes for the newborn.

"I know, she will!" The blonde female says looking over at Esme with a smile. "Felix, take care of it. We have other things we need to talk about before we head home." She says as Felix walks over to the newborn.

"She didn't know what she was doing... We'll take responsibility for her. Give her a chance." Emse says fear in her voice for the innocent vampire.

"The Volturi don't offer second chances." The blonde female said looking over at Bella "The king will not be pleased to hear that she is still alive." She said no glaring at Bella. I heard Bella's heart rate pick up. But Amara and I looked at them confused. What did she mean?

"What do you mean the Kings won't be pleased to hear that she is still alive?" I ask as both Alice and Edward's heads drop and they look at the ground. Esme and Carlisle looked nervous as Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett also looked confused.

"The Kings order Edward to kill her as soon as possible." The smaller dark haired vampire says looking at me with a confused look on his face. "Did they not tell you this?" He asks, looking at me confused still. I shake my head no at him. "I see! I wonder what else they didn't tell you?" He says, making me and Amara to look over at our family as he looks at the blonde male vampire and sighs. Amara looked hurt that they would hide things from us. I put my arm around Amara and held her close to me.

"Felix kill the newborn. We have much more to talk about now." The blonde female says, nodding her head to the larger vampire. I watch him as he walks over to the scared newborn and rips her apart in mere seconds throwing her on to the fire. Clearly he has been doing this for a long time.

"Well why don't you introduce us to the members of your coven we haven't met before? Carlisle." The blond male vampire says to Carlisle. Carlisle nods his head and sighs as he looks over at Amara and then to Rosalie and Emmett.

"Jane, Alec, Felix and Demitri." Carlisle says pointing out the members of the guard. "You know my mate Esme, Rosalie and her mate Emmett." Carlisle says pointing out members of our family. "You also know Alice and her mate Jasper as well as Edward." Carlisle says point out more members of the family. "This is Ashlynn, Edward's true mate. Then we have Amara and her mate Tyler." Carlisle says as I give a small nod to the vampires in front of us.

"Ah! Yes Amara... The vampire witch hybrid. Aro said that you are expecting a child here soon." Jane says, making Demitri's head snap to me and he growls at me. I stepped back as Armara clung to me even more.

"You impregnated my daughter! My little girl!" Demitri growls out at me. Felix stops him from attacking me. Amara gasps as she holds on to me even tighter now scared that he will hurt the three of us.. Everyone but Carlisle, Esme Alice and Edward looks confused at what he said. This was what he was hiding. He knew who Amara's real parents were.

"But the note said you wanted her dead?" Ashlynn says looking at Demitri confused. I was also confused as Carlisle and Esme had claimed to not know who her father was.

"I would never want my daughter dead. She was taken from us, the day after she was born! She is our everything." Demitiri says, glaring at Ashlynn. "I have been searching for 18 years for her. To bring her home to her mother and I and you have had her this whole time. You knew we were looking for her." Demitiri says growling at Carlisle as he paces behind the other Volturi guards.

"Who is us?" Amara asks not taking her eyes off her biological father. He looks at her with so much love in his eyes. This does not look like a man that wanted his child dead just for being born. He looked like a father that missed out on 18 years of his daughter's life.

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