Tyler Awake

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After I calmed down I was able to call Sam to meet my parents at the treaty line

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After I calmed down I was able to call Sam to meet my parents at the treaty line. I didn't want this to be something that was said over the phone. Two hours later Paul and Jared are running into the room with Sam behind them. I see them look at me as I have Tyler's blood all over me. I refused to leave his side even to clean myself up.

"Amara what happened?" Sam asks as he steps closer to me.

"Bella stabbed him." I whisper out. Paul moves to stand next to me and pulls me into a hug.

"Is he..?" Jared starts to ask, looking down at his best friend.

"Turning? Yes!" I say as I start to cry again. "This is not how I wanted him to turn!" I say throw sobs as my mom comes into the room and holds me.

"She wanted him to decide when he was ready to become one of us." My dad says as he comes in and checks Tyler's stab wound. "It's healing, that's a good sign." Dad says as he washes his hands.

"How can you two be around him if he is bleeding?" Sam asks, looking concerned.

"We can't smell his blood. Amara put a shield around him so none of us would be able to attack him." Mom says, giving them a small smile.

"Not that we would try to!" Dad says with a huff. Paul and Jared look at him confused. "We see Tyler as a son." Dad says as Paul and Jared nod their heads.

"How long will this last?" Sam asks, looking at my parents.

"It's been a day and a half." My mom says looking at Sam who now looks pissed.

"Amara called you as soon as she was able to complete a sentence." dad says as Sam looks over at me and nods his head. "Tyler will be out for at least another day and a half. When he wakes I will take him hunting..." Dad says as Paul looks at him confused.

"Why you? Why not Amara?" Paul asks with a hint of anger to his voice.

"Because Amara is part human and if they go out alone together he could kill her before he knows what has happened. It is better if I take him as myself, Carlisle and Esme are the only full vampires that have never tasted human blood. And since I am the strongest, we thought it would be best if I went with him." Dad says as Paul nods his head and then looks at my mom.

"I know Amara told you all about how me and Emmett found her in the woods!" Mom says looking at the three wolves. They nod their heads at her. "What I am about to tell is my story." mom says as she tells them how she was raped and left for dead and how she went after each man that had done that to her, killing them one by one. They all look in shock.

"I am sorry that happened to you! No woman should ever have to go through that." Sam says looking at mom with sad eyes.

"I think you did the right thing and killed them the way you did." Paul says as Jared nods his head.

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