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I was pissed that not only did Alice lie to me and use me but now Amara and Tyler were back in Italy and I would be killed on sight if I tried to go there to get their bastard child from them

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I was pissed that not only did Alice lie to me and use me but now Amara and Tyler were back in Italy and I would be killed on sight if I tried to go there to get their bastard child from them. I wanted them to hurt as much as I have. Tyler always had it better than me. Had it easier than me. When I told Charlie that I didn't want to go to Forks any more and wanted to go to California for our two weeks, Tyler never came; he always stayed with his friends. I never had friends. I was always the loner girl. Because I dressed more like a boy than a girl. But I always knew I was better than all of them.

But Charlie always told me how Tyler was doing. How he was a star football player and how he had straight A's and how all the girls wanted to date him and how he had this amazing girlfriend now. It made me so mad that his life was going so great. I should be the one with the perfect life, not him. Renee didn't even want him, just Charlie did. I would ask if he ever asks about me and Renee, to which Charlie just said no. That he wants nothing to do with either of us. As far as Tyler was concerned we were not his family and wanted nothing to do with us.

When I got home before our junior year I started to lay the groundwork for me moving up here to Forks and taking everything good in Tyler's life. It took longer for my mother to agree than I thought. But no matter how hard I tried Tyler always came out on top and I was left at the bottom. When I moved to Forks I thought Tyler would change his mind and want to be my brother, but he didn't want anything to do with me.

Which made me want to take him down even more. But everyone loved him there wasn't anything I could use against him with Charlie. So I went after the next best thing: his girlfriend and her family. So when I found out what they were I was hoping that I could make them pick me over Tyler. But Tyler was always put first because of Amara.

I paced my apartment trying to figure out how I could get close to Edward without his whore knowing and how I would get him to have sex with me, so I would get knocked up. But I don't even know where they are at. I sigh as I have a lot of work to do if I want to get what is truly mine. But for now I can work on getting Jake back on my side. 

We were so happy to be with our family again

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We were so happy to be with our family again. Amara shared the news of us being pregnant again and everyone was happy for us. But I knew that some of the women were not happy about Amara being pregnant again. I knew it was because they can't have children. We don't blame them at all. I mean we get it, it has to be hard on them. But I also didn't want them to think that it was ok what the Cullen's did to Amara.

I watched as Amara put Damon to sleep. Now that we are home we will be able to relax a little more. I won't be as stressed about Amara leaving my sight. Amara will finally be able to have an easier pregnancy and I planned on making sure she did. Now that we are home Bella and the other Cullen's can't get close to her.

"Tyler?" I heard Amara say before I felt her hand on my cheek.

"Sorry babe! I was wrapped up in my own thoughts." I said to her, she nodded her head at me.

"It's ok! I know there has been so much going on that we really haven't had much time to talk." She says as she takes my hand and we leave Damon's room and move into ours.

"I am happy about the baby! If you are thinking that I'm not, you are wrong." I say as she shakes her head at me but smiles.

"I know that. But what we needed to talk about is Bella and the Cullen's." She says, making me growl out. "We both know that we need to have a plan ready for when they decide to come and try to take our child." She says, I growl again, but I know she is right.

"I know, but do you think they will really try to come here and try to take our baby?" I ask. Even though I know they will.

"I do. Because Bella is crazy and thinks that what is ours is really her's. Alice is determined to get Jasper back and Carlisle and Esme want a child of their own. I have no doubt that they will try to come and take our baby if it's a girl." She says as I nod my head at her.

"I know... Let's save it all for tomorrow. And we can bring everyone in on it. Right now I just want to hold my wife in my arms!" I say as I pick her up and move us to the bed. I strip her out of her clothes before taking off all of mine. I move us so we are both under the covers and just hold her in my arms. I rub her stomach as I can not wait for our newest baby to be born.

When I found out about Amara being half vampire and The Cullen's being full vampire. I was told that we would never have children. It hurt but I knew that I wanted to be with Amara and when Amara got pregnant the first time I was thrilled that we were going to have a baby. And here we are again and I couldn't be more happy about it.

I watched as Amara slept in my arms. I knew that I needed to keep her and our children safe. Even if I had to wage war against Bella and the rest of the Cullen's all by myself. I closed my eyes and listened to our baby's heartbeat. Since I couldn't sleep anymore, listening to the baby's heartbeat was the next best thing to help me relax since Amara was sleeping and I didn't want to wake her just so I could cum. But her laying next to me naked wasn't helping.

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