Feeling Empty

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It has been four months since Amara and the rest of the Cullens left

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It has been four months since Amara and the rest of the Cullens left. It's been three weeks since I have seen Amara. I have only seen Amara a handful of times since she can't be seen by Bella. My heart hurts without Amara here with me. The day that Amara left Paul and Jared met me at the house. I guess Amara had gone to see them after I left for school. I guess she told them to look out for me and they have. I spend most of my free time with them and Sam.

Bella went into depression after Edward left her in the woods. I am not sure if it is real or not but she has kept me and my father up every night with her screaming. I now spend most nights at Emily and Sam's place just so I can sleep. Bella had stopped talking to me and I was fine with that... I mean it is her fault that they left. If she could have just stayed away from Edward they would still be here. I am sitting in my room working on some homework when Bella walks into my room. "What the fuck? Can you knock?" I yell at her as I stand up and cross my arms. Ready to push her out of my room and slam the door in her face.

"Did you tell Charlie to send me away?" She yells back at me.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, looking at her confused.

"Charlie just said I was moving back with mom." She yells as she paces my room. "Did you tell him to send me away... So that the Cullens would come back?" She asks with anger as she looks at me.

"I wish I had. Then Amara could come home to me. But I didn't!" I say looking back at her with anger.

"Well I am not leaving. If I can't have Edward then you can't have Amara. It is your fault they left in the first place." She says as I look at her confused.

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?" I ask, getting angry with her. I watch as she backs out of my room.

"It was yours and Amara's fault. I mean if you two just let me and Edward be then..." She yells at me, but backs away from me.

"You fucking stupid bitch." I yell. "It was your fault. You cut your finger. My guess is on purpose so that one of them would bite you and change you." I yell as she looks at me shocked. "You did, didn't you... I knew you were up to something. I knew that is why you wanted to be around the Cullen's and why you wanted me and Amara away from them." I say glaring at Bella. God I hate her more now.

"You're right... I want to be one of them... I want to be with Edward forever. And with you there that will never happen. Because for some reason you come before me. What makes you so much better than me?" She says/asks as she walks up to me.

"How about the fact that I am Amara's mate and all you are is Edward's blood singer. Amara wants a life with me and Edward just wants your blood." I say in a cocky tone as I start to laugh at her. She looks taken back by what I said to her.

"Yeah well she broke up with you and left. didn't she... She is no longer your girlfriend now is she." Bella yells at me. I know she is trying to hurt me but it won't work.

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