Bella's Problem

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

It's the end of the day and I am ready to leave school and get my girlfriend alone, as I am waiting for Amara, Bella walks up to me looking like she is ready for a fight

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It's the end of the day and I am ready to leave school and get my girlfriend alone, as I am waiting for Amara, Bella walks up to me looking like she is ready for a fight. I glare at her but soon see Amara walk out of school. I smile at her as she runs into my arms. Kissing her head. Lost in our own little moment until Bella clears her throat. Amara and I turn to look at her.

"So why aren't the rest of the Cullens coming back? And why did you just come back then?" Bella asks with venom in her voice. Amara and I look at her and smile.

"Like you were already told... I came back to be with Tyler. You remember that he is my mate and boyfriend... Right? And as for my family... They are not your concern. If you are asking about Edward? He has no plans on coming back for you. Since you are not his mate but just his nasty ass blood singer!" Amara says looking at Bella, annoyed with her already.

"Edward is your brother, making him your family. And I think I have a right to know. Seeing as I am Edward's mate not his blood singer. Get that through your head." Bella states as she looks at Amara funny. Amara and I laugh at her. She really thinks that she is his mate.

"Edward is no longer family to me, hasn't been for a long time now. He was never my brother! And you still believe that you are equal to your brother? You might want to think again! Because you are not! You don't matter to me, my family or to Edward!" Amara says glaring at Bella pure hate in her eyes.

"I am better than my brother... And I am better than you!" Bella states pointing at me and Amara. Amara scoffs at her before walking around my car and getting in. I glare at Bella.

"I don't know what bullshit Jake has been putting in your head but you will never be better then me and you sure as hell will never be better then Amara! Get over yourself Bella. Move on with your life and stay away from us." I say before getting in my car and leaving. Driving back to our place... Our place! I smile as we finally have a place we can call ours. I slide my hand up her thigh as I smile at her. I hear her giggle as she slaps my hand away.

I laugh as I place my hand ruffly on her covered pussy. "Tyler!" She screams at me, and I laugh!

"What?" I say trying to act innocent as I am still laughing. I move my hand up her shirt. I hear her take a deep breath as I reach her breasts. Moving my hand into her bra, I rub my fingers over her nipple. I listen to her moan and my cock twitches at that sound she makes. "I love the sounds you make for me!" I groan as I try to adjust myself as I still have my hand up Amara's shirt. "Wait till we get home! I am going to have you screaming my name!" I say as she places her hand and my cock. So now I am really horny and in need of assistance from her. I see her smile at me as I pinch her nipple. I groan as she starts to rub her hand up and down my cock. "Fuck!" I say throw clenched teeth speeding up a bit to get us home. I needed her now! I didn't care if the cops saw me speeding they could wait to give me a ticket until after I had my way with my girl.

As soon as we were in the garage, I got the door closed. I get out of the car and walk over to her, pushing her up against the hood. Before we can start anything I hear the sound of Bella's truck. "Did she follow us home?" Amara asks, looking at me confused.

"Just stay here. I will take care of her." I say walking out of the garage and looking around the house. I see Bella looking around at the houses. I watch her grab her phone and call someone. I look back at the garage and see Amara holding my phone. She is trying to find out what house we are living in. I sigh and walk back to Amara. "Let's go inside before she sees us." I say, grabbing mine and Amara's backpacks and walking into the house. I hear her truck pull away from the house. I sigh in relief that she doesn't know what house is ours.

Later that Night!

45 missed calls and over 60 text messages just from Bella. We are getting ready to go to bed when Bella calls again. I answered her call this time, I have just had enough of her. "What do you want? Don't you have a life of your own?" I yell into my phone.

"Where is Amara living? I need to talk to you both!" She says in a demanding tone. Making me laugh at her.

"I am not telling you where we are living. You keep forgetting that Amara doesn't like you. And neither do I! Move on and get your own life and stop trying to steal mine." I yell into my phone.

"Where, we live?" Bella asks, shocked and angry.

"Yeah! Where WE live." I say getting more and more annoyed with her. "Leave us alone! Neither one of us wants anything to do with your sorry ass!" I say getting ready to hang up on her.

"Wait, don't hang up... Can Amara give me Edward's new phone number? I really need to talk with him." Bella begs. I could hear her about to cry on the other end of the phone. Amara walks up and grabs my phone.

"Even if I did have his new number... I wouldn't give it to you!" Amara says to her you could hear how much she hates Bella. I take back my phone

"Look I am sorry... I just miss him so much and need to talk to him. Please do this one thing for me." Bella says, sounding like she was crying.

"You're not sorry! We all know that... You're just mad that Amara came back for me as Edward didn't come back for you! Like we keep telling you. You are not his mate. If you were he wouldn't be able to stay away from you!" I say before I hang up my phone. I rub my face as I sit in the bed.

"She is never going to stop is she?" Amara asks from the other side of the room. I shake my head no at her.

"No! She really thinks that she matters more to your family than you do!" I say getting up and walking over to her. "Enough about Bella!" I say kissing her neck she sighs as she leans into me. "I want to show my mate/girlfriend how much I've missed her!" I say removing her tank top as I look her up and down! "So fucking beautiful!" I say as I move us to the bed. That night we embraced each other. Never letting go of each other. Always touching. Though whenever we were near each other we were always touching.

The next morning my father called to tell me that Bella had complained about Amara being back and how he shouldn't have let me move out. To which I reminded him that I was now 18 and could move out if I wanted to. That I talked with him before only because he was my father and I didn't want to upset him or hurt him. I knew she had to be close by. Because as soon as I hung up on him she called and demanded to know where we lived. I don't think I have ever seen Amara so mad before.

Amara said that she was going to file a complaint if she didn't stop. Meaning she would have to move back with her mother as we had all the text messages showing she was harassing us and that Charlie wouldn't be able to help her as he had to follow the law. And since we had proof of her stalking we would have a case against her. Before we hung up on her. I called my father back and let him know if he didn't stop her then I would be calling the station and reporting her for stalking and harassment. He said he would talk with her and get her to back off. I knew I was putting him in a tight spot but he needed to know that Amara and I weren't playing around any more and were willing to take what actions we needed to keep her away from us.

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