Pre Wedding

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When I asked Demitri for his blessing to marry Amara I knew that both him and Madison would want to be a part of planning the wedding

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When I asked Demitri for his blessing to marry Amara I knew that both him and Madison would want to be a part of planning the wedding. But what I didn't expect was for it to be held within two weeks. I mean I was ready to marry her and spend my life with her. I just want it to be what she wants, not everyone else wants. Amara was also shocked that the Wedding will be so soon. It would be a week before the baby was due to be born.

I was watching Amara down at the market as she was buying fruit and Ice cream. The two things she has craved during her pregnancy. I wanted to be down there with her so bad but since it was a sunny day I couldn't. "I missed so much with her, and now she is having a baby of her own and I don't know how to help her." Madison says over my shoulder as we watch Amara.

"She still needs you. They messed with her head. All she wants is her real mother and father to be by her side." I say, giving her a small smile.

"I know Demitri told me." She says as Amara is stopped by a man in the street. I can't get a good look at his face but Amara looks scared then pissed as she pushes him away from her. I see Felix and Demitri walking in the shadows not far from her. I growl as I move to the doors awaiting her to enter. Madison moves next to me. "Tyler, who was that?" She asks, looking from me to the doors.

"I'm not sure but Amara looked scared and then pissed that he was in front of her. So my guess is a member of the Cullen's coven" I say as the doors open and in walks Amara with Felix and Demitri right behind her. "Who was that?" I ask with a growl.

"Edward!" Demitri says as he punches a wall. I bring Amara into my arms and hold her as she starts to cry. "Told her that you both need to rethink what coven you want to belong to. That the Volturi may not be in charge much longer and to really think about your decision to leave their coven before it is too late." Demitri says with a growl.

"I will kill him for coming near her." I say as I hold Amara tighter.

"You won't be the only one." Madison says, rubbing Amara's back.

"We need to go and talk to the masters." Felix says as he walks away from us.

"Tyler take Amara to your room. I will come and get you if it is needed." Madison says, following behind Demitri and Felix. I pick Amara up and carry her to our room. I notice two members of the guard walking up behind us. I turn to look at them. Giving them a confused look.

"Master Curis wants extra protection for Amara and the baby." He says, giving me a small smile. I nod my head and walk into our room. I close and lock the door before I place her on the bed. After about an hour Demitri and Madison walk through our bedroom door. I look at them confused.

"Like I am not going to have a key to my daughter's room!" Madison says with a scoff. I laugh waking up Amara who fell asleep after crying in my arms. She has been so stressed throughout this whole pregnancy.

"What's going on?" Amara asks, looking from me to her parents.

"The master's don't want to wait on the wedding any longer. With Amara only three weeks away from giving birth they think it would be best to have the wedding now." Demitri says, walking over to his daughter and placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Why? What are you not telling us?" Amara asks, with anger.

"We received a letter stating that Edward is getting married and that they want you both there." Madison says, making Amara growl. "They tried to make it so you have to be there." Madison says, making Amara scoff.

"Like hell I will let my mate be anywhere near that coven again!" I say starting to pace our room.

I always hope to have my daughter back and now that I have her no one and I mean no one is taking her from me

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I always hope to have my daughter back and now that I have her no one and I mean no one is taking her from me. I help Amara up from the bed as Tyler and Demitri talk about what the Cullen's are up to. Amara looks worried. "What if they plan to take my child from me?" She asks as tears start to fall from her face.

"We will never let that happen again. You and Tyler have me and your father, Jane, Alec, Felix and the masters by your side. They will never get to your child." I say, cupping her face as I wipe away her tears.

"Mom... I'm scared!" She says, making me hold her in my arms.

"I promise you they will never come near you or my grandbaby!" I say as Demitri and Tyler walk over to us. "Come we have a wedding to get ready for!" I say as Jane and Hiedi walk into the room holding a dress. I hurry the guys out of the room so I can help my daughter get ready.

"I know this is not how you wanted to get married." Hiedi says, giving Amara a small smile.

"No it's not, but it doesn't matter the time or place, all that matters is the person you are with." Amara says, making us all smile. After about an hour or so later, Demitri knocks on the door before stepping inside. I pulled him out of the room.

"She is scared!" I told him. He looks at me confused.

"If she doesn't want to get married..." Demitri says as I shake my head at him.

"No its no that! She is scared that they are going to come and take her baby. Like they kept her. She is more than ready to marry Tyler." I say as I pace the hallway.

"No one is taking her child from her. They will not go through what we went through, I won't let that happen to her and she will not be leaving us. We just got her back and I will not lose her again." He says as I watch his eyes go from blood red to black. "Even if I have to kill the Cullen's all by myself. No one will ever touch her or our grandchild!" He says with a growl. I smile as I see a father that loves his daughter and would do anything to protect her.

"I know my love and I will be there to help you protect her and our grandchild." I say as I cup his face and give him a kiss.

"I am sorry My love. I didn't mean to get mad at you. It's just... We just got her back and we can't lose her again and I don't want her and Tyler to go through what we went through. I would not only break her but Tyler as well." He says, making me smile, how he has taken to being a father. He only got to be a father to her for one day before she was taken from us.

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