The Volturi

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

Once we walk out of the house Demitiri and Felix grab our bags so I could carry Amara to wherever we are going

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Once we walk out of the house Demitiri and Felix grab our bags so I could carry Amara to wherever we are going. We arrived at a privat air strip. I set Amara on her feet so she can walk onto the plane. We sat next to each other. Amara looked broken as she laid her head on my shoulder. I kissed her head as I pulled her closer to me. I hear a sigh coming from Demitri.

"They really hurt her." I hear Jane say, making me nod my head at her.

"Yeah! They did." I say, looking back down at Amara. "About a year ago she asked if she could look for her birth parents and it was like world war three. Amara came to me crying. She just wanted to know why and how her father could hate her so much for being a girl. She also wanted to know what became of her mother. She just wanted to know more about her family." I say, moving Amara to my lap.

"Her mother and I will show her that she was more than wanted by us. If she wasn't we wouldn't have spent eighteen years looking for her." Demitri says kissing Amara's head, he takes the seat next across from me. I nod my head at him.

Amara slept for almost the whole trip to Italy. When she did wake up she was starving. Demitri found her something to eat. "We will get you something better to eat when we get home." Felix says with a small chuckle. Amara giggles as she eats the crackers and cheese. I smile at her as she smiles at me. A true smile that I haven't seen since Bella found out about the Cullen's. Demitri seats down next to Amara.

"So there is something I need to tell you before we land!" Demitri says as he rubs his face with his hands. Amara sighs as she turns to look at him. "Your mother doesn't know that you and Tyler are coming home with us." He says with a groan which makes Amara giggle at her father.

"Madison is going to kick your ass!" Alec says with a full blown laugh, Jane is trying to hide her smile, Felix is bent over laughing. Both me and Amara look confused. We both turn back to Demitri.

"Your mother doesn't like surprises!" He says, making me and Amara smile at him.

"That sucks!" I say with a small chuckle as Demitri just sighs at me.

"I don't think she will be mad!" Amara says, making Demitri smile at her and kiss her head. The pilot comes out and says that we will be landing in about an hour.

"Please let them know that we will need two cars!" Jane says, looking over at the pilot. Once he walks away Amara looks over at me with a concerned look.

"I have a question!" Amara says, looking at everyone concerned. "Me and Tyler have never fed off of um..." She says as they all nod their heads.

"We kinda guessed. We will talk with Aro and see what he says." Jane says, giving us a small smile. We both nod our heads at her.

After we landed it was only a thirty minute drive to the Volturi coven

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After we landed it was only a thirty minute drive to the Volturi coven. Jan and Alec took one car as Felix, Demitri, me and Amara are in another. Amara was looking out the window in Aww! She has always wanted to go to Italy but The Cullen's would never let her or would tell her that the Volturi would kill her for what she is. I heard her heart pick up in pace as we got closer.

"No one will hurt you here Amara!" Felix says, looking at me through the rearview mirror with a smile. "And if they try they would have to get through your mother and Jane to do it." He says with a laugh, my father is shaking his head as he laughs.

"Jane said she is Amara's godmother... Who is her godfather?" Tyler asks, looking between Felix and my father.

"That would be me!" Felix says with a hand raised in the air. "I know this is all going to be new for you guys, but just know that we will help you through everything." Felix says, making me and Amara smile at him.

"Thank you!" I say, giving them both a smile.

After another ten minutes we arrived at an underground garage. I looked around nervously. Tyler grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. We follow my father and godfather to the elevators. Alec and Jane are waiting for us. After we all got in Jane selected the ground floor. Tyler and I looked at each other confused.

After the elevatored came to a stop we all got off. It was beautiful, we were great but a human welcomed us. Tyler looked at her confused as she smiled at us but had fear in her eyes. "Does she know what we are?" Tyler asks, looking back at her. Making me growl at him.

"Yeah! She will be food or she will be turned." Jane says with a smile.

"Most likely food!" Alec says with a chuckle. We walk to a set of double doors Felix and Alec open them up and there are three men waiting for us.

 We walk to a set of double doors Felix and Alec open them up and there are three men waiting for us

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Emmett had told me a little bit about the three kings of the vampire world. Marcus, Aro and Caius. As we walked into the throne room I held onto Amara a little tighter.

"Welcome home Amara and..." the one I believe is Aro says.

"This is Tyler! He is Amara's mate and father of her child." Demitri says as he bows his head to him.

"Yes! I am glad to see that you made it through the transition." He says sticking his hand out to me. I take it and he places his other hand over it. I look at Demitri confused.

"Aro can read every thought you have ever had." Demitri says. I look back at Aro and he looks confused. "You need to let him in, Tyler!" He says, making me nod my head.

"I will try!" I say, trying to relax. Amara gives me a smile. After a few minutes Aro lets go of my hand.

"Will it seem like the Cullen's have been making moves against us in more ways than one." Aro says, looking back at the other kings. "Amara, may I have your hand?" He asks, moving over in front of her. I watch as she places her hand in his. It takes a little longer for her than it did with me. "Well I am happy you are finally home where you belong." He says, letting go of her hand.

"Demitri, you should go and get your mate... I am sure she will want to see her daughter." Caius says with a small chuckle as Demitri groans before leaving the room. We waited for a few minutes with Caius, Felix, Alec and Aro making bets on what Amara's mother will do to Demitri. Me and Amara laugh as Jane just shakes her head at them.

"I swear to god Demitri if you are lying to me!" We all hear. Me and Amara turn to look at the doors as they open up. I move to stand in front of Amara.

"Madison! You are making her mate nervous. Please calm down!" Demitri says from behind her. I feel Amara put her hand on my back.

"I can't believe she is finally here!" Madison says walking up to us and pulling Amara into her arms. She pulls back and looks at Amara's growing belly. "Do you know what you are having?" She asks, looking from Amara to me.

"No, not yet!" I say as I rub the back of my neck.

"So this is Tyler!" She says looking me up and down before looking back at Amara. "He is cute!" She says, making Amara smile and Demitri growl. "Calm yourself my love! I only have eyes for you!" She says not even looking at him.

"Madison... Jane... Why don't you show them to their room!" Aro says, giving us all a smile. "And then we will talk about your diet. I am sure you both need to feed here soon." He says before we leave the throne room.  

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