Where I came from

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I couldn't believe I finally found my daughter

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I couldn't believe I finally found my daughter. Her mother never leaves Italy so I have been looking for our little girl on my own. Felix, Jane and Alec help when they can. I can't wait to tell my mate that I finally found our daughter. I was pissed that her so-called mate had impregnated her. I was pissed that this coven kept my daughter knowing that I was looking for her. They only told us about her a few years ago and said she was human and that they were going to turn her, once she turned 21.

I watched as my little girl looked at me with fear, making my undead heart break. All I wanted to do was to hold her in my arms. Her mother and I missed out on 18 years with her, but not anymore. She and her mate would be coming back with us to Italy. I am broken from my thoughts when she asks a question.

"Who is us?" She asks, looking at me. She has her mother's eyes. My undead heart breaks again because my mate never got to hold her before she was taken from us. When she awoke from her transition Amara was gone. Madison tore apart our room as well as went on a feeding frenzy a few villages away from us.

"Your mother and I." I say as she gives me a small smile. "We have looked all over for you!" I say take a step closer to her. Her mate growls at me. "I am no threat to her. I would never hurt her. Just ask the head of your coven. He was called the day that Amara went missing, told to be on the lookout for a baby born May 12 that was taken from me and my mate... Her mother Madison." I say as he looks at Carlisle. Carlisle has his head down as does the rest of their coven including the mind reader's new mate. So she was told all the lies and secrets but my daughter's mate was not.

"Wait! You knew that my father didn't want me dead..." Amara says as she starts to piece everything together. She steps back from her mate and he looks hurt at her. The blonde and the Big guy step closer to her. I watch as she is there one minute and gone the next.

"Where did she go?" Her mate asks, looking over at me. I smile as I know where she is at. I look at Jane and she nods her head at me. I turn and run to where my daughter is. Once I reach her, I see that she is crying and holding her heart. I slowly walk up to her. Her head snaps to me.

"Before you vanish again I will always be able to find you now." I say as she nods her head at me. I wonder if they had told her about me and my gifts.

"Why was I taken from you and my mother?" She asks, I sigh as I was hoping I would never have to tell her why Elena took her.

"Before I met your mother I was in a relationship with another member of the guard. But when I found your mother. I dropped Elena and went after your mom. Now she was human at the time and only 16 years old. I asked the kings to let me wait until she was 21 years old before I turned her. Gain her trust, let her fall in love with me." I say with a small smile at her. She is just as beautiful as her mother.

"And she did, I fell for your mother faster than I thought was possible. It was a few months before her 21st birthday and she went out and got drunk and I got mad. I dragged her back to her place and one thing led to another and you were conceived that night. The kings were pissed at first until Aro placed a hand on Madison's stomach and he heard you." I say remembering that day like it was yesterday.

"Your mother was so scared that they would hurt you, or take you away from us. Your mother has the power of fire. So when she made a garden grow in the throne room she knew it was you." I say as she looks at me confused. "Your mother is a witch as well." I say and she nods her head at me. I sigh but I know I need to tell her the whole story.

"So your mother moved in with me. Felix and Alec took to her faster than my liking. But if I was out I know that they would look out for her and for you. It took Jane a little longer to warm up to your mother but once she did they became best friends. Elena was ordered to stay away from me and your mother and most importantly you. The day you were born was the happiest day of mine and your mother's life. Once you were born I bit and turned your mother. She only got to see and hold you once. I held you the whole night. The next morning I left you to sleep so I went to feed. When I got back you were gone and so was Elena." I say with a growl. Still to this day it pisses me off what that bitch did to me, my mate and our daughter.

"What happened to her? The one that took me?" She asks with tears in her eyes.

"I found her and killed her. But not before taking her to Aro. We searched the wood for days for you. We called every coven and told them that a child was taken from her mother and father by Elena and that we wanted to return her to her parents. We knew no one would return you if they knew what you were." I say, moving a little closer to her.

"What's my full name?" She asks and I chuckle moving a little closer to her.

"Amara Marie Volturi." I say and she nods her head at me.

"Can I ask you some questions?" I ask and she nods her head at me. "How long have you been with the Cullen's clan?" I ask and she sighs at me.

"Rosalie and Emmett found me not long after I was dumped in the woods. I have been with them ever since." She says, making me growl.

"So you have been with them this whole time?" I growl out and she nods her head. "Have they treated you well?" I ask and she nods her head at me. I am mad that they kept my daughter but happy they took care of her. I knew she had more questions but was afraid to answer them. "Your mate?" I start to ask and she smiles at me.

"Tyler..." She says with a smile that could melt anyone's heart. I nod my head at her.

"Does he treat you right?" I ask more in a fatherly way, making her giggle.

"Yeah... He does! He treats me like a queen. I met him when he was human. We were together for two years before he was turned." She says with a sad smile. I could tell him turning was not her idea and something happened and he had to be turned but I would ask him about that. "I got pregnant while he was still human." She says with a smile. It took everything in me not to growl. I finally found my daughter and she is about to become a mother.

"We should call your mom. I know she will want to know that I found you and that she is about to be a grandmother." I say with a laugh as Amara giggles at me. I pull my phone and video call my beloved mate.

"Demitiri my love if you are calling to complain that it rains too much, I don't want to hear it. You know I can't control the weather." She says, making Amara laugh.

"No my love. I am not calling about that. I found someone..." I start to say as she cuts me off.

"Demitiri Volturi if you're messing with me I will kill you. I am sure the Kings will let me if you are messing with me." She yells at me Amara covers her mouth but I could still hear her giggle. I turn the camera so she can see Amara. I hear a gasp from my mate. "My baby!" She whispers out as Amara ways at her.

"Yes my love. But there is more." I say turning the camera back to me as my mate growls at me. "You and I are going to be grandparents." I say and she is speechless. I watch as her mouth opens and closes as she processes what I just said. 

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