Back to a normal life?🔞

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Smut in this Chapter!- Description of sexual activity, body parts, Inappropriate language, gif that show Semi sexual activity. As well as other things inappropriate for Readers under the age of 18.🔞

I lost three day with my mate, because of that fucking bitch stabbing me in the back

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I lost three day with my mate, because of that fucking bitch stabbing me in the back. I mean plus side I am now a vampire and I will never have to be away from my mate ever again. I am going to have to get used to this, not having to sleep thing. I have been a vampire now for two days. I watch Amara move around the room getting this ready for school. I vamp over to her and she stops and looks at me. I look her up and down as I bite my bottom lip.

"Can I help you?" She says as she looks at me. I pull her to me and kiss her as I walk her back to the bed. "Ty? Are you sure you are..." She starts but I cut her off by kissing her.

"I want you, Amara, all of you now." I say removing my shirt and pants. I watch Amara remove her dress and shoes. I pick her up and move us on to the bed. Laying on top of her as I kiss all over her face. I smile as she giggles at me.

I can smell her arousal as we kiss. I growl as I rip off her bra and panties. I remove my boxers and kiss all over her body. Reaching her core I couldn't help but spread her legs wider and bury my head in between them. Licking and sucking on her clit, I take my time with her as she is mine after all. I listen to her moan and shake as her orgasm rips through her body. "Fuck... Amara you taste so good." I say kissing my way back up her body. I line myself with her and slam into her to hear her moan as I start to move.

"OH! God Ty!" She screams out and I start moving faster at an almost inhuman speed. Over and over I watch her come undone for me. I couldn't take it anymore and cum inside of her. I knew now that it wouldn't matter if I wore a condom since vampires can't have kids.

"Holy shit Amara! That was..." I say and if I was still human I would be out of breath and more than likely dead from my heart beating so fast. "Fuck, Amara I didn't think our sex life could get any better." I say laying down next to her. I hear her giggle as she kisses my chest as she cuddles into my side, and falls asleep. "Sleep my love!" I say kissing her head before covering her up with a blanket.

I lay with her for a few hours until Emmett comes and gets me to go hunting with him. I quickly get dressed as Amara sleeps. Once we are outside we take off running. I stop as I see a flash of red run past us. Emmett must have seen it too. We chase after her; we only stop as she is over the treaty line. I hear Emmett growl as we can't cross over. I see four wolves start to chase after her.

I hear a growl making me turn to the source of it. I smile when I see Paul's wolf. "Damn it Paul..." I yell at him as he gives me a barky laugh as he goes behind a tree. "Asshole!" I say as he comes back out wearing a pair of shorts.

"You look like Tyler... You sound like Tyler... So are you still Tyler?" Paul asks as I glare at him. "I mean the eyes are a little creepy but you're still here." He says as Emmett laughs.

"His eyes will change in the next few months from red to gold." Emmett says, still laughing. Paul nods his head in understanding.

"Why did you stay behind instead of going after Victoria?" I ask as Emmett now looks at Paul confused. Clearly wondering the same thing.

"I wanted to come to the house but Sam wanted to give you more time with all this." He says, gesturing to me, I laugh but nod my head at him. "There is another vampire running around here. Blonde cute bunny eater like you guys. So we are pretty sure isn't working with the red head. But not 100% sure so be on the lookout for her." Paul says, looking from me to Emmett. "As a matter of fact she looks a little like Rosalie." Paul says as both me and Emmett look at him funny. Paul shrugs his shoulders. "I better get going. Ty call me and Jared and let us know when we can come see you and Amara?" He says before taking off back to the pack.

"We need to hunt and then let the others know about this new vampire." Emmett said as we started to run. I now just want to get back to my mate and make sure she is ok. After a few hours of hunting to make sure I am ready to go to school tomorrow or should I say today. As soon as we walk into the house I run upstairs to check on Amara and make sure she is still asleep in our bed.

I walk back downstairs to see everyone in the living room with a shocked look on their face. "I'm guessing you told them what Paul said?" I ask, looking at everyone. I watch Rosalie look from Emmett to the stairs then over to me.

"Rose... no one will get close to her! You know Tyler and I won't let that happen." Emmett says as he looks over at me and sighs.

"What's going on?" I ask, looking really confused. Rosalie and Emmett now look concerned. I hear Amara get out of bed and run to the bathroom and she throws up. I ran up the stairs to check up on her. "Baby are you ok?" I ask as I walk into the bathroom. She nods her head but continues to throw up. Once she is done I help her up off the floor. Once she brushed her teeth and washed her face. I gave her my shirt to wear. We walk into our room and see Rosalie and Emmett standing there waiting for us.

"We need to tell you something." Emmett says moving over to the little couch with Rosalie. I help Amara over to the bed and sit down with her.

"What's wrong with me?" Amara asks as Rosalie smiles at us.

"OH, Baby there is nothing wrong with you. Yes you are sick but it is nothing bad." Rosalie says with a small smile.

"Ok? So then why does she keep throwing up? It happened before I turned. Shouldn't she gotten better if she had a cold or the flu?" I ask, looking at the two people who are like parents to me.

"Well that would be the reason I told you to wrap your shit!" Emmett says as I look at him confused, until it hits me and Amara at the same time. She is pregnant. But vampires can't have kids.

"I'm Pregnant?" Amara says looking at her mom who nods her head. I listen to my mate's stomach and I hear a little heart beat and I smile as I place my hand on her stomach.

"Who?" I asked as I continued to look at my mates stomach.

"She is still part human." Rosalie says and I nod my head. I guess I didn't really think about that. I have never really asked how she became only half vampire. It never really mattered to me. I loved her for her. No other reason.

"I'm going to be a father?" I said not really to anyone but it did make Emmett laugh.

"Yeah you are!" He said with another laugh, making me smile and pick Arama up.

"God, I love you!" I said before kissing her. She has given me so much since I met her and I was so happy that she was mine. "We are going to have a baby!" I said as we held each other. I wasn't sure when Emmett and Rosalie left the room but I didn't care as I was happy to be alone with my pregnant mate.

I helped her lay back down as she still needed to sleep. "Sleep! I will be right here when you wake up." I said as she laid her head down on my chest. "I will protect you and our child." I said as she drifted off to sleep.

"I love you both so much!" She mumbled in her sleepy state. This made me smile as I loved them both so much!

"I love you both so much. My beautiful mate and miracle child." I said as I leaned my head on hers. I kept my hand on her stomach as she slept. I knew I wouldn't feel anything but it didn't care. I wanted him or her to know that I was there and that I loved them.

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