The truth will hurt

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

I was surprised when I arrived at the Cullen's house to not see Tyler and Amara but instead three of the Volturi guards were there sitting in the living room waiting

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I was surprised when I arrived at the Cullen's house to not see Tyler and Amara but instead three of the Volturi guards were there sitting in the living room waiting. The Cullen's looked afraid of them. I walked into the living room only to be met with growls from both the Cullen's and the guard. "So what's going on?" I say taking a seat next to Alice. No one said a word to me, making me huff in annoyance.

"Why is she still alive?" I hear from behind me. I turn to see the hot guard with Tyler and Amara. "And no more lies!" He says with a growl Tyler guides Amara to the couch that the other guards are sitting on. Jane smiles at her and that pissed me off. They are not supposed to be happy to see her. They are meant to kill her. But if what they said was true and Demitiri is her father that won't likely happen now.

"We don't kill humans, Demitiri!" Carlisle says, looking over at me I give him a small smile. There still may be hope that they will turn me like they did my brother. Maybe I could get Demitiri to turn me, and I could be his mate.

"Then Edward should have let us do it in Italy when he came to end his own life!" Alec says looking over at me with a glare. "Edward was told that she is nothing to him and that his true mate was still out there. They were both told to return Amara to her rightful home." He says, pointing at Edward and Alice, I huff out my annoyance that everything turns back to Amara. Everyone wants Amara and not me. What is so special about her?

"Because at the time I was in love with her and wanted to keep her safe." Edward says as he holds his bitch in his arms. She has taken everything from me. Her and Amara get everything that is mine.

"But now that you have found your true mate... Why have you not taken care of this human? Like you were told to do." Felix asks, looking over at Edward. "From what Aro has told us she has caused nothing but problems not only for your coven but for the other humans around here. Not to mention the danger to Amara and her unborn child." He says now looking over at me. I know I wish I hadn't come here and just went home. But I am determined to be one of them and will do whatever I have to, to make sure I am one.

"Edward will have to face charges in Italy for..." Jane starts to say when Edward's bitch gasps at her. "Defining us. The human will becoming with us as well" She finishes with an evil smile. I let out a gasp not wanting to go with them.

"As will the rest of you for the kidnap of Demitiri and Madison Volturi's daughter. Since you knew that she was taking away and they wanted her back. Yet you kept her here and told her that her father wanted her die. Which was not the case as you ever well know Carlisle." Alec says, making everyone look afraid. Amara looks like she is about to cry as Tyler holds her close.

"Let's get back to why this human is still alive?" Demitiri growls out, making me jump as he stands behind me. He has a mate. He looks down at me in disgust.

"She is not a danger to us!" Edward says but I hear a scoff from Amara. Who is now glaring at me. I see nothing but hate for me in her eyes. Maybe I shouldn't have pushed myself on her like I did. Or maybe if I was nicer to Tyler she would be on my side and not hate me so much.

"She stabbed Tyler in the back with a steak knife because we voted against her being turned. She still claims to be your mate even though we all know she is nothing but a whore." Amara yells pointing at me. I flinch at her words as tears build in my eyes. "She has stocked us, forced herself on us and you have helped her this whole time. You are the reason she still has hope that she will be a vampire." She yells, making my tears fall down my face.

" She yells, making my tears fall down my face

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I have had enough of this. All the lies, the danger that she has put me and Tyler through. But it wasn't just her, it was my so-called family as well. "What have you been holding back from telling me and Tyler? Enough of the lies." I snap out at my so-called family.

"It's not that easy Amara!" Edward says, giving me a sad look. I scoff at him. "What we did we did to protect you and Tyler." He says, making me laugh at him.

"Protect? Are you kidding me, you haven't been protecting us, you have been putting us in danger. Every minute that she is breathing has put us in danger. Puts our child in danger." Tyler yells out at everyone. "It seems like the only ones who truly care about Amara and our child are Demitiri, me and the Volturi and he hasn't seen her in 18 years." He says, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Tyler, it really was about protecting you and Amara." Carlisle says, making Tyler growl.

"This is all about me and our baby!" I say making Tyler and Demitiri look at me. "That is what this is really about! All the tests and blood you have taken from me... We were just a science experiment. A way to figure out how a vampire could have a child." I say looking at my so-called family with nothing but hurt in my eye.

"No! Amara I swear that is not the reason we kept you!" Rosalie says taking a step closer to me but I backed away. "When we found you I fell in love with you. Yes I want my own child and I thought you could be my shot at being a mom. But when the Volturi called and told us that you were taking from your mother and father... It broke my heart to give you back so we kept you and raised you as our own." Rosalie says as Emmett holds her.

"How am I supposed to believe anything any of you say now that I know the truth?" I asked. "You have been lying to me my whole life and then you put not only me and Tyler in danger but our child and the people of Forks all because of Edwase blood singer." I say feeling my magic build in my hands.

"What have they not been telling us?" Tyler asks, when I look at him he is looking over to Jane and Alec. Jane and Alec both smile at him.

"They knew that Bella would try to kill you and that you would have to be turned. Clearly they didn't stop it from happening." Jane says looking back at Tyler and giving him a sad smile.

"They only want you for yours and Amara's gifts." Alec says, giving Tyler a small smile. I look back at Tyler as he looks at them confused.

"I don't have a gift." Tyler says, still looking at them confused.

"But you do. You are a shield, a more powerful one than her." Felix says pointing at Bella. "You can turn it off and on, but when it is on you not only block yourself but everyone around you." He says, making me look at my mate. I was shocked. We thought he didn't have a gift.

"Once you have trained up you would be able to hide this whole cover from us. As for Amara, she is powerful all by herself. An elemental is a rare and powerful witch able to take down a whole cover in a matter of minutes." Alec says, eyeing The Cullen's clan.

"And Amara is the only reason she is still alive. Edward threatened that if we hurt her that he would hurt Amara." Demitiri says, making Tyler growl and stand in front of me.

"Like Hell I would let that happen." Tyler says growling at Edward, who now puts Ashlynn behind him.

"Tyler I would never hurt Amara... you know that!" Edward says, trying to calm Tyler down.

"We both know that is not true... You have hurt her more than once. All because of the whore here." Tyler says, pointing at Bella, making Edward flinch back from him.

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