Marry Me?

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After we leave the throne room and are shown to our room

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After we leave the throne room and are shown to our room. I couldn't believe how big this place really was or how old it was. Every vampire that we passed looked at us in confusion or concern as to why we were here. It was making me unsettled with Amara being pregnant and half human.

"Don't worry Tyler, The masters won't let anything happen to you or Amara." Jane says as she glares at a male guard that is glaring at Amara. I pull her a little closer to me.

"Or your child. Aro knows that I will rip anyone apart who tries to harm my daughter and grandchild." Madison says, giving me a smile. "It sounded so weird to say grandchild!" She says, with a laugh. Amara is taking everything in.

"Here is your room." Jane says. "We hope you both like it. We have been working on it since we found out that you were with the Cullens and that you had a mate." She says, opening the door.

"It is absolutely beautiful!" Amara says walking around the room.

"We will take you both shopping once everything is worked out with the Masters." Madison says as she opens the curtains.

"Why do you call them master?" I ask, they look at me confused. "Sorry I..." I start to say when Madison puts a hand on my shoulder.

"It's fine. Most of us were turned by one of them or by someone they had turned." Madison says moving over to Amara.

"Like how Demitri turned you?" I asked still a little confused.

"No! Demitri was not turned by any of them. He was turned by another and kept from the world. Hidden away like a treasure waiting to be found. And he was!" Madison says looking behind me. I turn to see Demitri standing in the doorway with a small smile on his face.

"We call them master as I sign of respect since this is their coven and they are some of the oldest vampires alive." Demitri says, making me nod my head in understanding.

"Make sense!" I say, still nodding my head. "Um... Demitri can I talk to you alone for a minute." I ask, looking from Demitiri to Amara who is sitting and talking with Jane and her mother.

"Of course." He says as he walks out of the room. I follow behind him. "What is it you want to talk about?" He asks, as we walk. I pull out the ring box that I have had in my pocket for months now.

"I bought this a while ago and I have been trying to find the right time to ask Amara to marry me. But with Bella around there was never a good time. But I want to make her my wife." I say, handing him the box. I watch as he opens it up and looks down at the engagement and wedding ring. 

"I know it's not much!" I say as Demitri shakes his head at me

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"I know it's not much!" I say as Demitri shakes his head at me.

"It is perfect." He says, making me smile. "Let's get you both settled here and then you can ask her. I know the master will want to help you. We all will help, we have a lot of years to make up for." He says with a sad smile.

"Amara doesn't blame you for what happened. And she is happy that she can now have you and her mom in her life and in our child's life. That is all she has ever wanted. I mean Rosalie and Emmett were good to her but she alway felt like something was missing." I say as we walk back to mine and Amara's room.

"Alright let's let them get settled." Jane says, pulling Madison and Demitri out of the room. Once the door is shut I look at Amara as she is unpacking some of her clothes she brought with us.

 Once the door is shut I look at Amara as she is unpacking some of her clothes she brought with us

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We have been with the Volturi coven for just over a week now. Tyler has transunion from an Animal diet to a human one. We found out that my mom doesn't feed off of the innocent. They bring in murders and child abusers in and she feeds off of them. So that is how Tyler has been feeding. As for me... They don't want me and the baby to get hurt so they have been giving me blood bags. But once the baby is born I will feed the same way as my mom and Tyler. I still wasn't sure how I felt about that.

"Hey babe?" Tyler says. Breaking me from my thoughts. I look over at him and smile.

"Yeah!" I say as he starts to chuckle at me.

"Aro wants us down in the throne room." He says as I stand up and walk over to him. He takes my hand and I can tell he is nervous about something. We have been kept away from most of the guards, mostly because Aro wanted us to be comfortable before we met them all.

We walk into the throne room to see the elite guard and the master waiting for us. I smile as we stop in front of our new coven leaders. "Amara, we have a doctor coming in tomorrow to check on you and the baby." Cauis says, as Tyler lets go of my hand.

"Thank you!" I say giving him a smile. I am so used to having check ups all the time. That it is a little weird not to have one in a week.

"Amara, you know that your mate bond with Tyler is one of the strongest that I have ever seen." Marcus says, making me confused as to why he is talking about this.

"You all are acting weird!" I say earning a few chuckles from the guard.

"Come walk with me Amara!" My father says, making me even more confused and concerned. But I take his hand. He walks me out to the garden behind the throne room. It looks so beautiful at sunset. I smile as we walk around. We stop at the fountain, he turns me around to look at him.

"I wasn't happy when I found out that they kept you and lied to me and your mother. I wasn't happy to hear that you had a mate and I sure as hell wasn't happy when I found out that you were pregnant. But I see the way he looks at you, the way he protects you. He loves you with all he has." He says, with a smile. Making me really confused. He turns me around to face Tyler who is on one knee making me gasp.

"Amara Marie Voltuir... I have loved you since we first met. You are my everything. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife!" Tyler asks, shocking me.

"Yes!" I whisper out as tears start to run down my face. As he places the ring on my finger.

"I love you so much baby!" He says, kissing me.

"I love you too Ty!" I say, kissing him back.

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