No Reason part one

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

It only took my father a matter of minutes to locate the rest of the Cullen's clan

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It only took my father a matter of minutes to locate the rest of the Cullen's clan. I was happy and sad to see both Rosalie and Emmett. I was unsure about how to feel about seeing Ashlynn. I walk up to them and smile. "It is good to know that the two people that cared for me weren't part of the plan to kidnap me." I say as my father nods his head as they look at me scared.

"Don't worry, we aren't here to hurt you!" Demitri says with a smile as they still look fearful.

"We figured out what they did and who was and wasn't a part of it." I say as I see Emmett sigh.

"You three are needed back in Italy." Demitri says as I shake my head at him. Ashlynn looks confused as both Emmett and Rosalie look scared.

"The Cullen's clan is there and want to explain everything to the kings. But the Kings want you there as well. You are not in any trouble and will be free to leave once everything is done. You have my word." I say, giving them a sweet smile. I have missed them. I mean they did raise me and treated me like I was their own daughter.

"So we can leave once all of this is sorted out?" Emmett asks as I nod my head at him.

"Yes! You will be able to leave or to stay if you want, it will be all up to you!" Demitri says as I nod my head at them. They stand up and Emmett pulls both Rosalie and Ashlynn into a hug as Demitri and I grab one of his hands. We arrive back at the castle just outside of the throne room.

"I thought you may want a minute before we are in there." I say giving them a small smile. "Ashlynn you should..." I say but she cuts me off.

"She is in there! I can smell her!" Ashlynn says as I grab her hand and give it a squeeze.

"I am sorry!" I say as she gives me a sad smile. I walk into the throne room right behind my father. I walk behind the kings and take my son back into my arms.

I watch as Demitri and Amara walk back into the throne room

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I watch as Demitri and Amara walk back into the throne room. Amara gives me a small smile as she holds Damon. I hear the doors open up again and I see Emmett, Rosalie and Ashlynn walk in. I also noticed that they were not wearing the Cullen crest. I look over to the Cullen's and Edward looks like he wants to run over there and hold Ashlynn in his arms. I look at Jasper and he too is not wearing the Cullen crest. Aro steps down from his throne and walks to stand in between the two sides.

"Emmett, Rosalie and Ashlynn. Welcome, I am sure you know why you are here?" He says/asks as they all nod their heads at him. "Then who is first?" He asks, holding out his hand. I smile as Carlisle and Esme look scared, more than before.

"We want to make sure..." Emmett starts as he looks at Aro. "Amara and Demitri said that once we are done that we will be able to leave. Is that correct?" Emmett asks as I look at him with a smile.

"Yes, that is correct." Aro says as he looks at Emmett and Rosalie with a smile. "You may stay or go as you see fit." He says as I smile and nod my head at Emmett and Rosalie.

Emmett's mind~ As long as my mate and her sister are ok. I will let him see what I know.

"Then I would like to go first." Emmett says, holding out his hand. Aro turns to me and I nod my head.

Emmett's mind~ I hope they see that me and Rosalie took care of Amara and loved her like she was our own. She looks so beautiful holding her son.

"Very Well Emmett." Aro says as he takes hold of Emmett's hand. After a few minutes Aro let go of his hand. "Well Amara you were right Emmett and Rosalie did not take part in your kidnapping and did not know what the rest of the Cullen's were up to. But it seems that there is one on their side that was also not a part of it. Jasper?" He says as I look over at Jasper and smile. Jasper steps up and nods his head. I watch as Marcus looks at Jasper and then to Alice. He sighs and shakes his head.

Emmett's mind~ She knew we had nothing to do with her kidnapping.

Rosalie's mind~ Oh thank god. We would never do that to her.

Jasper's mind~ I would never do that to her. Why, they thought it was a good idea to take a baby away from her family. I will never understand.

"It is a shame when one claims to be a mate and they are not." Marcus says as he shakes his head again. I watch as Jasper looks confused and Alice looks scared.

Alice's mind~ Oh no! Please don't!

"What do you mean?" Jasper asks looking over at Alice. Alice steps closer to him. I see Bella smiling. I try to focus on her. See if I can read her thoughts.

"She is not your mate!" Marcus says in a flat board tone. Jasper looks at her and she sighs.

"Alice?" Jasper says as she turns away from him.

"He is right, I am not your mate. But I do love you!" She says with anger in her voice. Jasper growls making everyone back up from him.

"Why?" Jasper asks venom laced in his tone. I sigh as I can't get through her shield.

"Because we need your gift. To control Emmett, Rosalie and Amara. But once Amara met Tyler you stopped. You wanted things to happen naturally between them. Like a real couple." Alice says as she glares at Jasper. "And yes we are not mates. I tricked you just like Maria. I am sorry Jasper, I do love you." She says as he growls at her.

Jasper's mind~ My gift... That is what this is about. She used me just like Maria. I knew I should have left with Emmett, Rosalie and Ashlynn.

"You don't love me. If you did you would have never have done this to me. What you all have done is wrong. You set all of this up so you could get Amara. And run tests on her like some lab rat." Jasper yells as me, Demitri and Felix growl. I watch as Bella glares at me.

"What do you mean, run tests on her?" Madison asks, looking pissed as she walks out from behind the king.

"They have been trying to figure out if Amara's blood would help get a vampire pregnant. But it's not her blood. It would be her daughter's blood." Jasper says as he pulls out a book.

"But Amara doesn't have a daughter." Ashlynn says looking over at Edward pissed.

"She has a son!" Jasper says walking over to where Jane and Alec are and handing them the book. Alec walks it over to Caius

"She will have a daughter!" Bella says with a cocky smile. "Now give me my son!" She yells as she steps up to me.

"Your son? You are nothing to him and you never will be!" I say with a snarl. She gasps at me before turning to Alice.

"Alice!" Bella yells as she stomps her foot.

"I have seen that Bella and Edward will raise your son!" Alice says as I hear Amara laugh like a crazy person.

Alice's mind~If they find out that I am lying then we will be killed. But I know if we take him, they will have another child sooner rather than later.

"That will never happen! That bitch will never be a part of our son's life." Amara says with a growl. I turn to watch her as she hands Damon to Caius, before she stands in front of Alice. "I don't know what game you are playing but I know how your visions work. And I am telling you right now that she will never be a part of our son's life. He will only know her as the monster bitch that tried to kill his father and that she is nothing more than a whore that thinks she is something special." Amara yells in Alice's face.

Alice's mind~Shit this is not going how I had hoped. I need to get him. Maybe if I run I can get out of here.

"Are you sure that that is the vision you had?" I ask as I cock my head to the side as I step in front of Caius and Demon.   

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