Finding Amara

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Hunting the woods of northern Canada with Emmett when we came across the scent of blood and heard a baby crying

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Hunting the woods of northern Canada with Emmett when we came across the scent of blood and heard a baby crying. Emmett tries to pull me away but I yank myself out of his grip. I slowly walk up to the sound of the baby crying. Walking up to a baby girl wrapped in a wool blanket in a wood box. "Emmett!" I whisper not wanting to wake her up.

 "Emmett!" I whisper not wanting to wake her up

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"Rosalie! What's..." Emmett starts to say when he sees the baby girl in my arms. "Who would leave a baby girl in the woods all alone?" He asks as I smile down at her. She is so tiny.

"Do you want to hold her?" I ask, looking at her with a smile as she grabs my finger. I look to Emmett for an answer, he nods his head. I show him how to hold his arms to support her head.

"Hello there, little princess!" He says as she nuzzles into his chest. "Look there's a note!" Emmett says a little too loud as she starts to cry. He starts to shh! her rubbing a finger up and down her cheek to calm her down.

To whomever finds my baby girl,

Her name is Amara, she was born on May 12. She is special but her father wants her dead. Because she is a girl. I couldn't let that happen, not to her. Please take care of her! Love her as she is your own!

"She is only a day old! Emmett?" I say turning around to look at him as he rocks her to sleep. "Emmett... I want to keep her." I say handing him the note as I take her from his arms.

"Let's get to Carlisle and make sure she is in good health and then talk with everyone first." He says picking up the box and starting to run off. I walk with her in my arms. "Rose... You are going to have to run with her. If we want to get back before nightfall." He says, looking down at Amara. I could see the love he already had for her.

"I know I just wanted to look at her for a little while." I say looking at her as she starts to fuss. "Yeah I think she is getting hungry. We should hurry!" I say with a small laugh.

 We should hurry!" I say with a small laugh

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