True Colors

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After all her lies Jake still believes her. I shake my head at Jake as he smiles after Bella kisses him and tells him she loves him and only him. It made me sick how stupid he was to believe her. But then an Idea came to me. "So... Edward coming back is cool with you since you moved on to Jake right?" I ask as Bella's head snaps to me and Amara. Jake looked concerned. I knew deep down what I had said before had gotten to him.

"Edward is coming back? When?" She asks, stepping closer to us. I smirked as did Amara, Paul and Jared.

"Why do you care? I mean you are with Jake now... You're in love with Jake... So my family coming home should be a problem right? I mean why should you care?" Amara asks, looking at Bella confused. Jake watches Bella and becomes pissed.

"Bella..?" Jake says starting to shake ever so slightly. She puts her hands on his mouth to stop him from talking. This only fueled Jake's anger. So much so Sam. Paul. Jared and Embry moved in front of Emily and Kim.

"I mean of course not. I am with Jake, just like I said after all." Bella says with a fearful smile. I smile and look at Amara. Who nods her head and smiles at me.

"That's good, that's really good... Cause Edward found his true mate and wants his family to be whole again. He wants to make things right with Amara and I. You know, get back to the way things were before you came here!" I say with excitement as Bella gasps and looks at me with sadness in her eyes.

"He did what now?" She yells out, making Emily, Kim and Amara laugh. I knew she would only hear the part about him finding his mate. "I am his mate, not some little slut! ME! How could he replace me with some nasty slut? Did I mean that little to him?" She yells again and I start to laugh as Jake looks at her pissed. "I will kill her when she gets her. He is mine!" She screams out at all of us.

"I knew it! I knew you were lying to Jake to make yourself feel better! And you still think you are Edward's true make. If you were, you wouldn't be able to sleep with Jake or all the other guys that you have been fucked by." I yell out at her, making her look from me to Jake. Bella looks at me shocked before she starts to cry.

"What have I done to you to make you hate me so much? You are my brother and you treat me like I am nothing at all to you!" Bella says/asks as she fake cries. She looks around the pack and the only one believing it is Jake.

"Tyler, I am sorry to tell you this but Bella is better than you! You know that right?" Jake says/asks looking at me as he holds on to my slut of a sister. Paul and Jared scoff at him and everyone else looks at him like he is crazy.

"Better really? Is that your brain or your dick saying that? Cause I can show you how many guys she has been with since she started to hang out with you. Hell since she got here. Bella is now a game to the guys in Forks. Their own personal fuck game. She is now the slut of Forks" I say as Jake and Bella look at me shocked.

"And as for you Bella... You are nothing to me. Just like you are nothing to Edward and his family. I told you the morning after you came that I do not see you as my sister. That has not changed. I still hate you. Now more than ever." I say looking her dead in the eyes. "Amara, we should get going if we are going to meet up with your parents in time." I say holding out my hand for my mate/girlfriend.

"Carlisle and Esme are in town? For how long and where are they staying? Will they be at the house?" Bella asks with a small smile. I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Carlisle and Esme aren't my parents!" Amara says with annoyance in her voice. Bella looks at her funny. "It just shows how much you don't know about me or my family... And that, what you think you know you made up in your head. Since Edward wasn't allowed to talk about us without our permission. Seeing as you weren't his mate!" Amara says walking past Bella and out the door. Bella looks at me shocked.

"Even, I know who her parents are. And I have only known her for three weeks. Guess she likes me more than you to tell me her story." Kim says with a laugh as Bella glares at her. Jared and Paul nod their heads at her. I nod my head at the pack before walking outside to my girl. I helped her into the jeep. As I am walking around to the driver side I see Bella standing there.

"Who are her parents? Why has no one told me more about the family? I am Edward's mate! I have a right to know about the family I belong to." She says in a demanding tone. I hear Amara scoff at Bella.

"Because Bella you are not Edward's mate. You have no right to know anything about them. Edward may have told you his story but it doesn't mean that the rest of the Cullen's have to tell you anything about themselves. Seeing as none of them wanted you around in the first place." I say as I climbed into the jeep. Bella glares at me and stomps her foot. I watched as Jake walked out to her and they started to argue with each other.

After we leave the pack house we head to the Cullen's house. Where Rosalie and Emmett are waiting for us. Once we pull into the driveway Amara is out of the jeep and running into her mother and father's arms. I smile at how happy she is to see her parents. Rosalie moves to hug me as I sigh in relief that they are here. It felt normal again. And with Victoria around I know I wouldn't be able to protect Amara if she changed her mind and decided to attack her instead of Bella

"Good to see you Tyler." Emmett says, pulling me into a hug.

"You to Emmett! Rosalie!" I say returning his hug.

"OH! I have missed you so much Minnie!" I hear Rosalie say to Amara.

"I missed you too mommy!" Amara says hugging her mother again. Emmett clears his throat. "And you too daddy! I even came here and stole one of your shirts that you left behind." Amara says with a giggle.

"I was wondering who's shirt that was." I say to her as she giggles again. I knew whose shirt it was but didn't want to see her sad when I asked about it.

"Will no need to miss us any more. Because we are moving back home. with the two of you!" Rosalie says with a smile as she cups Amara's face.

"We told Edward that he can stay away if he likes but that we were not going to be away from our daughter and you anymore. That we wanted our family together. Same goes for the rest of the family." Emmett says, pulling his mate and daughter into his arms as he looks at me.

"When will everyone else be back?" I ask, looking at Rosalie and Emmett. I knew this would drive Bella crazy that the family moved back for Amara and that Edward did not return with them to be with her. I knew I needed to let the pack know as well. Just so they had a heads up.

"Within the week!" Emmett says with a smile. I sigh and nod my head. Emmett and Rosalie look at me funny.

"We may have pissed Bella off today." I say with a smile as Amara giggles. Emmett and Rosalie laugh. It didn't take long for us to tell them everything that has happened since they had left. But It did end with Rosalie calling Alice and screaming at her for not saying anything about Lurant being around and confronting Amara. Then it was Edward's turn. Rosalie went off telling him how much she hated him and how she wished that he would die. That all of what was happening was his fault and he should be the one to fix it or just kill her.

After that we had a long talk about what Amara and I wanted to do after graduation and where we wanted to go on our trip. They wanted to give us a special trip after the hell Edward and Bella had put us through. 

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