Death comes for us all

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

I stood there and waited to see what Bella would say

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I stood there and waited to see what Bella would say. After about five minutes of her just looking at me, I laughed. "So there is no reason for why you... Bella Swan did what you did to me, Tyler Swan Voltuir or to Amara Swan Voltuir or Edward Mason." I say as Bella opens and closes her mouth some more.

"I-I mean I have my own reasons for doing what I did to you and Amara. But I love Edward. I didn't do anything to him but love him." Bella says as I look at her funny.

"And what are those reasons?" I ask as Bella glares at me.

"I am better than you!" Bella says with a smirk.

"Better how?" I ask as Bella is starting to get angry with me.

"Edward can't read my mind." She says as I smile and nod my head at her. I look at Aro and he nods his head at me.

"Yeah! That is true. But Edward can't read my mind if I don't want him to. I can also read minds. And that includes yours. I can also make your shield drop so Edward and Aro can read your mind. Meaning when I do that, Jane's powers will work on you!" I say as Bella now looks scared. "I think my gift is better than yours." I say as Bella looks back at Alice.

"So how are you better?" I hear Amara ask, making me smile at Bella. Bella glares at me before looking at my beautiful wife and mate.

"I just am!" Bella says getting more than a few of us to laugh. She huffs and stomps her foot. "Our mother never wanted a boy! She only ever wanted a girl. She took me away and left him behind. If that doesn't scream better then I don't know what does." Bella says as Madison starts to laugh really hard.

"That doesn't make you better, that makes your mother a bad mom. Like I said before that does not make you better than Tyler. It just shows that your mother is a sad excuse of a mother." Madison says as Rosalie nods her head in agreement.

"OK! How about we move on to Alice." Jasper says walking down in front of Alice. "Why did you use me?" He asks as Alice looks scared that he is that close to her and mad.

"I wanted to be with someone and I saw you and how unhappy you were and I thought I could make you happy. I was planning on giving you a child but Amara won't let us have the baby's blood." Alice says with a huff.

"And for good reason she is a baby!" Jasper says with a growl.

"But you were happy with me. And I know you can be again. If you could give me another chance. I can show you that I can give you more than her." Alice says. Pointing at Jasper's true mate.

"NO! Alice, that will not happen. I am with my true mate and I love her. She completes me. I don't feel like I am going to lose control everyday. I don't feel everyone's hunger. She makes me feel free," Jasper says as Alice looks at him shocked. "I don't want to be without her. Not now, not ever. Now that I have found her." Jasper says as Alice looks like she could cry.

"How about you two?" Emmett says as he and Rosalie walk up to Carlisle and Esme. They look scared.

"I am not sure anything we say will ever be enough for any of you." Esme says with a hiss.

"Why don't you try us!" Rosalie says with a smile. Esme huffs as Carlisle glares at his once supposed daughter.

"When Alice came to us with Jasper. She took me and Esme to the side and told us there was a way for us to have a child of our own. She said she didn't see all of just two girls, one who would help us and another that would give birth to a child that we would need for her blood. At first we didn't want anything to do with this plan." Carlisle says before looking at Alice. "Every few years she would bring it up again and we would tell her no. But when she said that the mother died giving birth to the child and that she saw us raising her as our own while we were able to use her blood to have a child of our own. We thought since the child was alone that we couldn't pass up on raising a child from birth." Carlisle says making Demitir and Madison growl.

"How long before you found out that she had a father and that her mother was still alive?" Caius asks with a growl of his own.

"Not until after I turned Elena. When she came to me and told me that Demitir found his mate. That is when Alice told us that she was the one that would give birth to the child we needed." Carlisle says while looking down at the ground.

"Did you ever think to stop and walk away from this plan you all had?" Demitir asks with a hiss. Charlie shakes his head.

"You forget that I lived with the Volturi! I knew who you were, Demitir. You slept with anyone and everyone. I knew if your mate didn't make it you would have thrown the baby out like trash!" Carlisle says with a scoff as Demitir looks at him in disbelief.

"I would have never thrown my child out like trash. I loved her the moment I found out we created her. Madison and Amara were my world. I would have done anything to protect her." Demitir says, looking at Carlisle in disgust. Carlisle looks at him shocked. "You stole her from me and my mate, her mother and father. Did you ever think about her mother... How it would make her feel knowing that she would never see her daughter again? Never be able to hold her, watch her grow!" He asks with venom in his voice. Esme looks scared as Demitir gets closer to Carlisle.

"No we didn't. We were so excited to have a child we never thought about it. Or what it would cost us in the end." Esme says as Madison comes closer. "We are sorry... But she grew up loved and taken care of. Doesn't that count for anything." Esme says looking panicked.

"She also grew up as your test rat. You took her blood without a care about what it would do to her. You drugged her and hid it from the rest of your coven. So somewhere in your brains you knew what you were doing was wrong. But you did it anyway." Madison yells. "What kind of people do that to a baby?" Madison asks with a growl.

"Amara and the baby are the key to us being able to have our own children." Alice says as she looks at Jasper. "I just wanted to give you a child of your own." She says as Jasper shakes his head at her.

"At what cost. Amara and the baby's life. It's not worth it to me." Jasper says as now Alice looks like she feels guilty about what she has done.

"Did you ever think about what would happen to Amara or her children?" Aro asks, looking at Carlisle.

"No we didn't... Because Alice said that they would be fine." Esme says with a shaky voice. Aro shakes his head disappointedly.

"We all know that death comes for us all one day! It is what we do to make the best of the time we are here, that will define us. I for one would never hurt a child like you have." Aro says as Alice looks scared. "Carlisle Cullen, Esme Cullen and Alice Cullen. I hereby sentence you to death for your crime against the Volturi coven" Aro says as Emmett, Jasper and Demitir as well as a few other guards grab them. I didn't even blink as they were ripped apart and then burned by Madison. Bella screamed as she watched what happened. She looked to Amara and I for help.

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