Here comes Trouble!

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It has been three weeks since Edward and Ashlynn came to Italy

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It has been three weeks since Edward and Ashlynn came to Italy. Three weeks since our son was born. It was a shock to find out that the Cullen's had this all set up. Even before Amara's mother Madison met her father Demitri. It pissed me off that they thought it was ok to ruin so many lives and for what? So that they could look human. There has to be more than that. What does Bella have to do with all of this? Why is it so hard for Edward to let her go? If she is only his blood singer then he should just kill her and live a life with his mate. Something is off and we need to figure out what it is before we move on to the Cullens.

I watch Damon and Amara sleep, since we found out that the Cullen's set all this up. The Kings don't want her or Damon left alone. I smile as Damon starts to wake you for his midnight feeding. "Hey little man! Shhh. Let's not wake mommy!" I whisper as I pick him up and grab a bottle that Amara pre-made for him. I quickly put it in the bottle warmer and waited for it to warm up. I smile as he eats and falls back asleep. I placed him in bed with Amara, so I could remove my clothes and climb into bed with them. I smile as she moves closer to me but still is careful of Damon in the bed with her. I kiss both of their heads before closing my eyes.

After a few hours I feel Amara wake up. I smile as she kisses Damon's head and moves to kiss me. "Morning Baby!" I say as she smiles at me.

"Morning handsome!" She says, giving me a kiss. I growl as her hand brushes against my crotch. It has been too long since we have had sex.

"We really need a night alone together." I say with a sigh as I lay back down on a pillow. I hear her giggle as she moves to get up. Just then Madison walks in with Jane. They both smile at us.

"Give me my grandson!" Madison says making grabby hands at Damon. Amara smiles and picks up Damon and hands him over to her mother. Madison smiles and winks at me. "We'll be in the garden when you are done." She says walking out. I smile as I get out of bed and run over to the door. Closing and locking it, turning around to look at Amara.

"You're mine now!" I say walking up to her and kissing her with all I have. I pick her up and move us over to the bed. I rip my shirt she is wearing off her body. I growl as I look over her beautiful body. "So beautiful!" I say as I hook my fingers into her panties and pull them down.

"Ty!" She moans as I spread her legs open for me. I lick my lips as I look over her body again. Where to start?

After I don't know how many rounds we went before Tyler and I exited our room

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After I don't know how many rounds we went before Tyler and I exited our room. We don't see anyone on our floor. I look at Tyler and he looks just as confused as I do. We walk down to the throne room to see the elite guard and the kings. I smile as I see my mother and father, but they are not standing together like they normally would be. My mother is standing behind the kings, with Damon. My smile falls when Tyler steps in front of me and growls.

I see most of the Cullen clan and Bella standing in front of the kings. Where are Rosalie, Emmett and Ashlynn? I growl as I disappear and reappear next to my mother. I take Damon from her arms and hold him close. Tyler walks next to my father and stands next to him and Felix.

"Well Carlisle, how can we help you?" Aro asks with a look of annoyance to his face.

"We were hoping that we could speak with Amara and Tyler? Alone?" He asks as me and Tyler growl.

"As you can see they do not wish to speak with you or any member of your coven." Aro says with a slit smirk.

"I understand that they are upset with us. But if you would let us explain then you would understand that we had to do this." Carlisle says as I hear Tyler scoff at him.

"Nope! No, thank you!" Tyler says with a snarl.

"Tyler please!" Bella says with a whine. I growl at her. "I am here for my nephew. He is more human than vampire and he should be with a human! Not with all of you." She says, making me growl at her.

"You will never touch my grandson!" My mother says with a snarl as she produces a fireball. Bella steps back behind Edward as they all look at my mother with wide eyes. "None of you will!" She says ready to throw at any of them.

"Carlisle we know all about you changing Elena and your plan to have her kidnap Amara and fool Rosalie and Emmett into thinking that her father wanted her dead so they wouldn't give her back." Cauis says with a growl. "We have no doubt that you are here for Amara and Tyler's child. You will not get him. Ever!" He says, making me smile at him. Carlisle looks scared as do most of the Cullen's.

"You all don't deserve the gift of a child, when you have taken so many lives." Esme says with a scoff as she glares at me.

"Is that so?" My mother says as she steps in front of Esme. "I was human, I hadn't hurt anyone. Yet you took my child away from me." She says as Esme looks at her sacred. "Who gave you the right to decide who gets to be a mother and a father?" She asks as Esme gulps but doesn't answer. "And you think you will be a better mother than my daughter? When you couldn't even keep yours alive?" She says with a scoff. Esem looks like she could cry.

"Where are Rosalie, Emmett and Edward's mate? Ashlynn I believe her name was?" Marcus asks, looking around at all the Cullen's and Bella. I hear Bella scoff as she plans with her fingers.

"They are no longer with the coven." Bella says with a smug smile.

"That is too bad." Marucs says with a frown. "Edward would make it much longer without his true mate!" He says as I laugh, making Edward glare at me. Bella looks scared.

"What that is what you get when you choose a whore blood singer over your true mate. It's sad that she will die because of you and that!" I say as I point at Bella, Edward sighs looking at me and then glares at Bella.

"I never meant to hurt Ashlynn. I love her more than anything. But when they found out what we had been hiding all these years, they all left." Edward says looking down at the ground. Tyler nods to Aro. "She didn't even give me a chance to explain everything." He says, shaking his head.

"We will just have to find them won't we... Amara? Demitri?" Aro says as I hand Damon over to my mother. I walk up to Aro. "Find them would you?" He asks as I bow my head to him and walk to my father then vanishes.   

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