Wish to forget

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

It has been a crazy few days for us back in Forks

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It has been a crazy few days for us back in Forks. Alice and Bella have been up Amara's ass. Everywhere she goes there they are waiting for her. Amara just walks past them and acts like they aren't there. Bella has even tried to come to the house to talk to me. Dad changed the locks so she can't get in. Alice was really upset about that.

"Tyler I know you are in there... Can we please talk?" I hear Bella scream as she pounds on the front door. I know that Amara and Damon are with Rosalie and Emmett. Which means that Edward and Ashlynn are also with them. Jasper will be back the day before the wedding. He found his mate when she came to visit the castle on one of the feeding tours. Maruce was able to knock her out before she saw anything. She is still human and will remain that way until she turns 18. She is currently only 16.

"What do you want now?" I ask with a sigh, opening the front door and glaring at her.

"To talk..." She says with a small smile.

"About what?" I ask, lining up against the door frame.

"About everything. I think we need to talk about our problems... With each other." She says, playing with her fingers.

"Now why would you want to do that?" I ask, looking at her confused. She sighs and looks up at me.

"I know me and you haven't really gotten along and I know I am a big part of it." She says as I nod my head at her. "And I know that what I have done to you and Amara didn't help either." She says as I nod my head again. "But it wasn't easy for me living with Renee." She says as I chuckle at her. She glares at me.

"Poor Bella!" I say, shaking my head at her. "You came here and thought that you would be better than me. But you never were and you never will be and that pisses you off." I say as she glares at me.

"You're right, it pisses me off. I was supposed to be me that was turned, not you. The only reason they turned you is because they need Amara to have a girl so they can use her blood to get pregnant." She says trying to be smug.

"Yeah! That may be true. But I am still Amara's mate. Something you will never be." I say with a smirk. Bella gasps at me and shakes her head. If she thinks I don't know what she is doing then she is really stupid. "I think I have given Alice enough time to look for my son." I say as Bella looks at me with fear in his eyes. Alice walks down the stairs and huffs. I laugh as she walks out of the house. "Please I am not stupid I knew what you two were up to the whole time." I say with a sung smirk. They both look shocked.

"Tyler, you need to give us your son. I have seen this and you need to let it happen." Alice says as Amara walks up behind them with Damon.

"Never going to happen!" Amara says walking past them and over to me. I put my arms around her and Damon. Alice looks at Damon and glares at him. I growl at her, making her step back from all of us.

 I growl at her, making her step back from all of us

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Today is the day we get married here in Forks. I was excited to marry Tyler again. I had just finished getting dressed when Rosalie and Emmett walked into my room. "You look beautiful Amara baby!" Emmett says as I smile at him.

"Thank you!" I say giving him a hug and then Rosalie. "Thank you both!" I say as I hug them both.

Emmett walked me down the aisle as Rosalie held Damon in her arms with Ashlynn, Edward and Jasper along with Jasper's mate next to her. We were almost done with the ceremony when Bella, and the rest of the Cullen's showed up. Alice smiled as Bella started to make a big scene about not being allowed at her own brother's wedding. Tyler started to laugh at her.

"Bella give it up. Amara and I didn't want you here for a reason. You and Alice have been trying to kidnap our son for weeks now. Just leave us alone." He yells as everyone gasps and then glares at Bella. Bella looks shocked as she was just outed in front of her father, the pack, Tribal members and townspeople from Forks as well as other vampires. Alice quickly moves to Bella's side and whispers something in her ear. Bella shakes her head at her. She turns back to me and Tyler and glares.

"Bella, it is time you leave before I have to arrest you! And I really don't want to do it." Charlie says as Bella glares at him.

"Of course, stand by him!" Bella screams at Charlie. "He gets everything that should be mine!" She yells again. I roll my eyes at her. "This should all..." She says pointing around to the wedding. "It should be me and Edward, not theirs ." She says as she starts to really throw a fit. And I mean like a two year old that isn't getting their way kind of fit. Edward stands up and moves so he can face Bella.

"Bella, that was never going to happen. I am in love with my girlfriend Ashlynn. If I was to marry anyone it would be her not you!" He says making Bella scream and start to throw things around.

"NO! I don't believe you! You love me not her. We are meant to be together." She screams as she trashes our wedding. Paul and Jared move in front of me as Quil and Embry move to stand in front of Rosalie along with Emmett and Jasper. Sam and Leah are ready to take down Bella if needed. Jasper has his mate and Ashlynn behind him. Alice sees her and growls. Bella finally stops throwing things around when she realizes that we are all just watching her.

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