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I hold Venessa close to my chest as Damon comes over to me and holds my leg

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I hold Venessa close to my chest as Damon comes over to me and holds my leg. Bella looks around as she now has no one on her side anymore. I smiled as I looked down at Damon. "It is ok little one! You and your sister are safe now! They can't hurt us anymore!" I say as I pat his back. Bella glares at me as I hold my children close.

"How could you do that? They were good people." Bella screams as she still is looking around for help.

"It is easy! Because they deserved it. And no they were not good people." Tyler says with a growl. "They stole Amara and they planned on doing the same to our daughter. That is why they came here to take her like they did Amara. They were hoping that we would focus on you so Alice could steal our daughter right out of Amara's arms. But as you can see we have had a plan ready for when you all would show up. It was just, when would you be here?" Tyler says as Bella shakes her head at all of us.

"Bella, why do you think they have kept you around?" I ask. "I mean it clearly isn't because you have anything to offer them." I say as Bella gasps at me.

"I have more to offer them than you!" Bella says as we all laugh.

"And what is that?" I ask as Bella looks scared again as I step closer to her.

"I am a shield! Meaning that Edward, Aro, Jane and Demitri's gifts don't work on me." She says with a cocky smile, but I could still see the fear in her eyes.

"That may be true. But I wonder if your shield would stop my mother's gift? Or better yet mine? Tyler's shield can." I say/ask as Bella looks over at my mother who is smiling at her. "Should we try?" I ask looking over at my mother who nods her head. Tyler takes Vanessa from me as Jasper picks up Damon. Tyler passes Vanessa off to Jasper's mate. They leave the throne room. Bella looks really scared now that our children are out of the room.

"Please! Don't hurt me! I just wanted to be with Edward. I love him and just want to be with him." She says as she cries I look at Edward and he just rolls his eyes. "Think about my mother and father! What will this do to them?" She says, holding up her hands.

"Did you think about them when you stabbed Tyler in the back?" I ask as she sobs. "DID YOU?" I yell at her. She finally shakes her head as Tyler grabs my hand.

"NO! I didn't." She says through her sobs. I shake my head at her.

"Why is that?" I ask as she just looks at me confused. "Why should we think about your parents when you didn't even do that when you tried to kill Tyler?" I ask, getting pissed as she still believes everything is all about her. "Bella, are you seeing that no one cares about you? That you are nothing to anyone but your mother! You mean nothing to us, to our kind." I say as Bella nods her head at me.

"I am Tyler's sister, that has to count for something? Right?" She says as Tyler steps in front of me.

"Bella I have told you I don't know how many times, that you mean nothing to me. I have never seen you as my sister. I have never cared about you in that way. You were always the girl who thought she was something special but you're not. Not to me, not to Edward." Tyler says as Bella starts to cry again but nods her head. "I worked so hard for everything I had. I worked hard at school to get good grades, I worked hard at football to be able to get into a good college. Me and Amara put in time and effort into our relationship to get where we are at today. It wasn't just because we were mates. I never expected to be turned like you did. I never expected to be taken care of like you did. I just wanted to be with my mate. That was all that mattered to me." Tyler says as Bella now looks shocked and scared.

"Tyler... I am your sister, how can you be so cruel to me?" Bella yells at him. Tyler growls and steps closer to her.

"Cruel? Really I'm the cruel one?" Tyler says with a hiss. Bella backs up and looks around for help. "Bella, you have always been the one to be mean and cruel to me. To tell me how I was never wanted or loved by Renee. Do you know why when you said you didn't want to come to forks anymore why I never went to see you?" Tyler asks as Bella shakes her head at him. "Because I didn't care about you. I haven't seen you as my sister since we were seven years old. So when Dad said you wanted to go to California. I told my father that I would stay with friends and he could go see you. That I wanted nothing to do with you and Renee. That you two weren't my family anymore." Tyler says as Caius shakes his head. Bella cries as Aro steps up.

"Bella for your part in the Cullen's plan to kidnap Amara and Tyler's baby girl." Aros says as Bella's whole body starts to shake.

"Please, don't I will leave and you will never see or hear from me again." Bella pleads with Aro.

"I am sorry! We can't allow that again." Aro says as he grabs her. Tyler holds me close as Aro feeds from her. She tries to fight Aro off of her but it is no use. Bella looked at me and Tyler like we were going to stop this. She screams as she kicks her feet and tries to hit Aro.

"It's over now!" Tyler whispers into my ear. I nod my head as all I want to do is hold my mate and our children. "They can't hurt you or our babies anymore." Tyler says, kissing my head.

As the years passed Tyler and I lived our lives to the fullest with our children. We didn't have to worry about Bella or the Cullen's anymore. It was weird at first but we all soon moved on with our lives.

Edward and Ashlynn stayed with us for a few years before they wanted to travel again. Wanting to live out in the open like any other human. We couldn't blame them. They always came every few years to check in and stay for a few years before leaving again.

Rosalie and Emmett stayed with the Volturi. Finding their own place within the ranks of the guard. Emmett and Felix fought over who was stronger but it always ended in a tie. Rosalie made everyone get a makeover. As she put it we are not in the dark ages anymore. Caius hated it but his mate loved it which made him happy.

Jasper became a big part of the guard making sure we were always kept safe when new vampires were around. His mate was happy that she would be able to watch over her family and make sure they had what they needed.

As for me and Tyler we are living our best lives. Watching our children grow up happy and healthy. After everything that had happened Aro thought Tyler and I should take some time and travel with the babies. He said that it was time for us to live not be hidden away from the world. Vanessa ended up giving her blood to see if it was even possible for two vampires to have a baby. It worked but we didn't want to move too fast with Vanessa giving her blood. Aro, Caius and Marcus agreed that they didn't want Vanessa to be hurt in the process.

I was the happiest I've ever been with Rosalie and Emmett living with us. Being reunited with my mother and father and having my mate and children with me. I never thought I would ever be this happy.

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