Journey to Hardhome

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Ella found herself in the courtyard days after King Stannis and his army left Castle Black

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Ella found herself in the courtyard days after King Stannis and his army left Castle Black. Men readied themselves and horses in preparation for the upcoming journey. Snow fell heavily as Ella stroked the black fur of her direwolf, Asena. Since Jon became Lord Commander, he took Ser Alliser's advice and kept the direwolves locked away, so they would not bring harm to anyone at Castle Black. Ella knew Thorne was terrified of Ghost and Asena, but she would never say such a thing out loud.

"I'm going to miss you girl," Ella spoke to her loyal companion. Asena whimpered, as though she was worried for Ella's safety. "I promise I'll return, girl. You don't have to worry about that."

Ella placed a kiss atop Asena's head and rose from her place in the snow. She gave Asena a final goodbye, closing the kennel door behind her. Ella spun on her heels, only to see Tormund, free of his chains, across the courtyard. Ella smiled, then quickened her pace to meet him.

Ella stood in front of the towering giant as she smiled at him. His red beard and gray cloak were covered in snow. His blue orbs met hers as she sighed. Seeing Tormund free and out of his cell made her heart flutter.

"You ready for this, girl?" He asked in a gruff tone.

"Ready as I'll ever be, I suppose," Ella admitted. She knew the journey to Hardhome would not be an easy one. Nor would the rescue of the wildlings.

"I hope you know what you're in for. The Free Folk will not be easy to convince to leave their home," Tormund stated.

"We have to at least try, Tormund," Ella said. "I can't live with myself if I know there was something I could have done to try to save them. We can't stay in Castle Black forever. The White Walkers are coming, and I feel as if it's my responsibility to save everyone."

"That's a big responsibility for one person to bear." Tormund grunted.

"I know, but I-" Ella was interrupted by the sound of footsteps crunching in the snow. She turned to see Jon approach them. Ella's eyes caught a look of disgust from Ser Alliser. Ella could see the disappointment in Jon's brown eyes.

"What's wrong?" Ella asked.

"Nothing," Jon waved her off. "It doesn't matter. You ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," Ella said.

"You know, Ells," Jon began, "it's not too late for you to stay here. This is dangerous, and I won't think any less of you if you decide to stay here."

"Jon," Ella sighed. "You really need to get it through that thick skull of yours. Where you go, I go, too."

"But Ells,-"

"No, Jon," Ella interrupted her brother. "I've spent my whole life being a coward. I'm going whether you want me to or not. I'm a grown woman now, and I can make my own decisions."

Jon sighed loudly. "You're becoming more and more stubborn as the years go by. Just like father."

"Aye, and you've always been stubborn," Ella smiled.

Jon smiled at Ella, then pulled her into a tight embrace. Ella pulled away and placed a kiss on Jon's cheek.

"Safe travels, Lord Commander," Ella heard a soft voice speak from behind them.The twins turned to see Samwell Tarly smiling at the pair. Ella gave Sam a quick goodbye so Jon could have a moment alone with his oldest friend.

Ella walked over to her horse and stroked the mane of the black creature. She admired the beauty of her new friend, until something lifted her off the ground. A small gasp escaped her throat as she was placed on the saddle on her horse's back. Ella looked down to see Tormund Giantsbane standing at her side.

"Go ahead and get comfortable, little Crow," Tormund smirked. "It's a long way to Hardhome."

Ella smiled at the wildling as he readied himself on the steed next to her. Ella felt Tormund lean over to hear. Tormund brushed a stray strand of hair behind Ella's ear.

"I can keep ya company the whole way if ya like," Tormund whispered against her ear, sending chills down Ella's spine. "And if ya like, I can keep ya warm at night."

Ella's face turned red as Tormund's boisterous laugh filled the air. After all the time Ella spent with Tormund, he still had this strange affect on her that she didn't understand. Ella hoped for the day where she would not be embarrassed by the wildling giant.

The small girl was broken from her train of thoughts as Jon climbed onto his horse. He looked to his sister, then sent her a small smile. Ella nodded back, and followed Jon as the NIght's Watch followed behind their Lord Commander. Tormund stayed by Ella's side as she guided her horse out of Castle Black. Ella knew with every step they took was one step closer to the enemy. Ella was washed with a sinking pit in her stomach as Castle Black disappeared behind them. She knew that saving the wildlings would not be an easy task, but it would be worth it in the end when they would return with the rescued people that resided beyond the Wall.

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