Wolf Pack

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The night before her sisters and father left for King's Landing, Ella sat in the Godswoods, away from the last dinner the King would have during their stay

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The night before her sisters and father left for King's Landing, Ella sat in the Godswoods, away from the last dinner the King would have during their stay. Her brother still slumbered, and Lady Catelyn refused to let Ella see Bran. The Lady of Winterfell thought Ella's presence might hinder his healing process. Ella knew this was a lie, but she did not press the issue.

Instead, she sat alone, away from her siblings, away from Jon. Her twin brother would be leaving for the Night's Watch the next day, and Ella could not find it in her heart to say goodbye. The two never split up before, and Jon felt in his heart that the Wall was the best place for him.

But not Ella. No, Ella could not join her twin at the Wall. It was only for men. The girl knew she would not be welcomed in Winterfell once her father left. But she was scared to ask if she could join them in King's Landing. Lady Catelyn would try to persuade Lord Stark from taking his bastard to the Capital. And Ella knew it.

Ella sighed and stared into the reflection pool. The moon hung high in the black sky, providing a source of light for the lonely girl. Ella always loved to watch the moon bounce off the water when the night was pitch black.

Ella was deep in thought when she heard footsteps approach. The girl turned her head to see Jon standing beneath the weirwood tree. He smiled at her, then took a seat. Silence fell between them as Ella looked to the sky. A flying star cut through the moonlit and Ella shut her eyes, making a wish on the moving star. She was once told by old Nan that if someone made a wish on a falling star, their wish would be granted by the gods.

"What'd you wish for?" Jon asked Ella, looking into her blue eyes. Ever since they were children, Ella made a wish on every single flying star she saw.

"I cannot tell you," Ella gave her brother a small smile.

"And why not?" He teased, nudging her shoulder.

"Then it would not be a secret," she smiled.

"It would between us." Jon whispered.

"It doesn't work thay way," Ella told Jon. "If I tell you, then the gods will not grant it, and you will be the one to blame."

Ella sighed then turned from her brother. She did not tell him or anyone what Lady Stark told her. Her eyes glossed over as she thought of her words.

"I wished for an easier way of life," she whispered. "I know we have it better than most bastard children, but I still want to eacape from here. I have nowhere to go, though. I know Father will not let me go to King's Landing, and Lady Stark will not want me to stay here. You have the Night's Watch, and I fear that I will have no home."

"You'll always have a home with me," Jon said, taking his sister's hand in his. "Come with me to the Night's Watch."

"Jon, they don't allow women," Ella huffed. "Besides, Father would never allow me to go to such a place. He'd say it is not a place for a young girl."

"Lord Tyrion is coming with us," Jon stated. "At least ride witg us and Uncle Benjen. He will protect you. Then when Lord Tyrion leaves, ride with him to King's Landing and meet Father there."

"I don't know if-" Ella began but Jon cut her off.

"Who cares what anyone says, Ella?" Jon scoffed. "We're bastards, El. We're pretty much on our own. No one would miss us. That's why I have to leave. I have to make something of myself. Have a better life than fighting in the courtyard or going hunting with Robb. You deserve so much more too, El. You deserve more than an old library. You're too kind for this world. You deserve someone who will make you happy. You deserve to do something for yourself for once in our lives."

Ella sighed, then leaned her head against his shoulder. "Can I at least bring Asena with me?"

Jon laughed, "Yes, you can bring her. I'm taking Ghost. It'll be good for us to have a wolf pack of our own."

The next morning, the castle seemed calm in the early hours of the day. Ella packed the last of her belongings in her satchel. A knock came from her door, causing Ella turn around. Lord Stark walked into her small room and smiled at the girl.

"Jon told me you were going with him and Benjen to Castle Black." Her father stated.

"I am," Ella replied, standing up straight as her father eyed her.

"And you did not bother to ask me?" He asked.

"With all due respect," Ella began. "I am a grown woman now. I think I have the right to decide what I can and cannot do."

"Ella," her father sighed, "the Wall is not a place for young girls. I cannot protect you if you are there. Castle Black is home to rapists and thieves. If one if them gets their hand on you, I-"

"I can protect myself," she cut her father off.

"You don't know how to fight," her father said.

"I've read about it. I can figure it out, just as I have with everything else in my life."

"It's different to read about fighting than to actually fight." Her father said. "You have never killed a man, Ella. You have never been in a fight. If you killed someone, it will break you. Each kill does, and I don't think you can handle it."

"I can handle a lot more than you think I can!" Ella shouted. "I have endured harassment from Lady Stark for most of my life."

Her father's face fell but he gained his composure quickly. "And judging by that look on your face, you did not know. She wished that I was the one dying instead of Bran!" Ella shouted as tears poured from her eyes.

Ned just stood there as Ella continued to shout. "She wished I was dead! She said that I would never be loved. And maybe she is right. I should be dead. I'll never be loved."

"I love you," Ned Stark said, barely above a whisper.

"No you don't," Ella scoffed. "If you truly loved me, you would have left me to die. A bastard's life is not one I would ever wish upon anyone."

"Don't ever wish your death, Ella." Ned stated. "Your mother-"

"I know nothing of my mother." Ella stated, crossing her handa across her chest. "Because you don't talk about her. I don't know if she is living or dead. And frankly, I think you're a coward for not telling us about her. You're the only one who knows who she is, and I think that if we knew who she was, we'd choose to go to her over you. But I guess that doesn't matter now. You're losing Jon and I anyways. I hope your happy. You should have just let me die. At least I wouldn't be a bother to you or your family. I hate you! I hate this family! I hate this place! I'm leaving with Jon, and you'll never see me again."

Before Ned had the chance to respond, Ella pushed past him and down the corridor. She ran to Asena, retrieving her from the kennel. Then she ran to Jon. He stood with Benjen and Lord Tyrion.

"I'm not coming back," Ella stated. "To Winterfell or to King's Landing with Father. I'm staying at the Wall."

The men stared at the girl. "Women aren't welcome at the Wall," Benjen stated.

"Then I'll become a wildling or live in Mole's Town. I can't come back," Ella huffed.

Benjen looked at the girl, then began to speak. "We'll get this sorted out later. But for now, Miss Ella, Castle Black awaits ya." 

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