North Again

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The morning of their departure finally arrived

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The morning of their departure finally arrived. Ella and Tormund discussed their next move at lengths after their bedding ceremony. And the best thing for them was to go North, along with the rest of the Free Folk. 

Ella already bid farewell to her siblings and friends early that morning. No one could make it to see Ella and the Free Folk off, so she said her goodbyes earlier. 

"You're not gonna ride the dragon South?" Tormund asked as he and Ella glided across the courtyard of Winterfell, arm in arm. 

Jon chuckled as he turned from his horse. "Just a horse," he smiled. He met the pair in the middle of the courtyard. "Rhaegal still needs to heal from the battle. He doesn't need me weighing him down."

"You and your sister weigh as much as two fleas fucking," Tormund scoffed, causing the twins to chuckle. 

"The Free Folk and us are leaving today as well," Tormund said. "We've all had enough of the south. I finally got a woman down here to like me."

"I think she's liked you for a long time," Jon smirked. 

"And how many times do we have to tell you?" Ella pursed her lips together. "This is the North."

"The Free Folk and you two are welcome to stay," Jon said. 

"It isn't home. We need room to wander," Tormund stated. 

"I agree with him," Ella sighed. "Winterfell doesn't feel like home anymore. Plus, with you in the capitol, and Sansa staying here, I'm afraid there isn't much of a place for all of us."

"We're going to take them through the tunnel of Castle Black once the winter storms pass," Tormund informed his dearest friend. "Back where we belong."

Jon glanced behind him. Ella's eyes followed as they landed on a pair of direwolves, Ghost and Asena. 

"It's where he belongs, too," Jon motioned to Ghost. "A direwolf has no place in the south. He belongs with his sister. Somewhere he can roam around and hunt whenever he desires."

"Jon," Ella gasped, "you don't mean that. You can't do that to Ghost. After everything you two have been through-"

"Precisely why he needs to go with you two," Jon smiled softly. "He doesn't need to fight along me anymore. He's already fought in the Great War, next to us and Asena. He deserves a chance at a new life. I know he'll be in good hands with you, Ells."

"Will you take him with you?" Jon's brown eyes met Ella's shining silver ones. "He'll be happier up there with you."

Ella nodded, then pulled her brother in for a tight hug. Tears rolled down her cheeks as the twins embraced one last time. As they pulled away, Ella could have sworn she head Tormund say Jon would be happier in the North with them, but maybe she just imagined that. 

"I wish I was going with you two. I truly do," Jon sighed. "I'm tired of the fighting."

"I know, but you promised Daenerys, and without her, we'd be dead," Ella said, giving her brother one last hug. "I guess this is farewell then, big brother."

"Aye, it is," Jon huffed. "At least for awhile."

"You never know," Tormund muttered as he pulled Jon into a tight hug. The pair patted each other on the back before pulling away. 

"You've got the North in ya, I hope ya know," Tormund said, looking deeply into Jon's eyes. "The real North."

"I love you, big brother," Ella said one last time. "I promise to look after Ghost. And write to me once everything is over! You'll have to invite us to King's Landing for Daenerys's coronation. We'd love to be there. Well, I would, at least."

"Send a raven as soon as ya can," Jon told the pair. "And if Tormund gives you any trouble, anything at all Ells, just write. I can be there in two flaps of a dragon's wing."

"It's not me you have to worry about," Tormund said smoothly. "If anything, she'd be the one to harm me."

"He isn't wrong," Ella smirked. "I mean, between the two of us, I am the one who actually killed a white walker."

Jon  chuckled and threw back his head. He would miss his best friend and twin more than he cared to admit. Jon gave Ella and Tormund one last hug before the pair departed. Tormund and Ella walked away, leaving Jon alone. Asena and Ghost followed behind the pair as they exited through the gates of Winterfell. The gates closed behind them as they met up with their traveling party. Through the years, the wildling numbers have dwindled, but Ella smiled at the people around her. They survived Hardhome, Battle of the Bastards, and the Great War. Everything that happened to them brought her and Tormund closer together. 

Tormund helped his new bride onto her horse, then the party departed from Winterfell. Ella glanced behind her as they reached the top of the hill, the place where her journey began all those years ago. The fork in the road that led her to Castle Black and away from her family for the first time. 

She was leaving Winterfell for what would probably be the last time. Though she would miss it, she was excited for the adventure ahead of her. One free of wildling attacks and white walker invasions. One full of love and hopefulness. And most importantly, one where she could truly be herself, and not the person society dictated her to be. 

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