The Letter

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Two weeks passed Ella slowly while her brother was gone

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Two weeks passed Ella slowly while her brother was gone. No word from East Watch came. Ella supposed no news was good news, though. But, the lone wolf still worried for her brother and the others. Tormund, Jorah, Gendry, Davos. Everyone. Ella Snow was stuck on an island in the middle of the sea, with no one around her. No family. No friends. Only the Dragon Queen, her children, and two army.

Daenerys approached Ella two days after Jon left, extending an opportunity for Ella to ride one of the dragons. The Dragon Queen noticed how well Drogon responded to Ella the day she returned from the Blackwater Rush. In her mind, Daenerys thought if she did this favor for Ella, she could get the lone wolf to convince Jon to bend the knee and give up his title of King in the North.

Ella sat by the fire in the war room one morning with the Dragon Queen, after returning from their morning ride. Daenerys dawned a new white fur coat, the back mimicking the scales of her dragons. Daenerys' hair was twisted in an intricate braid, while Ella wore a simple one. Ella dressed in a dark gray coat with a matching pair of trousers and tunic, along with her black riding boots. Daenerys told the lone wolf it was easier to fly in a comfortable outfit with her hair tied back, so it was easier to control the dragon.

The lone wolf looked deeply into the flames, coming down off the rush from being in the sky. Ella loved how she felt on the back of a dragon. To be in the sky, high above everything else. To feel the wind blow around her. To be out of harm's way. To be practically invincible.

"You're getting quite good," Daenerys smiled at the wolf girl. "Do you remember your first time with Viserion? How scared you were?"

"I do," Ella chuckled. "It was more a fear of heights than the dragon, though."

"And only after a few lessons, you can ride them without giving it a second thought," Daenerys said. "You have a natural talent for it, Lady Ella. You know, most people don't see how I could love three dragons. Everyone sees them as giant beasts that only butcher people, but to me, they're so much more than that."

"Thank you, your Grace. I have a direwolf back in Winterfell. She's been through a lot of things with me. She's like my own child as well. Most people say direwolves aren't pets. That they shouldn't be played with. Everyone tells me to get a real dog, but I can't give up Asena. She's too valuable to me," Ella sighed, looking into the fire. She missed her fur friend more than ever.

"I understand completely," Daenerys reassured the lone wolf. She took Ella's hands into hers, comforting the saddened girl. "You have a deep personal connection to your friend, as do I with my dragons. They become a part of you."

"Exactly!" Ella exclaimed. Her eyes lit up from excitement. "I-" Ella began but was interrupted by the sound of shuffling.

Ella and the Dragon Queen turned around their chairs, coming face to face with Tyrion, the Hand of the Queen. Worry spread across his face as he clutched a small scroll in his hands.

"Your Grace," he greeted Daenerys. Sadness filled his voice as he eyed the queen.

"What is it?" Daenerys leaned forward, noticing the scroll as well.

"News from East Watch," He said, passing the scroll to the Queen.

She took the paper from his hands, carefully unrolling the edges. Her eyes scanned the letter several times before the paper fell from her hands and to the ground. Ella watched as her forehead creased, then quickly exited the room. Tyrion followed after the Dragon Queen while Ella picked up the paper. Her eyes read its content.

Queen Daenerys,

Jon Snow and the others are trapped by the Army of the Dead. Gendry nearly escaped with his life to get word to you. King Jon and the raiding party captured a wight. They are still alive as of now, but I fear they do not have much longer.

Ser Davos Seaworth

Ella crumpled the paper in her hands, tossing it to the side. Her brother was in danger, and there was nothing she could do to save him. After a moment longer, she ran out of the war room. She dashed through the corridors and out of the castle, trying to find the Dragon Queen. In the distance, Ella could see the dragons perched on a high cliff. There, she spotted the silver haired beauty with her children.

Ella ran with all her might to catch the Mother of Dragons. Lord Tyrion and here were arguing once she reached them, allowing Ella to catch her breath.

"They knew the risk when they left!" Tyrion argued. "You can't break the wheel if you're dead!"

"I can't just give up on them!" Ella shouted at the Lannister. "My brother is out there, fighting for his life!"

"You think I don't know that?" Daenerys eyed the wolf girl. "My dearest friend is out there, fighting in a war when he should be here instead.

"This is a suicide mission!" Tyrion roared. "You both could lose your lives out there!"

"What would you have me do then?" Daenerys looked at her Hand with wide eyes.

"Nothing!" Tyrion exclaimed. "Sometimes nothing is the hardest thing to do. If you die, we're all lost. Everyone, everything!"

"You told me to do nothing once before," Daenerys said as she continued to climb up Drogon. She settled herself in between his wings and looked to the two people beside her child. "I'm not going to sit here and do nothing again.

"Your grace!" Ella called out to Daenerys. The Dragon Queen glanced from Tyrion to wide-eyed at the wolf girl. "Please, I'm begging you! Jon is my brother, the only person that has been with me my entire life. And those are some of my closest friends out there. Please, I can't sit on this island while they're out there. I can't just stand by and do nothing, just as you can't. I'm not trying to be a hero here; I just cannot sit idly while my family is in danger. "

Ella's eyes watered at the thought of never seeing Jon and Tormund again. She had the chance to save them, and she'd never forgive herself if she didn't try.

After a long pause, Daenerys nodded her head. "You can ride on Viserion. It may help to have an extra set of eyes. Especially since you have fought the dead."

Ella thanked the Dragon Queen quickly. She scampered up the side of Viserion, positioning herself at the base of his neck. She stroked the smooth scales on his head, then grabbed onto a pair of horns for safety. Daenerys and Drogon pushed off the cliff, nosediving towards the ocean, then pulling back up into the air. Viserion and Rhaegal followed their mother, on the way to the most dangerous place in Westeros. To save their loved ones from an untimely death. 

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