Return to Castle Black

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Jon led the remaining wildlings through the treacherous snows to the gates of Castle Black

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Jon led the remaining wildlings through the treacherous snows to the gates of Castle Black. Tormund stood close to Ella, his daughters by his side. Ella clung to the small hands of Karsi's children. Jon discussed the fall of the wildling during the battle of Hardhome to Ella on the way back to the Wall. Ella could not fathom the fierce wildling woman she met and grew to respect in just one day had lost her life to the Army of the Dead.

Ella told Willa and Johnna about the loss of their mother. The girls understood the sacrifice their mother made in order to save their lives. But Ella knew the girls were heartbroken by the news. Ella promised Karsi that day at Hardhome to ensure the safety of her children through the Wall, and Ella knew it was her duty to see that task through.

Tormund raised his hand once they reached the gates. The wildlings came to a halt as the winter winds whipped around them. Ella pulled little Willa close to her side to warm the small child. She glanced between the sisters, then her eyes squinted through the snow flurries. Her blue eyes trailed up the Wall, only to see Ser Alliser Thorne glaring at the group behind her.

The wild haired wildling turned to Ella, who continued to glare at Thorne. Thorne kept a strong gaze on the wildlings below, as Ella glanced to Tormund. She noticed the look of worry swimming in his eyes. He promised his people a chance at safety, and if Thorne kept them beyond the Wall, they would freeze, starve, or worse, be met by the Night King.

Ella peered over her shoulder, meeting her brother's brown orbs. Jon's face said it all: there was no way Thorne would let them pass through. Ella glanced back to Thorne, contemplating her options. She realized that someone had to do something in order to save the people who journeyed so far from their home. The people who lost family members and loved ones. Ser Alliser turned on his heels and walked away from the edge of the wall, ignoring the look of pleas from the wildlings around the Snow twins.

Just as Ella lost hope, the gates began to rise. She clenched her eyes, sighing in relief as Ser Alliser allowed them passage. A tap on her shoulder caught Ella off guard. She opened her eyes to see Tormund standing next to her. He gave the small girl a smile as the wildlings followed behind Jon.

"Why are you smiling like that?" She inquired. Tormund was a curious man, but he was not one to go around smiling at people.

"I remember when I first met ya," Tormund began. "You didn't speak to anyone and kept your head down. You used to stand behind that brother of yours and me when you were scared. Now, you stand beside and in front of everyone. You're growing into a young lady. You have surprised me, little crow."

Heat rose in Ella's face as Tormund placed a hand on her cheek. The wildling leader placed a kiss atop Ella's head. He turned away from the girl, returning to his children, and Karsi's girls, all whom were well watched after by an elderly wildling woman. Ella smiled as the girls followed behind Tormund. Ella kept her distance from the wildling man and his children. She wanted the girls to have as much time with their father while they had the chance. Ella was content with knowing the wildlings were safe for now. But who knows how long that would last once they passed through the Wall.

Hours later, Ella found herself next to Sam and Jon as the last remaining wildlings passed through the gates of Castle Black. Tears rolled down her face as memories from Hardhome flooded to her memory. All of the dead wildlings, being thrown into a pit of fire and surviving, killing a white walker. And most unforgettable, the Night King himself fixating his eyes on Ella and bringing the dead back to life.

"We failed them," she whispered. A hundred thousand people were at Hardhome, and only five thousand survived. "We promised to save them all, and we failed them."

"It wasn't a failure," Sam reassured the quiet wolf. "You didn't fail him, or him, or her. Because of the two of you, they now have a future. Every one of them is alive because of Jon and Ella Snow and no one else."

"I don't think that fact is lost on them," Jon motioned towards the men of the Watch who stayed behind. Each one of them stood across from the trio, glaring at Jon with their arms folded across their chest.

Jon turned to notice Olly cowering behind a wooden pillar, glaring at Jon. Jon averted his attention towards Ella, noticing her tremble as the snow pounded them. Jon gave her a small smile. All the time spent in the North, and she was still chilled to the bone from the rising winter winds.

Jon turned from his sister to see Ser Alliser making his way over to the trio. Sam spun on his heels and quickly disappeared into the mess hall. Jon and Ella stood together as Ser Alliser joined them. Ella straightened up, glaring with hate in her eyes as the man examined the twins closely.

"You have good hearts, Jon and Ella Snow," the man stated. "But it'll get us all killed one day."

Thorne pushed past the pair and disappeared into a hall just off the courtyard. Jon noticed Ella's cheeks flushed red from the air. She killed a bloody white walker, on top of surviving a fall into the fire. Jon knew Ella was shaken up by Thorne's words. Despite everything they faced beyond Castle Black, Ella was terrified of Ser Alliser Thorne and what he was capable of doing to the Snow twins.

"Come on, let's get you inside." Jon insisted.

Ella nodded as Jon looped his arm around her waist. He pulled his sister close to his frame, causing her to lean her head on his shoulder. Jon ushered Ella to his quarters for the night, knowing that Ella needed rest. He promised himself to keep a close eye on the girl. For they were the only family they had left, and he would give his life to save her. 

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