White Walkers

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Ella stood on the dock of Hardhome, helping women and children into the boats to carry them to safety

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Ella stood on the dock of Hardhome, helping women and children into the boats to carry them to safety. A young girl with wild red hair and bright blue eyes stuck to her side, terrified and unsure why she was being ripped away from her home. The little girl was accompanied by an older girl, with the same red hair and blue eyes. Ella assumed the girls were sisters.

"There there, little one," Ella cooed the young girl who clung to Ella's hip. Ella picked her up and placed the small child next to her older sibling as the smaller boat readied to pull away from shore. "Is that your sister?"

The little girl nodded. "I figured," Ella smiled. "You have the same pretty red hair and blue eyes as she does. Now, what are your names?"

"I'm Hollyn, and this is Eira," the older girl spoke. "Why are you crows here? Where are we going? Where are you taking us?"

Ella crouched to her knees. She looked between the terrified sisters, blowing out a puff of air. "Well, Hollyn, my name is Ella. We're here to take you to Westeros. The country South of the Wall. Something bad is coming this way, and my brother and I wanted to assist in saving your people."

"Something bad came and took our Mommy," Hollyn stated. "Is that bad thing coming for us again?"

"I'm afraid so," Ella said in a sorrowful tone. She knew what it was like to not have a mother, and to only have a sibling. "But that's exactly why we're here. We're taking you South to keep you away from the bad things that are coming this way."

"Our papa went South," Eira spoke up in a gentle voice. "We haven't seen him since then. Mance wanted him to fight with him. Maybe you know him. He's tall and has red hair like us."

"I'm not sure if I know who he is," Ella admitted. "I've met a lot of people that live beyond the Wall over the past couple of years, so it's possible that I know him. Do you know his na-?"

"What's going on here?" A deep grunt interrupted Ella, causing her to jerk her head around. Her eyes landed on the towering figure of Tormund Giantsbane. His blue eyes swam with remorse and melancholy. A look Ella saw one time from the giant wildling. The time he spoke of his deceased wife and his two little girls.

Ella realized he was not looking at her, but at the small girls in the boat behind her. Tormund stepped forward and bent closer to the girls. Their blue eyes widened, and smiles spread across their tiny faces.

"Papa!" The girls exclaimed in unison. The girls outstretched their tiny hands, grasping the air for their father.

Ella scrambled to her feet, rushing to Tormund's side. He bent down, and pulled the small girls close to him.

"I told you two I'd be back," the wildling man spoke softly.

The girls grinned ear to ear as their father placed a kiss atop their head. "Papa, who is she?" Hollyn asked. "She's dressed like a crow, but she's very kind to us."

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