An Old Friend

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Jon and Ella Snow stood on the cliffs of Dragonstone, overlooking the rolling sea below

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Jon and Ella Snow stood on the cliffs of Dragonstone, overlooking the rolling sea below. The two were meant to greet the Dragon Queen on her return to the island. Drogon's roar broke the silence between the siblings, indicating Daenerys was near. Ella looked to the sky, her eyes landing on the Targaryen queen riding on the back of her giant companion.

Drogon landed a ways from them, creeping closer to the Snow twins. The dragon roared in their faces as he came to a stop, but Ella did not move in fear. Instead, she stood tall as the the beast quietened. He kept a strong gaze on the twins as he lowered his head. Almost bowing to the twins.

Ella pulled off her left glove from her hand. She extended her hand to the dragon, his face relaxing as she gently placed it on his cheek. The Dragon Queen kept a curious watch on the young girl as she interacted with her child. But Ella did not notice the Targaryen girl on Drogn's back. Instead, Ella gazed into his golden eyes, his pupils dilating as he became more comfortable underneath her touch. Ella felt connected with the great beast, like she did with Asena upon their first meeting. Something felt right about touching Drogon, and Ella couldn't help but smile to herself.

"He could have chomped off your hand, you know?" Jon spoke to his sister as she pulled away from the dragon. "What were you thinking, Ella?"

Ella watched as Daenerys quickly dismounted her child, then made her way to the Snow twins. Drogon pushed off from the ground and glided into the air, towards his brothers.

"I don't know," Ella sighed, looking into Jon's deep brown eyes. "Something came over me, I'm sorry." Jon shook his head, sighing at his sister's recklessness.

"They're beautiful, aren't they?" Daenerys asked as she joined the siblings. She smiled as her children flew off into the distance.

"Yes, they are," Ella grinned. Her childhood fantasy came true, and Ella couldn't be happier.

"Beautiful wasn't exactly the term I would use," Jon muttered. The Dragon Queen glared at Jon, causing him to change his answer. "They're gorgeous beasts."

"They're not beasts to me. No matter how big they got, or how terrifying they are to everyone else. They're my children. The only children I'll ever have."

Silence fell over the trio as no one could find words to say. Ella finally spoke up after a few minutes. "You weren't gone long on this mission of yours," she noted. "How was it? Whatever you did?"

"Well," Daenerys smiled, "I can happily say that I have fewer enemies today than I did yesterday."

The lone wolf noticed her brother's scrunched up face. Knowing that Daenerys killed men who opposed her.

"You seem unsure of how you feel about that," Daenerys said in a calm tone. "Tell me, Jon Snow. How many men did your army kill taking back Winterfell from the Boltons?"

"Thousands," Jon replied reluctantly.

The Dragon Queen began walking towards the castle, as Jon and Ella followed beside her.

"Look, we both want to help people," she began, "and we can only help them from a position of strength. Sometimes strength is terrible."

"When you first came here, Ser Davos said you took a knife in the heart for your people," Daenerys said as she came to a halt. She turned to Jon, looking into his eyes for a trace of respect for what she did.

"Ser Davos tends to get carried away," Jon smirked. Ella watched as her brother hid the truth from Daenerys Targaryen.

"So it was a figure of speech?" the Mother of Dragons questioned Jon intently.

"More or less," Ella spoke up, catching a sideways glance from the Dragon Queen. She knew Jon did't want to expose his past, so she hid it for him.

Before Jon could speak up, the trio were interrupted by a small group of Dothraki guards approaching their queen. They spoke to Daenerys in their native tongue, stepping aside to reveal a man behind them.

Ella's eyes flickered to Daenerys as she stepped forward. Her face indicated that she knew the strange man accompanying the Dothraki.

The man stepped up to Daenerys, bowing before the queen as he addressed her. "Your Grace," he said as the wind blew around them.

"Jon and Ella Snow, this is Ser Jorah Mormont, an old friend of mine." The Dragon Queen introduced the siblings to the man standing in front of her.

Mormont. He had to be related to Lord Commander Mormont.

"Mormont?" Ella repeated. "As in Jeor Mormont, the Mormont who commanded the Night's Watch?"

"He was my father," Jorah replied simply. "You knew him?"

"I served under him at Castle Black. He was a great man," Jon said. "Took my sister and I in when we had no where else to go."

Jorah gave the Snow twins a small smile and nodded. He was proud to know that his father was an outstanding man, even when he himself was not.

"You look strong," Daenerys told the old Bear with a smile on her face. "You found a cure?"

"I wouldn't be here if I hadn't," Jorah replied, turning his attention back to the Dragon Queen. "I return to your service, my queen, if you'll have me."

"It would be my honor," Daenerys replied, smiling even bigger than before. She approached her old friend, pulling him into a tight embrace.

Ella smiled to herself as she watched the old pair reunite. If Daenerys showed this kindness to all of Westeros, then she wouldn't mind fighting alongside the Dragon Queen in her quest for the Iron Throne. 

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