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Days passed slowly on the Wall after the execution of Alliser Thorne and the men who betrayed Jon

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Days passed slowly on the Wall after the execution of Alliser Thorne and the men who betrayed Jon. Jon kept to Edd, Ella, and the wolves. Jon managed to tell Ella that Samwell and Gilly left for Oldtown. Samwell always dreamed of becoming a maester, and now was his time to become one and take Maester Aemon's place. Ella found about the death of her elderly companion several days ago. It hurt Ella's heart, but she knew he was not suffering any longer.

Ella found herself in the snow covered courtyard one morning, training with Tormund. Thanks to the wildling leader, her sword fighting skills had vastly improved. The lone wolf knew she needed the practice for the Long Night to come. The Army of the Dead haunted her dreams every night, and she wanted to be ready. To fight for those who cannot care for themselves. And to fight for the living.

"You're getting good," Tormund teased her, "for a lady crow, I suppose."

"And you're letting a lady crow nearly beat you," the girl smirked, wiping the snow off her brow.

"Aye," he grunted. "It's because I'm busy thinking of ways to devour you in your next session. You may be wearing layers, girl, but I've seen what's under your cloak. I know what you're hiding."

Tormund laughed at the embarrassment that fell upon Ella. He stepped closer to the girl, readying his sword as she readied hers. She lunged first, but Tormund was able to dodge her blow. She spun around, sword clenched in hand. He lifted his sword above his head, but she crouched down, missing the swing by half an inch. As Ella brought her sword close to Tormund's head, the horn above them sounded.

Ella turned her gaze to the south gate, the wood creaking as members of the Watch swung it open. Each person stood in the courtyard watched as the mysterious people entered Castle Black. Ella dropped her sword, instantly recognizing the red hair belonging to her sister, Sansa Stark.

The three companions dismounted their horses, and Ella remained in her spot. Sansa locked eyes with the Snow girl, crying out for her long lost sister. The Stark girl ran to Ella, wrapping her arms around her neck as Ella mimicked her movements. Tears fell down Sansa's face as she remained in Ella's warm embrace.

"You're alive," Sansa choked through the sobs. "You're still at Castle Black. You're here. I didn't expect to see you!"

"Yes, I'm alive," Ella cooed her hysterical sister. "I'm well, and so is Jon. He's here, too."

Ella was able to pull herself together after a few more moments. She noticed a large woman with blonde hair and a smaller man with brown hair with Sansa. "Come on. You and your friends will want to warm up and eat. I must warn you, the food here isn't the best. It's nothing like the food in the Capital, but we get by."

Ella wrapped her arm around Sansa, spinning her in the direction of the mess hall. Ella walked by Tormund, who seemed preoccupied with something else. She followed his gaze, landing on the tall woman with short yellow hair.

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