Against the Odds

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"This message was sent to me by Samwell Tarly," Jon addressed the northern lords and ladies in the Great Hall

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"This message was sent to me by Samwell Tarly," Jon addressed the northern lords and ladies in the Great Hall. "He was a brother of mine at the Night's Watch. A man I trust just as much as anyone in this world. He's discovered proof that Dragonstone sits on a mountain of dragonglass."

Jon called everyone to the great hall the morning after Tormund and the wildlings left for Eastwatch by the Sea. Ella was in her usual spot, next to Jon. Ella sat straight in her chair, keeping her eyes on the King in the North.

Jon passed a small scroll to Lord Glover, then pulled out another scroll and continued. "I received this a few days ago from Dragonstone. It was sent to me by Tyrion Lannister. He's now Hand of the Queen to Daenerys Targaryen. She intends to take the Iron Throne from Cersei Lannister. She has a powerful army at her back, and if this message is to be believed, three dragons. Lord Tyrion has invited me to Dragonstone, and I'm going to accept."

Sansa's face fell as her brother continued his speech to the northern lords, mentioning the importance of the dragonglass and how Daenerys would make a valuable ally in the battle to come.

Sansa was the first to speak after Jon finished. "Have you forgotten what her father did to our grandfather? The mad king invited him to King's Landing and roasted him alive."

"I know that," Jon muttered.

"She's here to reclaim the Seven Kingdoms from Cersei. The North is one of those seven kingdoms. This isn't an invitation, it's a trap." Sansa responded to Jon's stubbornness. She knew no matter what was said, she couldn't convince him to stay in Winterfell.

"It could be," Ella rose from her seat, looking straight at Jon.

Lord Royce was the first to his feet. "Your grace, with respect, I must agree with Lady Sansa. I remember the Mad King all too well. A Targaryen cannot be trusted, nor can a Lannister." All eyes fell on Ella as she remained standing in her spot, her eyes not leaving Jon's. The northern men shouted in unison, agreeing with Lord Royce.

"Your brother was named King in the North before you," Lord Glover voiced his opinion as Lord Royce sat, "then he rode South, and lost his kingdom."

"Winter is here, your Grace," Little Lyanna spoke. "We need the King in the North in the north."

"You all crowned me your King," Jon stated, while turning to the Northern men and trying to drown out the pounding of mugs and shouts echoing through the Great Hall. "I never wanted it. I never asked for it, but I accepted it because the North is my home. It's part of me, and I will never stop defending it, no matter the odds. But the odds are against us. None of you have seen the Army of the Dead, none of you. Except Ella. We can never hope to defeat them alone. We need allies. Powerful allies."

He paused and turned to Sansa and Ella once again and continued. "I know it's a risk, but it's one I have to take."

"Then send an emissary!" Sansa exclaimed. "Don't go yourself."

"Daenerys is a queen. Only a king can convince her to help us. It has to be me." Jon announced while Sansa's frustration grew.

"You're abandoning your people. You're abandoning your home!" The redheaded beauty yelled at her brother.

"I'm leaving both in good hands," Jon said.


"Yours," He said, all eyes turning to the young wolves. "You are my sister. You are the only Stark in Winterfell. Until I return, the North is yours." Jon nodded to the girl, causing her to shake her head as well. The North would be in good hands, and hopefully, they would be gaining a powerful ally.

Later that evening, Jon visited Ella in her private chambers. Ella plopped onto her bed, causing Jon to do the same thing.

"To what do I owe this visit, your Grace?" Ella teased the White wolf.

"I have a proposition for you," Jon said.

"And that would be?" Ella questioned the King in the North.

"I'm not sure I can convince Daenerys to join our cause," Jon sighed. "She is a queen with a powerful army who will attack King's Landing. She's here to take the Seven Kingdoms, but when the Night King comes, if we can't defend ourselves, she'll be ruling over a graveyard if she doesn't help us."

"So what do you want from me?" Ella asked.

"I need you to come with me and convince her to side with us when the Long Night comes," Jon stated.

"But Jon," Ella began, "you said yourself she's solely here to take the throne from Cersei. Why would she want to help us?"

"She could take the throne any time she wants to," Jon said. "To me, it seems like she is waiting for the most opportune moment. She needs allies here. I've heard the Tyrells and Dorne have sided with her, but it's not enough. What if the North were to support her? That'd be a good portion of the kingdoms siding with her. If she helps us when the Night King comes, she'd be saving thousands of lives. The lords and ladies of Westeros would see her as the right choice, and she would get the throne without losing thousands of innocent lives."

"That sounds pretty when you say it like that, dear brother," Ella said, "but where do I fit in to this picture?"

"I need you to travel with me to Dragonstone to help convince Daenerys to side with us," Jon stated. "Sansa will be busy preparing for winter and making arrangements to harbor the northern lords. I need a female on my side, just in case she isn't easily persuaded by me."

"Look Jon, I don't know I can help you in this," Ella sighed, sitting on her bed. "You know that I don't care what games the noblemen and women play in Westeros. I never have. I couldn't care less who sits on the bloody throne. If you can't persuade her on your own, then we shouldn't be asking her to help us against the Night King. Plus, you've already said she's here to take the Iron Throne. What makes you think she'll give that up to fight with us?"

Jon thought long and hard before replying. "Daenerys Targaryen could attack King's Landing today and win. But she hasn't. Why is that?"

Ella pondered this question, only speaking after a few minutes of silence. "I don't know, honestly. I mean, I suppose she doesn't want to murder innocent people."

"Exactly," Jon said. "Daenerys Targaryen is the only way we can defeat the Night King. She has the largest army in Westeros right now, and she has dragons that kill wights.Plus, this may be your only chance to see dragons in your lifetime. You remember your obsession with them when we were younger? You prayed every night to the gods to see dragons. Well Els, this is your opportunity."

Ella sighed, hoping that Jon was right. Something didn't feel right about this plan, but Ella would stand behind her brother on this. Ella would support Jon in his decisions as king; plus, Ella really wanted to see the dragons firsthand. "When do we leave?" Ella sighed in defeat.

"At the break of dawn," Jon smiled. "You better start packing."

"If I must," Ella sighed, crossing her arms against her chest.

"Just remember to pack your nicest dresses, little sister. Daenerys is a queen, afterall, and we need to make an impression."

Ella nodded, agreeing to her brother's terms. If they were to convince the dragon queen to fight for them, they needed to make an impact on her.

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