My Queen

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Days passed slowly as the voyage to Dragonstone from Eastwatch continued

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Days passed slowly as the voyage to Dragonstone from Eastwatch continued. Ella woke up a day into their journey while Jon still slumbered. She refused to leave the white wolf's cabin, in case if he would wake up. Daenerys even made an appearance one afternoon. The pair sat beside the wolf, hoping for his return.

"I'm so sorry," Ella sobbed as she turned to the Dragon Queen. "About Viserion. I know that he's your child. I saw that Jon was in trouble, and I went back to save him. I'm so sorry, your Grace. There's nothing I can do to make this up to you, I know that. I will live with this regret for the rest of my life."

Ella sighed as Daenerys slipped her hand into hers. She repeatedly apologized. "I'm so sorry, Ella said, gazing into the eyes of the Dragon Queen. "I wish I could take this all back. I wish Jon and the others had never gone."

Daenerys shook her head, squeezing Ella's hand. "I don't. If we hadn't have gone, I would have never seen. You have to see it to know. And now I know."

A single tear slipped down the pale skin of Daenerys Stormborn as she continued. "The dragons are the only children I will ever have. Do you understand?"

Ella nodded, completely understanding how she felt about the dragons. It was the same way she felt about Asena. "We are going to destroy the Night King and his army. And we'll do it together. You and your brother have my word." Daenerys

Ella gazed into her eyes, searching for any trace of deceit behind her words, but there was none. "Thank you, Dany."

The Dragon Queen chuckled. "Dany," she whispered. "No one has called me that since my brother. Hmm, not the company you would like to keep."

Beside Ella, she felt rustling from the bed sheets. Her eyes instantly landed on her brother. His eyes slowly flickered open, instantly glancing to Daenerys.

"I agree with you. Dany doesn't suit you. Not at all," he breathed. "How about my Queen?"

Daenerys tilted her head, as Jon continued to lay in his bed. "I'd bend the knee, but I can't get up," he sighed.

"What about those who swore allegiance to you?" Daenerys asked. Her eyes roamed to meet the blue eyes of Ella Snow. The Dragon Queen expected this to be a trick, but she could tell by the lone wolf's face that it wasn't. Jon Snow put her trust in the Mother of Dragons, and now was Ella.

"The northern lords will come around eventually," Ella stood up, looking at the Dragon Queen. "They'll come to see you for what you are, the way my brother and I see you."

Daenerys rose from the bed, gazing into the brown orbs belonging to Jon Snow. Tears fell from her eyes as an overwhelming sense of gratefulness swelled in her heart . "I hope I deserve it."

"You do," Jon smiled to his Queen.

Daenerys let go of Ella's hand, as she slowly backed out of the room. "You should get some rest, dear brother," Ella whispered to Jon. The lone wolf kissed her brother's tousled hair and followed after the Dragon Queen.

Ella found Daenerys leaning against a wall down the corridor. A low cry came from the Dragon Queen. Ella feared that Daenerys thought this was a trick. A sort of way to use her army to fight with them against the Night King. The lone wolf was determined to prove to Daenerys that Jon was bending the knee because he believes in her.

"Your Grace," Ella whispered, "Jon believes in you with all his heart. Please know that. He deeply cares for you, even though it may be tough to see. I know when he is in love with someone. It's happened once before. He's never been the same since then. I believe you are good for him. He needs someone strong and confident. Someone who will tear down his walls. I honestly believe that is you."

She turned to Ella and spoke softly. "Thank you, Lady Ella," Daenerys gave the girl a small smile. "It means a lot. People say that I have my tendencies to be paranoid."

"I don't see it," Ella reassured the Dragon Queen. "I believe you have a good heart, your Grace. Sometimes it's hard to see someone's true intentions when you allow your heart to stay guarded."

Daenerys pulled the lone wolf into a hug, before she bid the Dragon Queen farewell. Ella made it halfway down the corridor before Daenerys called out to her.

"And just so you know, Lady Ella, that wildling fellow loves you," Daenerys said. Ella spun around, her face falling ever so slightly.

"He was beside himself the whole way back to Eastwatch," Daenerys continued. "He cried once he saw you fall off Viserion and then fall through the ice with Jon. You two risked your lives to save us. He was the one that brought you onto the ship after you arrived back at the castle. Carried you all the way onboard and undressed you. He sat with you for hours until we left. He seems like a good man."

"He is a good man," Ella smiled at the Dragon Queen. "He's a bit rough and abrasive, but I wouldn't change anything about that man. I truly love him."

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