Battle of the Bastards

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Ella stayed beside her brother as the forces collided

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Ella stayed beside her brother as the forces collided. Everything around Ella slowed down as men fell of their horses from arrows falling from the sky. The lone wolf managed to to dodge the arrows and narrowly escape the men falling around her. Jon and Ella became separated once the bulk of Ramsay's calvary mixed with the Stark men.

The bloodbath around Ella grew worse as men were flung from their horses, and men on the ground charged at her. One by one, she managed to strike down each opponent. Ella sighed as her eyes scanned the field for Jon or Tormund. Neither were in her line of sight, and she prayed to the gods that they were alive. Bodies and horses alike toppled over one another as she gripped her sword in her hands. She made it her mission to cut down any Bolton man who attacked her.

Ella tried to rub dirt and blood from her eyes, until she was knocked to the ground. A Bolton soldier positioned himself on top of her. He reached for a small dagger attached to his belt, then unsheathed the small weapon He grinned as he slowly dug the tip of the blade through her tunic. He drove the tip of the blade into her skin, relishing in the sound of Ella's cries of pain. The lone wolf kicked and thrashed, trying her best to push the man off of her. She failed miserably as he continued to drag the dagger against her skin.

"Lord Bolton wants us to save you for last," the man sneered at Ella. "But he didn't say we couldn't have fun with ya."

Ella accepted her last moments on earth as the man raised the dagger into the air. The small girl closed her eyes, thinking of her family while she waited for the final blow. But it never came. Giant hands grabbed her wrists, pulling her from the ground. Ella opened her eyes and was met with the deep eyes of Tormund Giantsbane, her savior.

"You stupid, stubborn woman!" He yelled over the cries of men. "What the fuck did you think you were going to do to these men?"

"I've been fine on my own!" Ella shouted as chaos ensued around them.

"Yeah, you look bloody fine," Tormund grunted, motioning to her arm.

"It's just a scratch!" She exclaimed.

"Come on, woman," Tormund said as he drug her through the piles of bodies surrounding them. "We can't stay here. These southern twats will kill us all if we give em the chance."

Ella ran to keep up with a fast-paced Tormund. He sliced through men trying to harm him and Ella as they searched for safety. But no place was safe on the battlefield.

Tormund and Ella found themselves in between two large mountains of bodies. On the north side, Ella saw Wun-Wun leading the rest of the Free Folk and northern soldiers to aid in the fight against Ramsay. The men around Ella came to a halt when Wun-Wun pointed to the south side of the field. Hundreds of men charged down the hill towards the Stark forces. Ella became worried as she examined their men and Ramsay's men. So many lives were lost fighting for the Starks, and many more would be lost if they didn't win.

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