The Crypt

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The morning before their departure, Ella decided to visit her father in the crypts below Winterfell

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The morning before their departure, Ella decided to visit her father in the crypts below Winterfell. Every past lord and king in the north resided in her ancestral's burial place. Ella glided past several statues, each representing a member of House Stark. Asena followed close by, only stopping at a statue of a woman. Ella's eyes glanced at the statue belonging to Lyanna Stark. Asena approached the statue, pawing at the stone repeatedly.

"Asena, come," she called to her friend. "We're here to see Father, not Aunt Lyanna." The wolf bowed her head, then trotted back to her friend.

Ella found herself in front of her father's statue, just a couple down from Lyanna's. Sadness fell over the small girl as she examined the statue. It was the first time she saw his grave, and it was the first time in seven years she was this close to her father. The stone statue did not resemble Ned Stark in any way. The nose was too crooked, the hands too large. The frown too harsh. Everything about the image of her father was off.

"I delivered his bones myself," a voice cut through the silence in the crypt, causing Ella to jump.

She spun around to see Lord Baelish approaching her, wearing a smug grin on his face. "I presented them to Lady Catelyn as a gesture of goodwill from Tyrion Lannister. It seems like a lifetime ago. Do give Lord Tyrion my best when you and the king see him. "

Ella scrunched her face, turning away from Littlefinger as he fixated his gaze on her. She concentrated on her father's statue, ignoring the little man as she grew angrier by the second.

"I was sorry when he died. Your father and I had our differences, but he did love Cat very much. So did I," Ella clenched her jaw, glaring at the man next to her. The lone wolf knew he was trying to crawl under her skin, and it seemed to work.

"She was never fond of you and your brother, was she?" Littlefinger asked. "Well, it appears she vastly underestimated you two. Your father and brothers are gone, yet here you two stand. Your brother is King in the North. The last best hope against the coming storm. And from what I hear, you're popular among the wildlings. Spending time with their leader will get you far, my dear. Farther than you would have gotten here in Westeros."

Ella's eyes darted to the man next to her. Asena released a low growl as she pursed her lips. "You don't belong down here," Ella said in an attempt to mimic Jon's brooding skills. "The crypts are meant for Starks only, and you, my Lord, are not a Stark."

"Forgive me," Littlefinger shifted his stance. "We've never talked properly, Miss Ella. I wanted to remedy that."

"And you're choosing here, now?" Ella snapped. "While I'm trying to have a moment alone with my father before I'm shipped off to Dragonstone for only the gods above know how long. And I apologize for my rudeness, but I do not have anything to say to you. Now, if you'll excuse me, the King in the North is waiting for me. We're meant to be leaving soon."

Ella turned on her heels and began to walk away from Lord Baelish. Asena traipsed beside her until Littlefinger called after her.

"Not even thank you?" His voice echoed through the still crypt. "If it weren't for me, you would have been slaughtered on that battlefield. You, your brother, and that wildling fellow you seem so close to."

Ella's breathing increased as his words sunk into her skin. He had finally gotten to Ella, and she was fed up.

"Your brother has many enemies in Westeros now, but I swear to you, I am not one. I love Sansa, as I loved her mother."

Anger washed over the young girl at the mention of Ella's sister. She spun around, charging at the man with a balled up fist. Ella raised her fist in the air, punching Littlefinger in the throat. The man fell backwards, landing hard against the stone wall. Littlefinger tried to pry her hands from around his throat, but was unsuccessful. The young girl never experienced this much anger in her life, and was surprised at the amount of strength she exerted against Littlefinger.

"You're nothing but a blood sucking parasite," Ella snarled.

Asena's growl echoed through the crypts as she bore her teeth. Littlefinger's eyes widened in fear at the giant beast next to the small girl. "Talk about Catelyn Stark all you want. I have no love for her, but never bring up Sansa again. If you ever go near my sister again, my wolf will rip your heart from your chest. You'll be so lucky to have a fast death, Lord Baelish."

With one last glance at the horrible man, Ella stormed off with Asena following close to her. She stomped her way through the mud and snow, joining the traveling party as they readied themselves for the journey to Dragonstone.

Jon hurried to his sister, noticing her frustrations as she prepared to say farewell to Asena.

"What's wrong?" Jon questioned her as she prepared her horse for travel.

"Nothing worth mentioning," Ella huffed. She clasped her tiny satchel onto the horse's saddle. She crouched down to Asena's level, giving her friend a giant hug before departing. "Goodbye, girl. I'll see you soon, I promise. Look after Sansa while I'm gone."

Asena released a small whimper, eyeing her companion one last time. The black direwolf dashed up the stairs in the courtyard, joining Sansa on the balcony. Ella locked eyes with her younger sister, sending her a small smile. Ella never thought in a thousand years that she would get along with her sister. Now, she's punching people in the throat to protect her.

Ella gave Sansa a small wave before climbing onto her horse. Jon followed his sister's actions, readying himself for the long journey ahead. Ella nudged her horse's side, indicating it was time to leave. The horse followed behind the rest of Jon's men. The journey to White Harbor would take a couple of days, and then a two week sail to Dragonstone. The lone wolf was unsure of what waited for them on the island, but she just hoped they came back with an army on their side. 

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