Battle in the Storm

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Growing up a child in Winterfell, Ella and her siblings always heard the phrase "Winter is Coming

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Growing up a child in Winterfell, Ella and her siblings always heard the phrase "Winter is Coming." The famous line of House Stark. This was the first time that winter had truly finally fallen over Winterfell, and Ella was frightened beyond belief.

The lone wolf caught up with the Mother of Dragons and her children outside of the godswood of Winterfell. Daenerys refused to look at Ella, creating unnecessary tension between the pair. Ella exhaled, climbed up Rhaegal's back and situated herself between his wings. Daenerys mimicked Ella's motions, and the duo launched into the sky.

The winter winds whipped through Ella's hair as they flew over Winterfell. Low roars from the dragons filled the air From above, Ella could see the hordes of Dothraki and Unsullied surrounding the castle. Ella could see the white fur of Ghost beside the Dothraki. Somewhere near him stood Asena, but Ella couldn't see her in the dark. She sensed her fury friend was next to her brother, ready to fight against the Dead.

The duo landed on a cliff overlooking the north side of the castle. Ella dismounted Rhaegal and walked to the edge of the cliff. Daenerys stood next to Ella, and neither girl spoke. All the side of the living could do was wait for the Night King and his army.

The Dothraki stood front and center on their horses, taking the first charge at the Army of the Dead. Behind them stood a line of trebuchets, along with the Unsullied. All 8,000 soldiers remained perfectly still and unwavering. On the left were Knights of the Vale, Free Folk, and Stark men. And on the far right stood the remaining Northern forces, along with the Brotherhood without Banners. Behind the ground soldiers were wooden stakes and a trench dug around the perimeter of Winterfell. Daenerys and Ella were solely responsible for lighting the trench when Davos gave the signal. Using this tactic, the side of the living were hopeful to slow the Night King's army down just enough for everyone to retreat inside Winterfell, and kill off as many wights as possible with fire.

The walls of Winterfell were monitored by several archers. Dragonglass covered the walls of Winterfell, should their defense lines fall and the Dead breach the walls of the castle. Once they light the trench, Ella and Daenerys would fly to the godswood and protect Bran from the Night King. The use of two dragons against him should be enough to take him down before he ever reached Bran Stark.

"Are you scared, your Grace?" Ella questioned the Dragon Queen, cutting the silence. Ella clutched the pommel of her sword attached at her hip to release anxiety. Though she would be on a dragon, Ella made sure to have a sword on her, should the dragons fail.

"No," Daenerys stated flatly.

"Oh. Well, I've faced the Dead head on," Ella said, "and I wasn't as nervous as I am now. With us having more men, I fear that-"

"If you don't mind my lady, I'd like to stand here in quiet," Daenerys huffed.

"Oh," Ella said in a defeated tone. "Sure."

Ella frowned, not knowing what upset the Dragon Queen. Daenerys was always kind to her, and Ella was unsure of Daenerys' sudden change of heart.

Ella shook her head, turning her attention to the battlefield. The lone wolf's hands became shaky under her cloak as a lone rider approached the Dothraki. Was it a white walker? A wight? Something else?

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