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Ella stood on the stony path of Dragonstone, overlooking the cliffs and sea as three large dragons flew overhead

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Ella stood on the stony path of Dragonstone, overlooking the cliffs and sea as three large dragons flew overhead. Jon informed Ella of his meeting with Tyrion earlier that day, and how he needed to meet with the Dragon Queen to persuade her to allow the mining of dragonglass.

The lone wolf stared at them as they flapped their giant wings and flew into the sunset. She was so mesmerized by the beauty of the dragons and Dragonstone that she didn't hear Daenerys or Jon approach her.

"Amazing thing to see, aren't they?" Daenerys's voice broke Ella's train of though.

"Yes, they are," Ella breathed, not looking from the creatures above her. Jon stayed silent while the girls spoke. "When I was a girl, I used to spend my days praying to the gods to allow me the chance to see a dragon. And here you are with three. It's incredible. ."

"I named them for my brothers, Viserys and Rhaegal. They're both gone now," Daenerys said as she looked to her children. "They're both gone now. You've lost two brothers, yes?"

Ella and Jon nodded in unison as the Dragon Queen continued her conversation. "People thought dragons were gone forever, but here they are. Perhaps we should all be examining what we think we know."

"You've been talking to Tyrion, I see?" Jon smiled as he looked out at the sea below.

"He is my hand," Daenerys admitted.

"He enjoys talking," Ella smiled. "If he wasn't reading, he attempted to talk my ear off on the way to Castle Black."

"Yes, he does. Though, I suppose we all enjoy what we're good at."

"I don't" Jon sighed. Ella saw the sad look on Jon's face. Her brother was good with a weapon and good at killing people.

"You know I'm not going to let Cersei stay on the Iron Throne," Daenerys said, looking between the twins.

"We never expected that you would," Jon confessed.

"And I haven't changed my mind which kingdoms belong to that throne," she said.

"I haven't either," Jon sighed.

The three sat in silence as Ella brooded over Daenerys's words. The North had been through so much already, and the lone wolf knew in her heart the northern lords would never bend the knee to a southern ruler again. Especially a Targaryen whose father murdered the Warden of the North, along with his son. Especially a Targaryen who kidnapped and raped her aunt Lyanna.

"I had a lovely chat with my hand this morning. He spoke to me about something called dragonglass," Daenerys turned to face Jon and Ella. "Said we have a mountain of it here. It's no use to me, so I figured you could mine it and forge weapons from it."

Jon looked at the dragon queen, hoping to catch any trace of lies or deceit, but there were none.

"Any resources or men you need, I will provide for you."

"Thank you," Jon sighed as Daenerys gazed out to the open sea.

"So do you believe us then, about the Night King and the Army of the Dead?" Ella asked the Dragon Queen. "You believe us when we say he's the real threat?"

She paused before responding. "You better get to work, Jon and Ella Snow."

Jon nodded, bidding Ella and Daenerys farewell as he began to climb the stairs back to the castle.

Ella watched Jon as he disappeared behind a corner, then turned back to the Dragon Queen. Daenerys had a hint of a smile on her face before it disappeared when Ella smirked at her.

"You like my brother, don't you?" She asked.

Daenerys remained emotionless as Ella continued. "It's quite all right, I assure you. I can tell by the way you look at him and he at you. I know because I have someone that I care about look at me like that."

"I hardly think Jon Snow looks at me in any way other than an ally," Daenerys stated. "I will admit that I admire his bravery and determination."

"Mmhmm," Ella muttered, not believing the words from the Targaryen girl. "So all that admiration you feel was for his bravery and determination while he was walking away, and not his looks?"

"I uh," Daenerys cleared her throat, "I better get going. If you'll excuse me Lady Ella, I must meet with my advisers. Farewell."

Ella gave the Dragon Queen a small wave as she made her way to the castle. Ella sighed, unsure if she liked the thought of Daenerys and Jon together. The Dragon Queen seemed nice enough, but Ella feared what would happen if the northern lords rejected her as their queen

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