Lost Brother

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"I never should have left her there," Samwell Tarly said with tears streaming down his face

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"I never should have left her there," Samwell Tarly said with tears streaming down his face.

Ella sat next to the round man as a few of Jon's brothers discussed the wildling attack from the previous night. Ella found out Sam housed a wildling girl in the town, a girl by the name of Gilly. And her small son, Sam. There was no news of the wildling girl, and it was safe to assume she did not survive the attack.

"You couldn't have known, Sam," Ella reassured the Tarly boy. She wrapped an arm around his shoulder to comfort him. "None of you could."

"Of course we could have known," he sighed. "The wildlings have been raiding the villages close by."

"We just cower in here while they slaughter our brothers," Grenn clenched his jaw while pacing back and forth.

"Our brothers had orders to stay at Castle Black," Edd sighed, leaning against a woden post.

"So it's all right then?" Grenn shouted. "Black Jack and Kegs and Mully chopped to pieces because they broke the rules?"

"I didn't say it was all right!" Edd replied. "I'm saying they shouldn't have been there."

"We're pledged to guard the realms of men," Grenn huffed.

"She's dead because of me," Sam whispered.

"Sam," Ella sighed. "That's not true, and you know it. You were keeping her safe."

"We can't even guard Mole's Town!" Grenn yelled.

"You can't go after them," Ella sighed. "You know that right? They want to draw you out of the castle. It's what they want."

"And little Sam," the Tarly boy whimpered. "It's as if I cut their throats myself."

"Maybe she managed to hide herself," Pyp said, trying to lift Sam's spirits. "I thought all of you was dead. You all went North with Mormont and none of you came back. Not for ages. But then you did."

"She survived Craster." Edd chimed in. "He was the worst shit I've ever met. She survived the long march to the Wall. She survived that white walker, for fuck's sake. She may have gotten out."

"She might have," Sam agreed.

"They hit Mole's Town." Ella said. "Castle Black was next on their list. I overheard Tormund discussing it with the Thenns. They're to hit the castle from the South, and Mance will attack from the North."

"His army has to be close then," Jon sighed.

"There's 100,000 of them," Ella said. "And how many of you?"

"One hundred and five," Grenn replied.

"You counting Black Jack and Kegs and Mully?" Edd asked. Grenn dropped his head. "A hundred and two."

"How do a hundred and two men stop a hundred thousand?" Pyp asked.

Ella heard Edd sigh as he walked to the edge of the table. He takes the flaggen of mead in his hand and pours a round for everyone. Jon passes Ella a cup, and she inhales the warm liquid to ease her nerves.

"Whoever dies last, be a good lad and burn the rest of us," Edd said. "Once I'm done with this world, I don't want to come back."

"Cheers to that," Ella sighed, raising her glass in the air.

The dining hall soon cleared out, and Ella was in her chambers with Jon. She invited her brother to her room to discuss the attack and defenses for the castle. Ella was tired of being a coward and longed to fight.

"That sounds like the best plan you have," Ella sighed, taking the seat next to her brother on her straw mattress.

"Aye it is," Jon stared at the floor as he felt Ella's eyes on him. She sighed loudly for everyone in Westeros to hear.

"What is it?" He asked, not looking from the ground.

"I've been thinking," she began, "with Ser Alliser as acting Lord Commander, and with winter coming, I'm afraid I can't stay here."

"Why not?" Jon furrowed his eyebrows. "Where else are you going to go?"

"Well," Ella sighed, "I figured once everything is done here, I can find Robb and ask him if I can join his army. Sansa is in King's Landing still, and I know Robb will need my help getting her back."

Jon's face fell at the mention of Robb Stark. He forgot that Ella did not know of his demise, for she was with the wildlings and knew nothing of the troubles South of Winterfell. She also did not know of Sansa's disappearance from the Capital after the death of Joffrey.

"Ella, I don't think you should leave here," Jon said.

"Why not?" Ella frowned and scrunched her eyes.

"Because," Jon paused. "Because I'd miss you too much."

"And I'd miss you, big brother," Ella smiled. "But it wouldn't be for forever. Just a little while. Until I find my place in this world"

Jon smiled weakly, wrapping his arm around Ella's shoulder. The girl leaned into his chest and sighed. Jon knew he couldn't lie to Ella forever, but for tonight, Ella deserved peace.

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