Goodbye for Now

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Ella stood on a balcony overlooking the courtyard with Jon, Sansa, and Davos

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Ella stood on a balcony overlooking the courtyard with Jon, Sansa, and Davos. Young children practiced with bows and arrows to prepare for the upcoming war against the Night King. A raven came earlier that day, and Jon wanted to discuss its contents with the three of them.

"You think it's really Tyrion?" Sansa asked as her eyes scanned the small parchment. "It could be someone trying to lure you into a trap."

"Read the last bit," Jon told the girls, motioning to the scroll in Sansa's hands.

The redheaded wolf unrolled the piece of paper and Ella found the last sentence and read it aloud. "All dwarfs are bastards in their fathers eyes."

"What does that mean?" Sansa questioned.

"It's something he said to me the first night we met." Jon turned to Ella and Sansa, looking between the two girls. "You know him better than anyone else here, Sansa. What do you think?"

"He was always kind to me during our time together. But, it's too great a risk. 'The Seven Kingdoms will bleed as long as Cersei sits on the Iron Throne. Join us. Together we can end her tyranny.'" Sansa reread the scroll.

"Sounds charming." Ella muttered as she scanned the paper. "Of course, the casual mention of a Dothraki horde, a legion of Unsullied make it a bit less charming. Three dragons make it more exciting, though. If they truly do exist."

Davos chuckled at Ella's words. His eyebrows raised as realization hit him. "What kills white walkers?" He asked.

"Dragonglass. Jon's friend Sam discovered that after they found a satchel at the Fist of the first men. He used a piece to kill a wight. Then, there's Jon's sword. I killed a white walker with it. Sliced right through him and he shattered into a million pieces. Then, fire. A couple of wights were at Castle Black, and Jon killed them with his lantern." Ella stated, recalling these events from her past. Ella instantly came back to earth once she realized where Davos was going with this conversation. "Fire. Daenerys Targaryen is the mother of three dragons. They themselves breathe fire. Their fire forged the bloody Iron Throne."

"You aren't suggesting Jon meet with this dragon queen," Sansa snarled.

"No, too dangerous," Davos shook his head at the thought of meeting the Targaryen girl face to face.

"But?" Jon began.

"But if the Army of the Dead makes it past the wall," Davos asked, "do we have enough men to fight them?"

"No," Jon stated as he gazed to the courtyard once more. "We don't."

Some hours later, Ella sat in the her room by the fire. Asena curled up at her feet while she gazed into the fire. A loud thud came from her door, causing her to glance in that direction. The door swung wide open, exposing Tormund Giantsbane. One hand was pressed against the door, and the other held a tray filled with meats and fruit.

"Hello," she greeted her wildling friend.

Tormund smirked at the lone wolf, sauntering into her room while slamming the door behind him.

"What have you got there?" Ella questioned her friend.

Tormund placed the serving tray onto the table next to Ella. He bent down on one knee, picking a grape off the silver tray. Ella plucked the small piece of fruit from his hand. Ella kept an eye on him as she bit into her food. Tormund grinned, watching Ella with a close eye.

"You sure know how to tease a man, don't ya?" Tormund grunted.

"I suppose so," Ella shrugged her shoulders. She smirked at the man who was now her height. "I thought you left already, Tormund."

"Aye," Tormund nodded his head, "we're about to head to the Wall. I just told Hollyn and Eira farewell. Their aunt is looking after them while I'm away. And now I came to see ya. I couldn't leave without saying goodbye to ya."

"Oh. Well, I suppose this is goodbye, then," Ella sighed, shifting in her seat. She turned away from the Wildling leader and attempted to avoid his gaze.

Tormund placed his hand under Ella's chin, turning her head to meet his eyes. "Don't do that," Tormund huffed.

"Do what?" Ella asked, playing off her coldness to the wildling man.

"Don't ignore me when I'm saying farewell to ya," he stated. "This could be the last time we see each other for awhile."

Ella pushed her chair back, rising from her seat. The lone wolf crossed her arms over her chest and glided over to the window. She felt Tormund slip behind her as he wrapped his large arms around her torso.

"I don't want to say goodbye to you," Ella said softly. "Everything right now is finally at peace. My brother and sister are here in Winterfell after seven long years. I have you and Asena. We finally have the chance to rest, and now you're going off to fight in another war."

Tormund turned Ella around, looking deep into her pale blue eyes. "Is that what you're afraid of?" Tormund asked. Her eyes swam with concern and sadness as she stared back. "Losing me?"

"No," Ella looked to the ground, then back up at Tormund. "Yes."

She pulled out of Tormund's embrace and walked to her bed, sitting down on the massive pile of furs. "I've already lost so many people, Tormund. Seven hells, I just watched my brother get shot in the heart with an arrow! I don't want to lose you. I can't lose you. I can' t lose anyone else."

Tears spilled from her eyes, causing Tormund to take a seat next to her side. He wrapped a strong arm around her shoulder, consoling the lone wolf as she mourned her losses.

"You won't lose me," Tormund promised the small girl. "And even if ya do, I want you to promise me something."

"And that is?" Ella asked, staring into the deep blue eyes of the wildling man.

"That you'll move on," Tormund said. "Promise me that if anything happens to me, you'll move on. Find ya a strong lad that can keep up with ya. Someone who can protect ya. I see the pain that you've held onto over the past few years, and I just want ya to be happy, girl. Have a happy, long life, even if I'm not in it."

Ella's mouth fell open, unsure of what to say. She knew Tormund was right, but she didn't want to admit it. Ella didn't know if she could make that promise. To move on with someone else.

"Is that it?" Ella asked. Tormund nodded his head. "Then, yes. I promise to move on."

Tormund pulled the girl into a tight hug, placing a kiss atop her head. "I'll see ya when this is all over, girl," Tormund rose from the bed. He strolled to the door, swinging it open. "The next time I see you, I'll be putting a baby in ya."

Ella smiled as the door shut softly behind him. The small girl relaxed into the fur covers. Asena jumped onto the bed, curling on top of Ella as she stroked Asena's black coat. Ella closed her eyes, silently praying to the gods that Tormund would return to her.

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