Simply Yes

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"Marry you?" Ella gasped

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"Marry you?" Ella gasped. "Tonight? But Tormund, I have no dress. We have no decorations or an officiant. We have only come out of a war. I hardly think now is the time-"

"If you say yes, my darling," Tormund looked down at her, "you will have nothing to worry about. Sansa is already taking care of everything. The dress, the food, everything. And a wedding is what the crows want. It will make them happy and forget about the past war, as well as the upcoming war."

"But Tormund, I-"

"I only ask you say yes or no," he huffed. "Only that. No other words need to come from that pretty mouth."

Ella bit her bottom lip, thinking long and hard before replying. She loved this man more than anything in the whole world. But, if she were to say yes, where would they live? Where would they go? She wouldn't want to live in Winterfell without him. But on the other hand, she knew she didn't want to force Tormund to stay here and be miserable. 

"So," Tormund said, taking her hands, "what'll it be, girl? Are we going to get married and have giant, beautiful babies? Or am I going to leave ya here when the snow clears up?"

Ella gazed into his swimming blue eyes. His eyebrows furrowed together, not knowing what his little crow would say. On one hand, Ella was drawn to Jon and Daenerys' fight for the throne in King's Landing. Seeing that through would help establish a new life for her and her family. 

On the other hand, Ella loved Tormund and didn't want to part from him. After everything they have been through, she did not want to leave him. 

"Yes," Ella responded simply.

"To which one girl?" Tormund grunted, unsure of what her answer meant. "I asked ya two questions."

Ella tugged on Tormund's arm, pulling him down to her height. The flames from the hearth danced across his blue eyes as he longingly waited for her answer.

"I'm simply saying yes," Ella replied. "Yes to you, yes to our future. Simply yes."

Tears began to well in their eyes after Ella's response.

"You're not lying to me, are ya, little wolf?" Tormund huffed, staring at Ella in disbelief. Part of him worried that she gave him the answer he wanted.

"No," Ella said. "Tormund, this is what I really want. I want to be with you and only you. You have shown me more love in just one sentence than any other man has every shown me in all of my life. You're the one I desire, more than anything else in the world. More than dragons or gold. It's you I pick. You're my family, my home. And wherever you go, I will go as well."

"I want you as well, little wolf," Tormund gave her a gentle smile, "but are you absolutely sure this is what you want? I don't want to make ya feel trapped or like I'm forcing ya to do this."

"Tormund, it's been a long time I have done something for myself. I've known for a long time that I wanted you. You are the first one to make me feel special, wanted. We've been through so much together. I can't escape you, Tormund. You've become my world. I'm not trapped. With you, I have everything. You make me forget my troubles and woes. I need you, and I hope you need me in some ways, too," Ella grinned ear to ear. She couldn't imagine a life without Tormund at this point. 

Tormund stood up, scooping Ella into his arms. He placed a kiss atop her head, then pulled her into a tight hug. The two remained in each other's embrace, until a soft knock from the door interrupted the pair.

"Yes?" Ella called out, lifting her head from Tormund's chest. 

The door slowly opened, revealing the bright red hair of her sister, Sansa. The eldest Stark daughter smiled at the pair as she glided into the room. 

"I hate to break up the love session here," Sansa smiled, "but we are a bit behind schedule. I need to steal your blushing bride away, Tormund."

Sansa took Ella's hand in hers, dragging her away from Tormund. 

"I suppose I'll see you tonight?" Ella said as the pair separated.

Tormund chuckled and winked as his love disappeared behind the door.

"We'll see you later, Tormund," Sansa called as the girls made their way down the hall. "Don't be late! We begin at sundown! Ella will be waiting for you!"

"Sansa, I'm afraid I have nothing to wear, nor do I know how to do my hair," Ella huffed as she followed behind the red headed beauty. 

"Don't worry, my dear sister," Ella could hear the smile in Sansa's voice. "I have it all planned out. Your future husband will not even recognize you when I am done with you."

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