Ella Stark

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"I ordered Mance Rayder burned at the stake," Stannis Baratheon scolded the Snow twins

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"I ordered Mance Rayder burned at the stake," Stannis Baratheon scolded the Snow twins. Both Ella and Jon in the Lord Commander's office, before the self-proclaimed king. Ella angered the man the night she put an arrow through Mance's heart. Stannis was not happy with Jon, and even less thrilled that a girl defied his orders.

"You prevented that order from being carried out." He snarled. "You showed mercy to Mance Rayder. A king's word is law. Why don't you ask Ser Davos how much mercy I show to law breakers?" Stannis motiones to his advisor.

Ella watched as the older man twisted his gloves hands together, a motion that Ella found quite strange.

"If you show too much kindness, people won't fear. And if they don't fear you, people won't follow you." Stannis spoke, though his eyes flickered to Ella's brother.

"It's a good thing that I'm not a leader," Ella smirked. Spending a lot of time around Castle Black and the wildlings caused Ella to become smarter and bolder with her words.

"With respect, your Grace," Jon spoke, "the Free Folk will never follow you, no matter what you do or promise them."

"He's right," Ella said. "The Free Folk will never follow the man who burned their king alive."

"Who then? You? Your brother?" Stannis nodded to Jon.

"No. Jon is a brother of the Watch, and the wildlings would never follow a woman. They'll only follow one of their own." Ella stated, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Do you know this wretched girl? Lyanna Mormont?" Stannis sighed, then picked a piece of paper off the desk. He slid it across the table, and Ella took it in her hands.

"Isn't that Commander Mormont's niece?" Ella asked Jon. Her brother nodded.

"Lady of Bear Island, and a child of ten. I asked her to commit her house to my cause, and that's her response," Stannis pointed to the scroll in Ella's hands.

Ella opened the paper and read the child's words aloud. "Bear Island knows no king but the King in the North, whose name is Stark."

Ella smiled at the girl's words written across the crinkled paper. She did not know Lady Mormont, but Ella already liked the fierceness and loyalty from such a young girl.

"That amuses you, girl?" Stannis asked in a deep voice.

Ella froze in her spot, not knowing what to say. Before she could respond, Jon stepped in to help his sinking sister.

"Forgive my sister, your Grace. I'm sure she meant no disrespect. It's just that Northerners can be a bit like the Free Folk. Loyal to their own."

Ella nodded, rolling the scroll tightly and placing back on the desk.

"Trust me, I know." Stannis scoffed. "My brother went on, often and loudly, about how difficult it was to control them. Even with your father's help."

"Tonight, the Night's Watch picks a new Lord Commander. Ser Alliser Thorne is going to win," Ser Davos said to Jon.

"Most likely," Jon sighed.

"He's an unpleasant man. He thinks your sister is a traitor to Westeros, and thinks you are one as well. He'll most likely send your sister away. Tell us, what is your life going to be like with Thorne in command?"

"I imagine he will," Jon said. "And life here will be unpleasant with him in command."

"The bravery of your sister made him look weak in the eyes of the other men here." Stannis stated. "He'll send Miss Snow away and will most likely punish you in her stead. Now, I don't punish those for bravery. I reward them."

"I don't doubt it, your Grace. But from what I gather right now, you want me to do something for you. Something that involves me turning my back on the Night's Watch. I've sworn my sword to this cause. I've sworn my life," Jon stated, his eyes fixated on the King. "Besides, I have nothing else to give you."

"You can give me the North," Stannis said simply. "You and your sister."

"We can't," Ella sighed. "Even if Jon or I wanted to, we're bastards. Snow, not Stark."

"Kneel before me, the both of you," Stannis said. "Lay your sword at my feet. Pledge me your services and you will rise as Jon and Ella Stark, Lord and Lady of Winterfell."

Ella felt her heart race and her hands begin to tremble. Her eyes glossed over at the thought of becoming a true Stark. It was the only thing she and Jon wanted as children, the honor of bearing their father's name. Becoming a true member of House Stark. 

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