The Executioner's Toll

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Days passed slowly while nights grew longer and colder

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Days passed slowly while nights grew longer and colder. Snow began to cover every inch of Castle Black's courtyard with each second that ticked by. One cold afternoon, Ella sat by Sam and Edd, alongside the other brothers, gathered in the mess hall after a training session concluded. She was unsure why Jon called a meeting, but it was important enough for Stannis and Ser Davos to attend.

Jon sat at the head table, surrounded by two advisors. Ella noticed the empty chair to Jon's right as Jon anxiously tapped his fingers.

"Sam," her brother called out, causing the boy to glance up from his stew. "Maestar Aemon?" Jon's eyes flickered to the empty seat.

"Maestar Aemon apologizes for not being here," Sam informed the Lord Commander. "He's not feeling well."

"Take good care of him," Jon sighed. Ella could see the worry spread across Jon's face at the news of Maestar Aemon's health. Jon and Ella cared for the elderly man, and the Snow twins did not want to lose another person they cared for.

Jon looked from Sam and addressed the men of the Watch. Silence filled the room as Jon began to speak. "As you all know too well, it's long past time to dig a latrine pit." His announcement caused an outbreak of laughter. "First builder Yarwyck and I have decided to appoint a latrine captain to oversee this crucial task."

A few men chuckled as Jon smiled, eyeing Ser Alliser closely before looking to a younger man in the back. "Brian," Jon called out, "seems like a good job for a ginger."

The brothers surrounding Ella and Sam laughed once more, clanking their mugs of mead on the tables. Ella smiled slightly as Jon continued to assign tasks to his men. "Ser Alliser, you have more experience than any other ranger at Castle Black. You proved your valor many times over while defending the Wall from the wildling attack. I name you First Ranger."

Ella looked to Edd and Sam, both as confused as she. Jon did not care for Ser Alliser, so why would Jon name him first ranger?

"Lord Janos," Jon continued, causing silence to spread around the room, "I'm giving you command of Greyguard.

Ella turned to the man, noticing the anger flicker in his small eyes. "Greyguard is a run," he scoffed.

"Yes, the fort is in a sorry state. Restore it as best as you can. First Builder Yarwyck can spare ten of his best-"

"I was charged with the defense of King's Landing when you were soiling your swaddling clothes, along with your sister over there. Keep your ruin." He snapped at the Lord Commander.

Several members of the Watch spoke loudly at Lord Janos' outburst. Ella rolled her eyes at his childish behavior. A grown man complaining about a task he was assigned. Ella thought he was foolish.

"All right, all right!" Sam said, hushing the displeased men. "That's enough of that."

"You mistake me, my Lord. That was a command, not an offer. Pack your arms and armor. Say your farewells, and ride for Greyguard," Jon informed the man, which only angered Lord Janos further.

"I will not go meekly off to freeze and die," Janos snarled, rising from his seat. "Give it to one of the fools who cast a stone for you. I will not have it. Do you hear me boy? I will not hear it!" His shouts echoed through the silent mess hall. Even Ella feared what Jon may do to the man who defied his orders.

"Are you refusing to obey my order?" Jon asked.

Tension filled the air as several people faced Lord Janos. Only the crackling of the fire could be heard while Janos challenged the Lord Commander.

"You can stick your order up your bastard ass," Janos said through gritted teeth while glaring at Jon.

Ella's eyes darted to Jon, whose face remained stoic. Only his sister could see the rage behind his brown orbs. Ella knew Lord Janos would not survive much longer at Castle Black for disrespecting the Lord Commander.

"Take Lord Janos outside," Jon commanded in a calm tone. Edd and a few other brothers instantly rose from their seats. "Olly, bring me my sword."

The small boy stood up and scampered away to retrieve Longclaw. Ella turned in her seat, her eyes followed Edd as he walked towards Lord Janos. Ser Alliser stood between the two men, for a moment. Lord Janos smirked, until Alliser stepped to the left, allowing Edd full access to the doomed man.

Edd grabbed Lord Janos by the shoulder, forcing him outside as several other men obeyed Jon's command.

"Stop, you cannot do this! Get your hands off me!" Lord Janos' shouts could be heard from the mess hall as the men of the Watch escorted him down the flight of stairs.

Ella remained with Jon as every other men made their way to the courtyard. Jon sat for a moment, then finished his ale. Ella trailed behind her brother as he left the mess hall. He trotted down the stairs, grabbing his sword from Olly along the way. Men on either side cleared a path for the Lord Commander as he headed towards the executioner's block.

Ella stood alongside Sam and Edd as Jon unsheathed Longclaw. Lord Janos was bent over the block, awaiting his fate. Jon looked Lord Janos directly in the eye. The man began to tremble as Jon spoke to the man. "If you have any last words, my lord, now is the time."

Ella recalled the words her father all of the Stark children were taught at an early age. "The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. If you would take a man's life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die."

Ella knew Jon lived by these words, and if he felt it was right for Lord Janos to die, then it had to be done.

"I was wrong!" the man cried. "You're the Lord Commander. We all serve you. I'm sorry! Not only for this, but for all I've done and said. I was wrong!"

Jon raised his sword, but was stopped by the outcry of Lord Janos. "My lord, please! Have mercy! Mercy! I'll go. I will! Please, I'm afraid. I've always been afraid!

Ella fixed her eyes on Jon, watching as his face scrunched. A small habit he developed as a child. An expression he always made right before doing something dangerous.

In one swift motion, Jon lifted his sword and sliced through Janos's neck. Jon caught Ella's attention, before she turned away. Ella now understood why her father never let her join him on his executions. It was hard to watch a man die, and the poor girl did not know how much more loss she could take. Little did Ella know that this was just the beginning of death, and more was to come in the following months and years.

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