King of the Seven Kingdoms

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"The King is coming down our road!" Bran exclaimed as he shimmied down a high wall of Winterfell

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"The King is coming down our road!" Bran exclaimed as he shimmied down a high wall of Winterfell.

King Robert of the House Baratheon wrote to Ned Stark nearly a month ago. He informed the Northern lord of the death of Jon Arryn, the King's Hand. Jon was named after Lord Arryn, as their father was raised by Lord Arryn during his time in the Vale.

Ned suspected that Robert rode thousands of miles to Winterfell to ask the lord to take Jon Arryn's place. Ella had a feeling that this was true, but she prayed to the old gods that her father would not accept the position. The girl was frightened to be left in Winterfell with Catelyn Stark.

Ella stood beside Maestar Luwin as Lady Stark called for her son. The lady fussed at Bran for climbing, making him promise he won't do it again. The small boy glanced to his feet before responding. Ella smiled, knowing that her brother was lying. A trait they both shared.

Maestar Luwin shuffled behind Bran, following the young boy as they made their way to the courtyard of the castle. Lady Stark turned to Ella, looking at her in disgust.

Ella tried to make herself as presentable as possible. She tied her long brown hair back into a nice braid flowing down her back. She wore a light blue cloak that matched her skin tone very well. The young girl even put on her best dress for the King's arrival.

Lady Stark towered over Ella's small stature. The woman's Tully blue eyes stared deeply into her pale ones.

"You and that brother of yours will stand behind us. You are not to look at the King or his family directly in the eye. Bow when we bow, and make yourself scarce during their visit. I will not have you embarrass the Stark family. You and your brother will eat in your chambers tonight during the feast. I do not want you disgracing the King and Queen with your disgusting presence. Do I make myself clear?" Lady Stark snarled, her nostrils flaring as she spoke to the small girl.

Ella nodded her head in agreement before running off. Asena ran behind her human as she dashed for the kennels. Ella stroked her wolf on the head before putting her in the stall. Lady Stark was already upset with her. Ella did not want the woman to throw her wolf into the wild.

Ella bid farewell to her friend, then quickly dashed to the courtyard. She stood to the right of her brother, hiding behind her father's tall stature. A thing she did as a child. Ella always felt protected standing behind him. His tall figure masked her small frame, and she felt safe with him shielding her from the evil in the world.

The sound of hooves trotting echoed through the courtyard. Ella's eyes landed on the hoardes of soldiers riding through the gates. A young boy with blond hair and a red cloak was accompanied by a large man wearing a hound helmet. Ella assumed it was the young prince, Joffrey Baratheon. The young girl swore she heard her sister Sansa sigh out of admiration for the young prince.

A wooden carriage decorated in ornate paintings traveled through the gates next. Followed by King Robert himself. Ella expexted a lean, handsome man, not a fat man with a pink face whose horse looked like it wouod buckle under the weight of its rider.

Ella watched as the king dismounted his horse. The people of Winterfell bowed in respect for the King. Ella kept her eyes on the ground as the King trudged through the mud.

Ella saw her father rise, and she followed suit. Everyone else followed their lord, and eagerly watched as the King and Ned eyed each other closely.

"You got fat," the King pointed to her father's stature.

Ella held her breath as Ned nodded in the King's direction, before each of the men let out a hearty chuckle.

"Cat!" The man pulled Lady Stark into a hug. Ella couldn't help but smile at the disheveled look upon the lady's face.

"Nine years it's been," King Robert smiled at his old friend. "I haven't seen you. Where in the seven hells have you been?"

"Guarding the North for you," Ned replird. "Your Grace, Winterfell is yours."

Ella glanced over her father's shoulders. The Queen and the young prince and princess exited the carriage. The children stood to the side as the Queen strolled over to the welcoming party.

Ella completely missed Robert inspecting each Stark child, for her attention was on the great Southern beauty. Ella heard tales of the Lannister beauty, but never did she think she would see this for herself.

Ella found herself stepping back, instantly feeling insecure as the Queen glided around the courtyard. Her long blond hair flowed down her back, swaying along with her beautiful red gown.

Ella sighed, knowing she would never be that beautiful or dress that exquisitely. The Queen could have any man in the country, and Ella would be lucky if a goat farmer ever looked at her. For she was a bastard, with no wealth, no lands, no titles. And who would ever love a girl like that? 

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